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Mesquite Monday

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everybody!
    I'm making Lori's
    Mesquite Grilled Chicken In White Barbeque Sauce
    for dinner this evening and a potato salad on the side. Mild here again today. Going up to -4C/24F by the afternoon and perhaps some snow flurries.
    Jim and I have some errands to run in town this afternoon so we'll probably grab lunch in town.
    I'd never heard of Mesquite until the Lone Star Restaurant opened up in Ottawa in 1986. Their speciality is mesquite grilled steak and chicken fajitas. Then one year we flew to Texas to visit Jim's Dad in Corpus Christi and we actually saw a real mesquite tree for the very first time. Wikipedia says that bees love the flowers on Mesquite trees and make a mesquite honey which has a distinctive flavour. Anyone ever try that? And the bean pods of a mesquite tree can be dried and used to make flour, which adds a sweet nutty taste to breads, etc. Wild animals, like the coyote also eat the bean pods.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Hello! I've got an electrician coming to help fix the electric panel. And a realtor is coming over this afternoon. Olivia and had a weepy late afternoon disposing of Fred's personal clothing. We donated his jackets, coats, sweat suits, jeans and shorts to the Coalition for the Homeless. Today is two months and it still is freakishly unreal. We might go out for burgers, maybe with mesquite bbq sauce. I've had very little sleep and it looks to be a long one.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    That's good you found an electrician Tina. It would be very hard to go through Fred's things for sure. I can't even imagine. I think a burger jaunt is a great idea.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Mesquite is wonderful, Janet. I have no ideas where it grows but it is probably more Southern US. Than MO!

    Hi, Tina. Busy day ahead! Burger luncheon date sounds good to me!

    As a child, I was there when my Mom and aunts gathered my grandpa's things to give to a charity. For some reason, I picked up Grandma's straw hat that she wore to keep off the sun, and putting it on my head. I got chastised for it - LOL. But it made me feel closer to her for a minute. This is rite of passage, Tina. It is okay to cry, and also good to proceed with the donations, knowing someone will make good use of the clothing.

    Mr. Gray Squirrel is chattering outside the sun room window but has given up breaking and entering for the moment.

    We should have some snow melt today then 60 degrees and minor thunderstorms tomorrow followed by possibles snow storm again on Wednesday. Wild and wooly weather continues in MO. Just glad we do not have MA weather! This part of the country is NOT prepared.

    Geezer has not been seen for a while but there are kitty paw tracks around the porch and his food is disappearing.. He hates snow and follows our tracks, leaping from footprint to footprint. He will become visible again after the snow melts. I will have to make over hi to remind him that he really does like it He is quite the cat.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Got my chicken marinating and the potato salad made. Kitchen cleaned up and Jim's emptying the ash from the pellet stove.
    Too bad your Mom and Aunt's hadn't just given you your Grandma's straw hat Karen. More crazy weather for you eh!
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Hello everyone! It feels like for ever since I've popped in. Battling flus and illnesses again, Sophia is on antibiotics for an ear infection.( Just after we get back from the specialist out-of-town, saying her ears look good.) Oh boy, hopefully this isn't a recurring thing again.
    Anyways, other than that it's been a lazy few weeks with everyone sick on and off. Pete had a man weekend away with his friends that live about 2 hours away. Ugh, now if I could go somewhere for a quiet weekend away....but all my friends and family are at least 14 hrs away, lol ;) He did take the kids out for a walk with the dogs when he got home, that was the quietest 1 hour I have had in a long time!
    Hi Janet, never seen Mesquite honey! We get Fireweed Honey from a bee farmer on Vancouver Island. Pete's mom brings us a gallon bucket once a year now since we moved. Pete loves Mesquite, but I'm not a fan, I don't really like anything with smoky flavour though. That's neat info about the mesquite trees!
    Hi Tina, gosh that must be hard to go through the clothes. All part of the process I suppose, as hard as it is, it's cathartic in a way. Is the realtor coming to list your house or are you getting an estimate/interview? Sorry, I guess I should go back and read some posts to catch up! Good luck to you, moving is hard, well I say the selling is the hardest part, but a fresh start is really nice!
    I have some leftover Farfalle and Sausages for dinner, then tomorrow I'm making Beef Stew with Yorkshire puddings. Pete is home today so we are doing our taxes and getting the house cleaned up and hopefully bathe our stinky dogs, lol, ;)
    Have a great day everyone!!! And a great week if I can't log in!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Good to see you Shona! Sorry to hear Sophia's got an ear infection. As kids we used to strip the flowers and leaves off of fireweed and use the stalks to sword fight with. :) Lucky you on a gallon bucket of honey. That'd keep me going for a while! We use it in our coffee. Your dinners tonight and tomorrow night sound excellent especially the Yorkshire pudding.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Morning!! Good luck running errands today Janet, and once again, enjoy that yummy chicken! That is very interesting about using the bean pods of the mesquite tree to make flour! I didn't know that!!

    Awww Tina, I know it must be so hard to give away Fred's clothes :( :( Hopefully a nice juicy burger will help out with the pain a little.

    Wow Karen, snowing one day, 60F the next, then snowing again!? Yesterday it warmed up for us and was in the low 70's. Today it's currently in the 50's. Funny how Geezer walks in your footprints :P

    Sorry to hear your going back through a sick house Shona. Have you thought about just getting everyone in your house flu shots? Lol, I bet you'd be out the door in second if you could have a girls weekend, I know I would!! Lucky you getting that gallon bucket of honey :) Yum on both dinners!

    Doing some stuff around the house today, a mountain of laundry, unloading the dishwasher, vacuum. I need to clean my hard wood floors but I'm out of the pad things that stick to the bottom of my wet jet. No mop. Any ideas? I guess I could use the spray from the mop then go over it with an old towel or something? Or I could just go out and buy more wet jet pads lol. Briauna has dance tonight so beef roast with carrots and potatoes in the crock pot it is! Wishing everyone a great day!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hey Michelle! Good luck with the house work. I don't have a wet jet so am not sure what to sub for a pad. Yummers on beef roast.
    Last Thursday when I went for my cleaning at the Dentist the hygienist noticed a very large bubble/cyst on the roof of my mouth and ask me how long it had been there. I hadn't even realized it was there and it doesn't hurt at all. So the Dentist came to have a look and they referred me to a Specialist to take a look and I had an appointment with him today. He says it's very, very, very unlikely that it's anything bad (like the C word) and could be a blocked salivary gland or something. He took an x-ray and ruled out any growth from the jaw bone or problems from my teeth. I'm booked for a biopsy on Wednesday morning and they'll make an incision and take a pc. of it to see what it's made of. Sorry for TMI. :) I'm feeling fairly okay about it as it's not a funny colour or anything and like I say it doesn't hurt. I told my Dentist I was going to run home and google 'bumps on roofs of mouths' and he said "NOOOOOOOO. DON"T do that!". So I haven't. :) They're going to give me a sedative so I'm relaxed and won't feel the needle (hopefully). I'm a little worried and a little scared but am crossing my fingers we can figure out what it is and how to make it go away asap. I get the weirdest things HTG! :)
    On a lighter note, while shopping at Sobey's today I came across a Tabasco sauce that is Chipotle flavoured. Cool eh? So I bought it and now I just have to figure out what to do with it. All suggestions welcome.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi -- I am on the iPad so forgive any typos.

    Sorry to hear your family is fighting flu and ear infections, Shona. Our daughter had them and her kids have, also. No fun. An hour of peace and quiet must have felt like heaven!

    Michelle, I have a swifter wet jet but it is not as good as a plain old mop for getting really soiled floors clean. With all the mudding and sanding, and tracking, my floors are in dire need. I used the jet today and in need of more pads, but I really need to get out the sponge mop and pail and give them a REAL scrubbing. Of course, the jet is so easy that the mop has been idol for some time!

    Hope your appt goes well, Janet. It sound like all is well! lOL on the dentist advice to not Google it!

    All the books from the spare room are piled all over the sun room so it is VERY cluttered. To quote Tina, this too shall pass. Sigh!

    Wednesday's project will be finishing sanding and then we clean walls and paint ceiling and walls. The floor will need redoing and I imagine it will be a royal pain. AARGH!

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