Miserable Me Monday

  • notyourmomma 8 years ago
    I've been under attack by a bacterial infection in one boob. It is miserably painful. I have had this twice before. I've called the doctor and I hope she calls in a script instead of making me go in. Getting dressed is agony. A bra would be cruel and unusual punishment at this point.

    Found the guns. 2 rifles and 2 hand guns. They are old. Dad's is his army issue. Fred's is government issue when he was a Federal guard. Olivia's job is to get them cleaned and then we sell them. Mossberg 22, a Remington, and a Taurus. I have no clue which is which and what is what.

    Charlie Brown has turned his back on me, I did not give him a bite of my blueberry waffle.

    Yesterday was sad for Liv and me. We stayed in and binge watched "Once upon a Time"

    I'm making chicken something.....not sure yet.
  • Good4U 8 years ago said:
    I hope the doctor sends you something for your infection, Tina. My boobs still scream with nerve ending pain but it almost under control with drugs. I hope it eventually goes away. Love the pic of all the dogs all snuggled in, they look so comfortable.

    Tonight will be a repeat of last night and I must say from now on I will be doing Shona's cold pan cooking idea with the chicken to render the fat. It works just great. I am waiting for them to call and tell me my car is ready. It needed a catalytic converter and some sort of rod for the front end. That will cost around $700.00. He also told me not to bother getting it painted b/c the bottom of it on the passengers side will need to have a metal piece welded in as it has all rusted away. They use salt on our roads in the winter and after all the car is almost 23 years old. In a year or so or before? I will be looking for a newer used car. I can't complain my MIL gifted me the car over 10 years ago for free and it has been good to me. I better go make some lunch I am starving!

    Hoping everyone has a great day!
  • jett2whit 8 years ago said:
    Greetings Everyone!
    Tina, Praying your infection heals and you will be without pain.

    My coworker gave me a George Foreman grill. Yesterday I made some pork chops that were really good!! I used a brine of water, cider vinegar, brown sugar and some other seasonings. The chops were really tender and good! I was so nervous about them since I had never done that recipe before. Hubby said I shouldn't be nervous the first time. It's the 2nd time I should be!! LOL
    He's so funny!! The family loved them and I will definitely make them again.
    I hope the rest of the week goes better Tina!
    Hugs xoxo
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Of course. I have an appt. @ 4, so she can see the infection. The lump is the size of a ping pong ball. I'm going to demand a pain killer.

    I love my dog pit, except when the pile is on the bed and I have to shoehorn a way into bed.

    I love brined pork chops. A George Foreman can be very handy.

    I think I'll try to make chicken piccatta.

    Joce, ugh on the car repairs. But it has given you a good long run.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Crap, posted on the wrong day lol!
    Let me try again :)

    I am so sorry your not feeling well Tina :( I hope you can make it to the doctor okay and you get some help.

    Cool that the cold pan method worked out so well for you Joce! I so need to try that. Wow a 23 year old car?? That's awesome that you've gotten it to last that long. Michael's car is over 10 yrs old and I thought that was old!

    Cool on getting gifted the George Foreman grill Jett! Ohh brined pork chops!

    Lemon Rosemary Brined Roast Chicken was freaking amazing! About to go and review that and Marie's potato salad in the IMI. Caiden had swim lessons this morning and then I worked out after wards. Picked up sandwiches and came home and now I'm going to be lazy for a while, I'm pooped! Dinner will be leftovers. Have a great day everyone!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi all.

    Sorry you are feeling yucky, Tina! Good luck on the appt. and the meds.

    The older cars seem to last longer! We have a 1970 Firebird Formula 400 getting a once over before getting it insured and road tested and tires, etc. But it isn't a car we use all the time, and the Classic license only allows limited usage.

    George Foreman grills have interested me for a while. Do you like your's? Is it worth getting?

    Being lazy sounds good.

    I just got back from my first Senior Strength Training class. Yikes, it is going to be a lot of work! The Extension Service offers the class, and I decided it would be good for me, keep my doctor and chiropractor happy, and make walking the hills of Silver Dollar City easier. I decided to stop by J. C. Penny's and got my hair cut afterward. No new style, just a quick cut to keep it from tickling my nose!

    Tina, your sign fit today perfectly. I crawled into the house, exhausted from exercise class, sat down in my chair in the sun room, then 20 minutes later had to get up and rescue my husband -- the tractor overheated on the way to the farm where he was going to cut hay. So I took some antifreeze to him. I will probably have to go buy some more tomorrow if it is going to continue to act up, which means a 50 mile trip one way because he uses the pricey John Deere stuff. Will probably have to go rescue him again if he has problems or would not care to drive the tractor at night.

    His friend is currently teddering our field using my tractor. It will need raking tomorrow or Wednesday. I hate hay season - LOLLOL!
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Ended up making curried chicken salad using some apples. grapes, celery. sliced almonds. Will make a sandwich on wheat and have a bowl of cole slaw as a side. Liv is out, she hates curry and cole slaw.

    Karen, sorry you had a day go from bad to worse with tractor troubles. The Senior Strength Training Class sounds a lot cheaper than a 70.00 copay for OT and PT. I have the hand exercises down. They hurt a lot to do. Trying to regain arm strength is going to be a challenge. They have a goal for me to climb ten steps. Maybe by 2020.

    Hair isn't to nose length yet but bottom eyelid. Soon Grasshopper.

    I'm exhausted and Walmart just called, script is ready for pick up. UGH.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Since I was a bit of Debbie Downer in the thread today.....here is a recipe to lighten the mood. Life Recipe
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Love the recipe, Tina!

    The class is 2 x week - Mon and Wed. (we are to do the exercises on our own Friday) . It is strictly for strength training, for seniors, builds muscle mass and maintains bone density. The really rough one is rising from a chair with your arms folded across your chest -- my leg muscles are zilch!

    You will climb ten steps before 2020, I'm sure. Just keep on keeping on. The class is $40.00 for eight weeks. I plan on surviving.

    Kittens are dive bombing Wayne's tennis shoe. They are so funny when they leap and pounce! Now if I can just get rid of the fleas!
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    Worked today then to the hospital for thyroid blood tests. My appt is on the 1st and they like to have the blood work done first. Dr isn't going to be happy since I told him I would lose weight and I've gained lol. I'm hoping to appease him with telling him about the running club.
    I have a job interview on Wednesday with the town in the accounting department. Please send a good vibe I really want this job!
    We had leftover pasta with garlic bread for dinner.
    I went through the George Forman phase when it first came out and bought the huge one and it's another thing collecting dust in the garage lol. But I do have the mini one that sits on the counter. It's awesome for making panini sandwiches. And for just a piece of salmon.

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