Favorite fish rub for fish

  • notyourmomma 16 years ago
    We smoke a lot of fish...mackeral, mullet, salmon, even shrimp.

    Use a light touch with the lemon pepper, seasoned salt, a tiny bit of onion powder and we use a light smoking wood. Mesquite is too heavy, oak is too strong. I like applewood. Very low fire and lots of butter lemon baste? What is your favorite method for fish?
  • chefwithtaste 16 years ago said:
    I mostly grill fish with a pre-made rub (bad chef bad chef). But your recipe above sounds really good will try.
    I like to smoke salmon a few times a year. Found this recipe about ten years ago when I first started to smoke. Really simple. It really is some of the best salmon you'll ever taste.

    Use about 8 lbs. of salmon
    1 c. non-iodized salt
    1/2 c. brown sugar
    1 c. white sugar
    2 qts. water
    1 sm. bottle crescent seafood seasoning or half a can of Old Bay Seasoning if you can't find crescent
    2 to 3 crumbled bay leaves
    1 tsp. rosemary

    1 bottle white wine
    2 lbs. brown sugar

    Cut salmon into squares about 2 to 3 inches thick and 4 inch squares. Marinate 10 to 12 hours in brine solution (make sure all salmon is immersed).
    Rinse under cold water.
    Cook 1 bottle of wine and 2 pounds sugar just until sugar dissolves (don't boil). Marinate first in this for 1 hour. Place fish on racks to dry slightly (should have a nice glazed coating on it). Place on racks and smoke 10 to 12 hours. (8 hours for smaller pieces.) Add smoking chips every hour or 1 1/2 hours (apple or cherry chips are good).
    Note: Put skin side up and smaller pieces on top shelf.

  • pat2me 16 years ago said:
    Chef.........so glad I bought that kitchen calculator...this sounds great.

    NYM, so does your recipe..........where do you get the applewood chips?
  • pat2me 16 years ago said:
    Question........if salmon is wonderful planked on cedar.....wouldn't cedar chips work with your recipe too, NYM?

    I still want to try the apple though!
  • chefwithtaste 16 years ago said:
    cedar would work just fine, has a sharp flavor. you'll see with this recipe it is really kind of sweet. As my wife says "its like candy". Wal-Mart here in MO carries apple and so does West Lakes hardware store. Hope this helps... Cheers, Mark
  • pat2me 16 years ago said:
    Thanks, we usually pick up untreated boards at the lumber yard and cut them ourselves.......way more economical and we can cut them to the sze we need.

    Will ty and find some apple...f not....Wal-Mart!
  • jimrug1 16 years ago said:
    On our yearly fishing trips to Michigan, I usually end up with a freezer full of salmon. My friends all leave part of their catch with me. I smoke it and give it back to whoever caught it. By far, the recipe they like the best is also one of the simplest and very close to chefs method.

    I cut the larger fillets in half, scale them well and leave the skin on.

    I brine the salmon over night in 1 cup salt & 1 cup light brown sugar per gallon of water....

    I don't use a rub for this recipe.
    Instead of wine and sugar (which I am going to try) I use one part Scotch and one part Honey.. Warm it in a saucepan until the honey melts.

    Rinse off the brine and pat the fillets dry. Pour some of the Scotch and honey into a long baking pan, dip the fillets, and set them on a rack with a fan blowing on them.

    I return the unused Scotch and Honey to the saucepan and reduce it down by half.

    After the fillets are dry and have a nice sheen. I put them on the smoker for about 6 - 10 hours removing the smaller pieces when they are done. I mop them about every 1 - 1 1/2 hours with the Scotch Glaze whenever I add chips. The end result is a nicely glazed piece of salmon that melts in your mouth.

    My cousin lives in Washington and sends me alder wood. It imparts a wonderful flavor to the salmon. Sometimes I mix it with apple or cherry wood
  • witchywoman 16 years ago said:
    I don't brine my salmon. I just sprinkle coarse balck papper, hickory salt, garlic powder and put in foil with holes poked in the bottom and smoke it over alder and apple wood chips. It's soft, and really good.

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