Maple Syrup Sunday!

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's cooled down a bit (not surprising in the least) but the sun is going to shine today so we're going to grab the opportunity and head over to a Sugar Bush for a hike and a look at their 'museums'.
    We've been to a lot of Sugar Bushes around the Ottawa area but not this one. It's about an hour's drive.

    Going to make
    Chicken Lickin Good Pork Chops
    for dinner this evening. A crock pot recipe so I'm hoping I can turn it on when I get home and there'll be time for it to cook by the time we're hungry. :)

    SO good to see the sunshine.
    Got an email from Jim's cousin's wife in St. Catharine's that they are coming to visit over the March break, so we will have two little girls in the house which will be fun. Gotta start planning meals and things to do.

    Got a lovely message from Benjamin this morning. He's got a four day weekend and is heading to Hsinchu to visit Angel and then back to work on report cards. :) He's been having fun with his new kitchen and sent me pictures of a nice looking Ham 'n cheese omelette and a Curry Udon soup with pork and egg.

    Joce, how's your back doing? Sending healing thoughts out to everyone else who's ailing. (Including Geezer) Michelle did you get your hair coloured yesterday?

    Re: your cardinals peeking in the window Linda. We have one pair here as well and the female has been banging herself at the windows since November!!!! It got so bad last week that I covered the guest room window with newspaper on the outside so she couldn't see her reflection. She had been sitting in the flower urn on the front deck and just having at it. Silly birds. :(

    Have a most lovely Sunday everyone.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Okay...I "think" I figured out the appliance timer so plugged the crockpot into that and here's hoping. :) Prepped garlic mashed potatoes as a side and will do cooked carrots for Jim and raw carrots with tomatoes pour moi.

    See ya later alligators....
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Will be brief and then back later as my day is filled with things to do and not of my choosing.
    My throat is very sore but thank God it seems to be staying in just my throat. Been loading up on supplements and Zicam.
    Have been wanting to make a pot of Italian Wedding Soup and was able to run out to the store for the meatloaf mix (ground beef, pork, and veal). Only one store here carries it and it's hit or miss if it's in stock. I bought three packages yesterday ... one for the soup, will make meatloaf tomorrow, and popped the other one in the freezer for perhaps meatballs. The Italian Wedding Soup is such a "labor of love" making all those teeny weeny meatballs but it's made and we had a bowl and it was so worth it!

    DH was playing with the remote control to the Directv in his office and messed it up pretty good. I have to call them now and have them assist me to connect it back in to our network. He can use the remote control but most of the time starts pressing buttons and then something happens. At least I blocked him from accidently renting movies.

    What is a Sugar Bush Janet? I looked up the linked website, is it that? That recipe for the pork chops looks good! Saved. I love crockpot recipes for so many reasons. Nice that Benj is enjoying his kitchen.

    Our Crazy Cardinals were at it again early this morning banging into the kitchen window. Finally had to get up and pull the blind down so they wouldn't see their reflection.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Good Afternoon Everyone!
    Enjoy Wheeler's, Janet. I doubt if you will eat there as I know Jim doesn't like pancakes. They have a nice bunch of buildings and history about making maple syrup. Your dinner sounds great to me. In answer to your question, my back is worse and I am walking around like a penguin. Very nice to hear, Ben is enjoying his kitchen.

    A Sugar Bush is a place where they have Sugar Maples from which they make Maple Syrup, Linda. Bummer about DH playing and messing up the remote control. Lol our Cardinals do that as well.

    Den cleaned the whole house from top to bottom, yesterday, so now I don't have to worry about it. Today he did the laundry and went to MacDonald's to pick up breakfast/brunch for us. Tonight we are having pot roast with mashed potatoes, steamed green beans with gravy which should be easy enough for Den to do. Lol I don't think he would want to attempt making Yorkshire Pudding like Pete did. Lol he would say NO WAY!

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • mbelisle 7 years ago said:
    Good morning all

    It's Monday morning and I am in New Caledonia this week. My phone is down so I haven't had much for connection since just about Valentine's Day but hopefully the part will arrive this week and by the time I get home it will be repaired. The place I am staying is a short term appartment so I actually have a kitchen, living room, dining area, bedroom and balcony as well as a bathroom with a bathtub (yay!) It even has a washer/dryer.
    New Caledonia is actually a territory of France so technically I am in France here which is kind of interesting. The city is very much a tourist destination for French-speaking countries and there are lots of boardwalk cafes, bars, and shopping locations and lots of people around. I am looking forward to going for a morning coffee in front of the beach and then later hopefully one of the grocery stores will be open. Yesterday when I got here there was nothing like that open, being that it was late Sunday afternoon.
    Nice that you have company coming to plan for Janet - it's always fun to figure out what will appeal to people.
    Hope your throat gets better soon Linda. Wow on the Italian Wedding soup. I love it but would not have the patience to make all the little meatballs so it is an "eat out" treat for me.
    Hi Joce, so nice that you don't have to clean the house and can enjoy the day. Pot roast sounds yummy.

    Wishing everyone a great day,
    Michelle B
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    So sorry to hear your not any better Joce and that's it's getting worse. Will it take time or do you need to see a doctor? Lucky you have such a wonderful husband to do what you are not able. Pot roast sounds great! How is Den cooking it? Stove top, crockpot, oven? I can't make good mashed potatoes to save my life.

    Called Directv and got the tv in DH's office fixed so that's done.

    Will grill a steak for DH tonight. Not sure what I want. I have some tortellini and chicken broth. Maybe a bowl of chicken tortellini soup.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Bummer on your phone being down for so long, Michelle. Hopefully, it will be repaired by the time you get home. Your apartment sounds lovely. Enjoy exploring New Caledonia when you get the time of course.

    Glad to hear the tv in DH's office is now fixed, Linda. I will just instruct Dennis on how to do the roast. It will be in the oven b/c I have Green Pans and they clean up easier than a Crock Pot. I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday afternoon however if my back gets worse than it is now, I can probably get in before that.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Had a super nice day today! Wheeler's Sugar shack was a lot of fun and holy kamoly they had a ton of artifacts to look at. We went for a nice hike but as Joce forecasted, we didn't stay to eat. LOL. Headed back through Almonte and stopped at the Superior Restaurant. They serve the best Hot Chicken sandwich around, which I had, and Jim had a Cheeseburger and then helped me with my gravy and fries. :) There is a Hallmark movie being filmed in Almonte right now which is fun. It's going to be called "A Christmas Festival of Ice". They've re-decorated the main drag with Christmas trees and decorations and banners and such and even turned the little ice cream shop into a Coffee shop. The movie is 'set' in small town, New Hampshire. They even did some filming inside the Superior restaurant where we had lunch. It's an OLD style diner. I don't think the furnishing have been changed in decades. LOLOL.

    My Crockpot was on when I got home so that went well and the house smells nummy. It's a super easy recipe Linda. If you don't like to use Campbell's soups (I personally adore them but try to watch the sodium content) Keni has a recipe for a homemade Cream of soup.

    Sorry to hear your throat is hurting so much Linda. I'm afraid that usually if you have that it does generally move somewhere else, but here's hoping and sending you best wishes for it to just disappear. LOVE your Italian Wedding soup recipe. It is for sure a feel good recipe. Oh dear about DH and the remote. I could get the remote into a bad state without too much trouble myself if left alone for any length of time. :) Yes, the link is to the Sugar Bush we went to today.

    Is it Wheeler's that you and Den go to on occasion Joce? We loved it. What a set up! There was SO much to see. Oh no that your back is WORSE! Glad to hear you have a Dr.'s appointment Tuesday. Keep us tuned! Excellent that Den got so much done and YUM on McDonald's to start the day.

    Hi Michelle! New Caledonia! Super cool! Hope you had a fun day and a good look around.

    Sens Game on at 7:30. GO SENS GO! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Glad the sun is out,, Janet. When we got hom from church at about 3:00-ish, it was 37F and light rain, with occasional snow flurries. I have been meaning to try Keni's recipe for cream of soups, as I don't like to use caodensed soups of any brand, but do use them once in a rare while if I have to....really must try her recipe!

    Linda, I haven't heard of meatloaf mix. Is this a Florida thing? Would have to buy and mix my own. Minus the veal, we don't eat it. Italian wedding soup does sound yummy, and if we had some I probably would not even notice if veal was one of the ingredients. Ugh on the remote. Glad it is fixed.

    You should hire Den out, Joce....LOL. He seems quite handy!

    Michelle B., do you speak any French? We traveled to Paris a couple of times when Wayne was stationed in Germany and I found the French could be a bit unhelpful. Not all, of course, when I bought a neglige at a Paris department store, the sales lady spoke no English and I knew zero French but I when she saw that Wayne preferred one that she had not recommended, she murmured "Ah, Monsier prefer." (Bad spelling, I said I didn't understand French.) as though that settled the matter. So funny!

    GS woke up sick so we were on our own. Grabbed a bite at Crow Creek. Came home and did chores. Neither of us was hungry but Wayne wanted pie, so for supper we had sweet potato pie and a cup of coffee. Bad us! It was a store bought, Mrs. Smith brand, but the filling was super! I dislike overly sweet pies and dislike high fructose corn syrup for that reason, but this one was just right!

    A.C. is on Wayne's recliner, looking rather smug. Fritz is quite perturbed about it. They will live.

    Geezer is better, either the antibiotic or the Young Living animal scents salve or both did the trick. Whew! Taking him to the vet is not an option, unless everyone wears leather gloves and they knock him out for the duration. He is afraid of people and will bite or claw anyone other than me who tries to handle him. And I am cautious about petting him, always being sure he knows it is me and will allow me to touch him.

    Our friends left a jacket, so will have to UPS it. He said she is hour by hour instead of day by day, so the dementia is accelerating at a fast rate. He had mentioned coming in July but I don't think that is an option, as bad as she is getting.

    Wayne's buddy is on his way back. His dad stabilized and is holding on. Kidney function is still at 6 so he is not doing well. I think, with all his kids coming, it gave him a reason to live.

    Have a good evening!

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