Flapjack Friday!

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Please excuse me (and tell me!) if I've already shown you guys this cake picture that I saw on the Leite's Culinaria Facebook page a month or so ago.I'd meant to share it and then forgot (I think) Isn't it gorgeous? It' a maple Belgian waffle cake recipe with Maple Buttercream between the layers. I think it's SO fun! :) I looked quickly on the net for a recipe and came across this one.


    A few of them just pour maple syrup over the layers and some sites suggested that it was a perfect cake to serve at a brunch. Again, SO much fun! :)

    And then, if that's not decadent enough, I saw the Pumpkin Pie Sundae and milkshake picture on Instagram recently. It's from a restaurant here in Ottawa that I've never been to called "Flapjacks". Holy sugar high eh? :)

    Not sure what to make for dinner tonight. Jim and I are going to a local theatre production at 7 p.m. , so it'll be early for us to eat. We have errands to run in town this afternoon so maybe we'll grab lunch in town and I could just make us some Won Ton soup or something just before we leave for the show.

    Still rainy, and VERY wet here but it's still gorgeous with all the colourful leaves! Wishing everyone a fantastic Friday!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    For whatever reason the Pumpkin pie sundae picture wouldn't upload here so I stuck it in my avatar picture instead. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Morning Janet! No, I’m pretty sure you have not posted that delicious looking photo of the cake, yum!! Too cool, I have never seen anything like it :) And wow on that pumpkin pie sundae! Look, I’m starting my “diet” today and you are not helping lol :P Have fun at your theatre production!!

    Michael is off today so I am putting him to work lol, and I’ll be doing just as much too :) We need to mow and trim up the bushes. Then wash the truck, it needs it badly. Tonight with Girl Scouts we are dropping off and setting up for a rummage sale we are having tomorrow at a bank meeting room for our fundraiser. So we need to pull everything down from the attic that we have been storing for years, no telling what is up there and how much there is. Then it all needs to be loaded up in the truck. Since I ended up making dinner last night, leftovers will be for tonight :) Wishing everyone a great Friday!!
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    Wow, I've heard of Mille Crepes, a layered cake made with many layers of crepes, but never waffles! That sounds delish! A Pumpkin Pie Sundae Milkshake, now that is taking the pumpkin drinks to a whole new level, LOL ;) Enjoy your evening at the theatre Janet! :)

    Hi Michelle, sounds like a busy day for you guy's! Hopefully you get it all done today. I LOVE the pictures you added to my Spiced Pumpkin Scones recipe!! Thanks again for making them! I'm so glad they turned out for you, now you might have to try some other scones recipes sometime. Well, when your not dieting of course! :P

    The weather has been nice here, double digit's at least! The Trumpeter and Tundra swans have been flocking to the pond by the dozens. We saw 3 V formations leaving this morning, as well as geese and other water fowl all week. It's high traffic season at the pond, arrivals, departures and some staying for a few days rest ;)
    I have bone in chicken thighs that I will roast. Probably this way as we haven't had it in awhile, with just the spice rub Spice Roasted Chicken Quarters Roasted potatoes on the side, and sautéed green and yellow wax beans with garlic and shallots.
    Sophia's appt. went great, her tubes are securely in place, they are just bigger so I notice them more when looking in her ears. He said these bigger tubes are meant to last at least 18 months. And she should be ok to swim with them too, so that made her happy! Not much on the agenda today, washing sheets and probably wash the dogs too.

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Good luck with all your jobs today Michelle! It'll be kind of fun to pull down all the things you've been storing in the attic. I'm wondering if you will keep anything you had previously tagged as 'get rid of'. :)

    How lovely @ the Trumpeter and Tundra swans Shona! That'd be so cool. I'd love to see something like that. That chicken recipe looks yummy. HURRAY at Sophia's appointment going so well. That's great news!

    Jim and I have decided to head to an Indian Buffet place for lunch and then do a bowl of Won Ton soup before we head to the Play. It is pouring rain. So crazy. We haven't had this much rain in a very long time. I'm not complaining. Our pond is filling up which is nice if we want to skate on it this winter. Made toasted Western's for brekkie and am just cleaning up the kitchen before I jump in the shower. I'm suspicious we may have a mouse in the house. I went to feed the birds this morning and the ice cream bucket that houses my seed in the pantry has a bunch of chewed seeds on top and empty shells on the floor. I've had a chipmunk upstairs before but never a mouse. Jim's going to set a trap and we'll see what happens.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    I have never heard of a waffle cake either! It looks very cool as well as the pumpkin pie sundae, Janet. Enjoy your lunch and your event tonight. UGH on maybe having a mouse!
    Good luck cleaning out your attic for the rummage sale, Michelle.

    I am delighted to hear, Sophia's appoint went well, Shona. Very nice on being able to see the swans and birds on the pond.

    We aren't up to too much today b/c it is raining again. Not that I mind it as all the trees and things need it after such a dry summer. Den will have a rib eye steak and fries for dinner and at the moment I don't have a clue what I will have.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Afternoon Everyone! Happy Friday!

    Love the cake picture Janet and especially love the pumpkin pie milkshake! God Bless the person who can finish one (LOL!) but I bet it sure is goooood!
    Have fun at the theater ... what show will you see?
    Let us know what you catch when you catch it, probably a mouse.

    I bet washing a truck is a real challenge Michelle. I know washing my SUV is and it's not even a huge one. Good luck with the rummage sale. Hope it brings in lots of $$ for the girls.

    The swans must be a sight to see Shona! Such beautiful birds. Are they noisy like geese? Happy to hear DD doctor appointment went well. Any clues why she is still so sensitive to getting sick?

    Hi Joce. How was your drive the other day?

    Nice to hear you took the RV out Karen and enjoyed the trip and that Fritz did well. Are you comfortable with everything you have for it ... anything more you think you might get?

    It's a really nice day here so we decided to take a ride down to Naples and have pizza (finally!) and salad at California Pizza Kitchen and then after we walked the dog around the mall (it's an outside one). After that we stopped at Whole Foods but I'm not sure why, DH wanted to go in but he didn't buy anything out of the ordinary. He bought a couple cans of soup (yuk!) and a couple avocados and some limes. We didn't need anything so I didn't buy anything.
    Going to go to the gym in a bit and probably make DH a can of soup for dinner since we are both very full from lunch.
    That's it here for now.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Oh forgot to ask Karen ... when you go away what do you do with the chickens and horses and cats?
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi. Janet, what a cake! Maybe a bit of overkill on the pumpkin pie shake - LOL! NO idea why the one pix didn't load, crazy site maybe. Boo on the mouse in the house. Fritz is the mouse catcher around here -- except he wants to eat them. Ugh !

    Michelle, I would gain ten pounds just looking at that pumpkin waffle cake recipe.

    Shona, cool on the swans passing through!

    Hi Joce!

    Linda, we have a friend come over and feed the horses. We load up the chickens on water and food -- they are fine inside the coop for a couple of days, any longer and he will check on them and refill, esp. water. The cats are okay up to five days, then we have our daughter come in and replenish. They are used to being self sufficient.

    We put Mary down today. The vet felt that she probably had liver or kidney or ??? issues along with the rest, her circulation was bad and she was about 17, a nice old age for a cat. I feel good, though, that she was given a good life after we got her. It is part of the cycle of life.

    Fritz got his bordadello (? sp.) shot today so we can board him when he go pick up Wayne's sister.

    Having a quiet cup of coffee in the sun room before I get to work. AC, Mel, and Trouble are outside and Mauser is plaintively meowing and scratching the sun room door -- she is not yet brave enough to go outside. Poor baby.

    Best go. See you later.
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Hi Shona, yes, I honestly was scouring the internet for scones recipes, just to see what I could find. I don’t save or bookmark many, because I alway thought them to be dry :) We haven’t had chicken thighs in forever, I really need to pick some up next time I go to the store and give us something other than beef in the freezer. Awesome that Sophia’s tubes are looking good and wow that she can swim with them! So she doesn’t have to wear the little wax ear plugs or anything?

    Janet, I did find a few things I want to keep and a few things that were in a “keep” bag that I wasn’t sure why I wanted to keep. Lol. I did find a box with a bunch of really cool toys my Dad gave me from my childhood a while back including a Teddy Ruxpin, a vintage talking Mickey Mouse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmu1SDybGcE that I plan on picking up batteries to see if it still works. Found an astronaut cabbage patch doll from the 80’s plus a cabbage patch doll still in packaging from the year I was born 83’. Michael said I was a spoiled child and that all he had to play with were sticks, ROFL!!

    Glad you are getting more needed rain Joce!

    Yes Linda, washing a truck IS challenging, especially when I do it by myself, so at least this time I had Michael to help me and he did all the top and hard to reach parts :) I do have a long handled sponge thing that works really well when he’s not here though. Sounds like you got your pizza fix! Lol! Too funny on DH wanting to go to Whole Foods for no apparent reason, that sounds like me and your reaction sounds like Michael :P

    It’s good to hear you taking Mary being put down so well. It is sad, but like you say, it’s the circle of life and she couldn’t have been happy with either kidney or liver failure. You gave her a good life :)

    I forgot to say earlier that it cooled off!!! It was in the 60’s this morning and is now holding strong in the low 70’s, my FAVORITE weather!! So we picked a great day to do all of our outside chores :) I’m pooped though and in a few hours we have to head down to unload and unpack all of our things for the rummage sale which will be a huge task. Most stuff is in garbage bags and needs to still be gone through, mostly clothes, but I just figured I’d wait until we got there to do as it would all just get messed up and unfolded again anyway...sigh..
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    I'm so sorry to hear about Mary ... it's always a good feeling to give an animal a home they deserve but so sad when the time comes that they leave.

    I love this quote and feel it's very appropriate for you today ...
    "The kindness one does for an animal may not change the world ... but it will, change the world for that one animal".
    RIP Mary Cat.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Hi Joce! YUM on Den's Rib-eye but I'm even too full to want that at the moment. :) Jim and I just got back from "The East India Company" in Bells Corners and we're both stuffed to the gills. :) Does he make home made fries or store bought ones? More rain forecast for over night and into tomorrow. I'm glad we got that water proofing membrane put on the garage wall when we did! The weather network says we have a rainfall warning with the possibility of flooding in low lying areas. Does Den go back to work Monday?

    The play we're going to see is entitled "Dearly Beloved" Linda. The tag is: "Comedy, Texas style! A wedding, three sisters, and 300 pounds of Texas barbecue. What could possibly go wrong?" :) I'd have liked to accompany you to Whole Foods. I've only been once, and even if I didn't 'need' something, I am positive I could find something to buy no problemo. :)

    My sympathies Karen, on Mary's passing. She was very lucky to have found you.

    That's fun you came across some neat treasures in the attic Michelle and fun that your Dad saved some of your toys. I've got some of Benjamin's too for some day in the future when he may have kids. Mainly Thomas the Tank Engine stuff. What will you do with the stuff that doesn't sell at the Rummage sale?

    Jim and I got our errands done. We switched banks today. Had been with Scotiabank forever and are now with TD. It's closer plus they have an account that gives a lot of perks including covering the annual fee on a Visa card that gives us Priority boarding and 21 days of free travel medical insurance. So new Cable company and new Bank. What's next I wonder? :)

    Picked up a 50 lb. bag of peanuts at the Hardware store for my birds and squirrels. Lunch at the Indian restaurant, really good Tandoori chicken and Butter Chicken. We're going to be too full still when we leave to eat anything more but I'll have chicken broth thawed so I can make us Won Ton soup when we get home.

    Cuddled up by the pellet stove and can hear the rain on the metal roof. Verra nice.

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