Good Morning Monday!

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! There are a few snowflakes coming down. Looks kind of funny as they're so intermittent. Gray out again. We sure didn't see a lot of sunshine this winter.

    Chicken Katsu
    for dinner this evening with Edamame on the side. Jim doesn't like the Katsu sauce but I'll offer him Sweet Chili sauce or he can eat it plain. I have a craving that over-rides his likes today. LOL.

    Jim and I are going to do our work out once we're finished sipping our coffee and then Jim is going to continue on with the flooring in the rumpus room. I'm going to paint the walls in the area just as you come down into the basement from the stairs. It'll be a lot easier to do it when I don't have to worry about flooring or ceiling etc.

    Sorry to hear your GS is sick Karen. Hope he feels better today. LOL @ pie for supper. That's excellent ! Very glad to hear Geezer is better. Sorry to hear your friend is declining quicker and also sorry to hear about Wayne's friend's Dad. Hope he gets better.

    Jim received his DNA results from Ancestry today which was kind of fun. 48% Great Britain, 30% Irish, 8% Scandinavian, and 7% Finland/Russia. Trace amounts from a few other spots. Nothing majorally exciting or surprising. I'd still like to do mine. I think I'll come out almost equal Scandinavian and Great Britain and a big chunk Irish.

    Have a fire going in the fireplace. Makes it too cuddly to want to go exercise. LOL.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Think I'll also try out this recipe for an appy this evening. Haven't had a chance to do a Valentine's Day Dish for this month's IMI11 challenge and month end is quickly approaching..

    Balsalmic Thyme Grilled Shrimp
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Monday.

    How cool that they were filming a Hallmark Movie in Almonte Janet. I love watching the Hallmark channel!! Everything is so perfect in that world. Even DH watches the Hallmark movies with me as they are pleasantly neutral and we both always wonder where the make-believe towns are in real life.
    I don't mind using the condensed soups. I rarely use them so when I do I don't feel bad. No worse than eating French Fries or commercially made bread, etc. I would like to try Keni's recipe though and have it saved.
    Yikes on the snow flakes still coming. Enough already.
    That is great Jim got his DNA results back from Ancestry. I've always wondered how accurate it was. If they ever have a great sale on it I've said I wanted to purchase it an give them a sample from LD and see what comes back??

    Meatloaf mix is, I think, an Italian thing Karen. I don't eat veal but do like the combination of the three for meatballs and such (ground beef, pork, and veal). It's what I grew up on and am use to. Hope GS is feeling better and good to hear too Geezer is doing better. Nice on having pie for dinner!! Sorry to hear your friend is quickly slipping away. Maybe she'll rebound some and it's just a temporary set back. Wishing Wayne's friend's dad well.

    How exciting to be in New Caledonia MichelleB! Hope you get to enjoy the sites and hope you find some interesting treats! Italian wedding soup is fabulous (when made right) but you're right, making all those little teeny weeny meatballs is nuts!

    Throat is feeling better today. Been taking the Zicam and lots of vitamin C. At least I seem to halted it's progress to getting worse.
    Lunch will be ... you guessed it ... Italian Wedding Soup. Going to make meatloaf for dinner with a baked potato, gravy, and green beans.
    Doing laundry and house cleaning and need to start copying what I am sending to our CPA who does our taxes incase it get's lost when I send it to him.
    If I have enough time, and while I'm in the mood, I want to try this recipe. I have the zucchini so why not.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!
    We received a light dusting of snow overnight, Janet. It is nice and bright out here at the moment. Glad you enjoyed your time at Wheelers yesterday and very cool on the Hallmark Film being made in Almonte. Good luck with your painting today.

    Glad to hear Geezer is getting better, Karen. I hope your GS feels much better today.

    Nothing much happening here today my back feels a bit better so far. Den will be going to get his new glasses adjusted after work today as the nose piece is digging in. So he is wearing his old glasses until the new ones are adjusted. We will be having hot roast beef sandwiches for dinner which will be easy for Den to make.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Good luck with your house cleaning today, Linda. Pleased to hear your throat is feeling much better.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Morning Linda! It was very fun they were filming the Hallmark Movie in Almonte. They did one last year too which Jim and I caught on TV and PVR'd and it was a hoot seeing the background in the movie of a place we often visit. It's a very idyllic little town with a very cute main street. Ancestry also gives you information based on your DNA to who else belongs to Ancestry and has done a DNA test that matches yours closely. For eg. Jim's cousin Ann showed up as having enough similar DNA to be considered a first cousin. I'd be curious to get Jim's Dad's test done. Jim's Paternal Grandfather was adopted. The family who adopted him were Irish and it's likely Jim's Grandfather was as well as he'd have probably been born in close proximity to where he was adopted, but it'd still be interesting to see how his might differ from Jim's. I'm pretty sure if you sent in LD's DNA sample they would just email you back that it didn't come from a human and they don't do dog DNA samples. Glad to hear your throat is feeling better. That's great! Good luck with all your house cleaning and tax stuff.

    Very glad to hear your back feels a little better this morning Joce. YUMMERS on Hot Beef sandwiches. I'd love that.

    Jim and I had a tomato and cheese omelette with hot sauce for breakfast. It was most deelish. Birds and squirrels are fed. Time to face the paintbrush. :)
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    I used to work on DNA when I worked in research in the Canadian Government, Linda. I can assure you DNA is very accurate. Which is why it is accepted in a court of Law now in most states and also all of Canada. They probably could have charged OJ Simpson of killing his wife if it was accepted by law at that time but it wasn't. They just used it as a test case but it wasn't very long after that case that it was accepted.

    Janet, Tina had Charlie Brown's DNA tested to find out what breed he was. Did they also say if Jim's little bits of traces came from Africa or Asia? Which is where all of us are from with the exception of a totally new DNA just found from a race which is only found on one particular island in the Philipines. Which is another cool thing about DNA I like the fact that they are now solving very old case files using it. Plus finding certain diseases and many other things . I have always found DNA interesting.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Yes Joce, I do kind of remember having a doggy DNA chat before. I wonder how much it cost Tina? Here's one I just saw online. Still fairly pricey!
    But I guess a lot of work goes into each one.
    Yes, Jim did get smaller percentages too: 3% Western Europe, 2% Western Asia and less than 1% Iberian Peninsula, Greek, Italian. I think DNA is super cool as well.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Had to put a bit of drywall compound in some screw holes so haven't even finished my first coat of paint yet. Went outside while it's drying to retrieve the garbage can and recycle bins from the top of the lane way. The garbage can lid has gone missing. Shaking head. Also took down all my Christmas/winter wreaths and put out a Shamrock on the front door and a maple syrup tin and tap in my front urn so it freshens things up a bit. Leftovers for lunch.
  • mbelisle 7 years ago said:
    Interesting DNA discussion - I knew that it could be used to identify people and see if two individuals were related and how closely but I didn't know that the tests showed what part of the world a person originated from. That must have been fascinating when you worked with it Joce.
    The chicken and shrimp sound really good Janet.I have never tried Katsu sauce but the ingredients sound like it would be good. I'll have to make it one day and see.
    Glad to hear your throat is feeling better Linda. I have heard of meatloaf mix but where we lived it was never something you saw in the stores and even less so where we are now. Meatloaf for us is 100% ground beef in the meat department.
    Last night I went around the corner to a place called Au Boucher and had a duo of yellow fin tuna tartare and beef carpaccio. It came with two sides so I chose the brocoli gratin and the green beans in a butter garlic sauce. It was all very good and, in my mind at least, very French and speak it well enough to be understood so it works out ok.
    Hope everyone has a good day - it's 6:45 Tuesday morning here and already starting to get hot.
    Michelle B
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:

    Cool on the DNA for Jim, Janet. Balsamic anything is good as far as I"m concerned.

    Glad your back is better Joce.

    Glad your throat is better, Linda. Hallmark Channel is indeed a calming channel. And a perfect world sort of place. Once in a while I can watch it, as long as it is not too syrupy. Some of their Christmas films were cute, though.

    We have to have GS with us at fire dept. meeting. Daughter is terrified of bad storms and we are set to get some. Mainly tomorrow but some coming in tonight. So he will be with us until she is off work. That includes the fire department meeting tonight. He can play games on his phone during the meeting. Ha ha.

    We decided that $199 to check Fritz's DNA was slightly impractical. He can remain anonymous.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Sounds like you're eating well Michelle B! :) I've never tried tuna tartare and I'm guessing I wouldn't care for it as I'm not a raw fish sushi fan either. However....I LOVE Beef Carpaccio. Have a great day!

    Good luck with your Fire Dept. meeting Karen. Ouch on $199 for a dog DNA test.
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Hi all, just a quick HI!!! I've been trying to catch up from this weekend. The amount of laundry is insane and I had to to do some running around for softball errands. Also dishes were overflowing the sink, and of course the dishwasher is full of clean dishes that need to be unloaded. Tonight we have a softball game and I pulled out chicken for dinner that I think we will have tacos with, I need easy and quick! Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Well I got one coat of paint on the wall but don't have enough to do a second coat so have to go in and buy another can tomorrow, plus some primer and a topcoat and some mouldlings. I can paint those and Jim can nail them up once they're dry.

    By the way, the steak rub I made the other night from Leite's Culinaria would have been quite nice but had brown sugar in it and I didn't think ahead of time as neither Jim nor I care for 'sweet' with our meat. I'd make it again but leave the sugar out completely. It had like 4 tsp. or tbsp. of ground coffee in it which I was a bit skeptical about but you couldn't actually taste it?

    The shrimp appy tonight was nice. I don't think I've had shrimp with balsamic before.

    The Chicken Katsu is prepped. Jim is lighting us a fire and we've got another Sens Game to watch tonight.

    Hi Michelle! Sending you TWO laundry fairies! Have fun at the softball game and yum on tacos.

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