Veggie and Sausage Soup

  • gkwillow 12 years ago
    posted by Olivia63
    Veggie And Sausage Soup

    Wonderful, YUM soup!... changes I made: started out with 1 lb pork sausage instead of the 1/2 lb that the recipe lists...also added onion, used diced tomatoes (not sure what pasta style tomatoes are) and a small can of roasted garlic tomato sauce along with the beef broth (instead of adding the additional water).

    I didn't use the slow cooker, so just simmered for about 30 minutes until the potatoes and carrots were tender, then added the zucchini and continued simmering until it was cooked and the flavors were nicely blended.

    Had to keep reminding myself to be sure and remove the bay leaf. Didn't want to choke. :) Be sure to add salt to taste.
  • frankieanne 12 years ago said:
    Uh oh - I still see the bay leaf in the picture. :)
    That looks really easy! I'm not crazy about garbanzos but I'll bet cannellini would be great in this! Thanks for showing us. Yummy looking picture.
  • gkwillow 12 years ago said:
    I left that there just for you - so you could spy it with your little eye! :)
    Actually, I thought about using cannellini beans and even had the can out on the counter but since the recipe called for garbanzos I decided I better stick with that. I do not like the skins on the garbanzos, so I put them in a colander and rubbed them between my fingers while rinsing them to get rid of any that might still be there. Thank you for checking out my thread and adding your post! :)
  • frankieanne 12 years ago said:
    I also meant to say that I probably would have used a whole pound of sausage, too. I love a meaty soup!
  • mrpiggy 12 years ago said:
    That looks good GK. I really need to try and make a soup. The cold weather is getting close. It was in the low 30's yesterday. All the truck windows were iced up at work. It seemed like it took me all day to thaw. I dont usually get cold, but yesterday had me in goose bumps. I could have used some of this soup. I think I would have used those cannellini beans too, which I had for lunch today.

    "Spy with your little eye" was a game I used to play with the kids on long road trips. "I spy with my little eye" Then they would have to guess what it was that I was looking at which would have been orange....I think I might have to try this ( the soup, I mean). I hope its easy. Thanks for the heads up

    Question, many garbanzo beans did you have to skin? That seems like a lot of work. Im picturing poor little naked garbanzo thingies rolling around your floor : O
  • DetroitTokyo 12 years ago said:
    Looks delish! Kind of similar to one I made. Interesting about the garbanzo skins..

    I Spy.. played that with my nieces in the car this summer :-) Thanks for conjuring the memory.

    Indeed it is soup weather here! Frost on the grass when I walked Tokyo this evening.
  • gkwillow 12 years ago said:
    Oooh...Mr. P Can I play the game too? Let me spied something orange with your little eye. Could it be............a...........carrot? :P

    And I have a question for you too .......> how were you going to use the cannellini beans in the soup if you already ate them for lunch? :P
  • gkwillow 12 years ago said:
    Thanks DT for joining us in this thread! Good to see you again and thanks for the comment! :)

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