Monday's Musings....

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's a tad chilly here in the living room this morning. We're at that point where we know it's going to warm up during the day so don't bother turning on the heat, but the tips of my fingers are cold. :) It's also hunting season and as of 6:50 a.m. the guns started going off. Sounded like they were right in the back yard but I guess they must be down at the river duck hunting? Anyway, no matter where they are, they're annoying. :(

    No clue at this point what to make for dinner, nor what we're up to today. Jim wants to start a new project this week. Dig up all the earth in-between the side of the garage and the walkway to the front entrance of the house to a depth of about 4 feet?, power wash the concrete block foundation of the garage wall, let it dry, apply adhesive and then this blue membrane stuff to waterproof it, then fill it all back in again. We get a lot of crumbling in the spring from all the water that seems to be getting sucked in to the concrete blocks from the snow so we suspect the wall wasn't properly waterproofed way back when. It's going to be a big job but Jim hopes to be finished by the weekend. It also involves digging up a bunch of my shrubs and hostas. Ai yi yi.

    Wishing everyone a most lovely day.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Just checked out that Feta recipe you mentioned yesterday Michelle. When ever did you have time to whip that up? :) It looks amazing.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Wow, that's going to be some project digging up a depth of 4 feet of dirt Janet. Not one I'd be looking forward to but if it's gotta get done it's gotta get done.
    Great to hear you had a nice time at the fair.
    Happy to hear your DH is feeling better Joce. Pot Roast is the perfect Fall comfort meal ... yum!
    Happy Belated Birthday Marie!
    The pizza sounds really good Shona, as you say sometimes one that's a little different is good for a change.
    The marinated Feta recipe looks divine Michelle! and yum on the blueberry breakfast sausage.

    Didn't do much yesterday. Decided to go sit pool side for a bit a read. It was overcast yesterday so it was nice not to get blasted with too much sun.
    Dinner out with our friends Saturday was a nice change of pace. I got eggplant parm but it wasn't all that great, could have been cooked a little more and was rather flat tasting. Rest of the meal though was fantastic.
    Going to run out to the store in a bit. I want to make a pot of Beef Vegetable soup and need some ingredients. I'm going to use this recipe but will probably tweek it slightly so it's not too tomatoey.
    It's a dreary day here with rain expected so it'll be good to make soup.

    That's it ... wishing everyone well!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Nice that you had a laid back day yesterday Linda! Too bad on the Eggplant Parm but dinner out with friends is always good. :) Yum on Beef Vegetable soup. I've made this one before and really liked it but then again, I'm a barley fan. :)
    Beef Barley Soup
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Morning!! Janet, you can send some of that cool weather to us! Wow on how close people hunt to your house, that would be so annoying!! Jim’s project sounds huge, good luck to him and sorry about your bushes! Lol, I made the marinated feta about a week and a half ago, it really didn’t take too long to make. Michael loves the stuff and is me to have it on hand all the time lol :)

    Glad you had a good time with your friends Saturday Linda. Bummer on your entree not being up to par, but at least the rest was good! I pinned that beef vegetable soup, sounds delicious!!

    Michael is off all this week so we are just hanging out and drinking coffee :) He is going back onto shift work :( starting next week, so life with sports will be quite a bit more difficult. I have plenty of people to help me out though, so I should be able to get it all figured out. Saturday will be a hot mess, make up tournament, SIL”S baby shower and Caiden will probably have a make up soccer game as it’s supposed to rain all week.

    Have no idea what for dinner yet, need to go look through the freezer but it will have to be something I can get ready early and eat early as both kids have stuff tonight. Wishing everyone a great day!!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning!
    What a tall task Jim has ahead of him, Janet! However, it has to be done.

    Soup is always welcome on a dreary rainy day, Linda. I will check that recipe in a minute.
    Not much happening here today. I have to dust and clean the kitchen and bathroom floors. We will be having leftover pot roast with all the trimmings.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    It is a nice recipe, Linda. I pinned it on one of my boards on Pinterest. I love soups with cabbage in it.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Morning Michelle. Jim's going to 'try' and save my shrubs and bushes. We've got some big pots we can put them in while he works and hopefully they'll just bear with all the manhandling until we get them back in the ground. Yes, having the guns so close is a little un-nerving. :( NICE that Michael is off all this week! LOL @ "Saturday will be a hot mess". :)

    Morning Joce! Good luck with your housecleaning and yum on your dinner plans. I like cabbage in soups as well. When Jim and I were at the German resort on Lake Superior on the way home on summer vacation we had a cabbage soup at the restaurant there prior to the meal and it was phenomenal. It was more a chicken broth stock than a tomato one. the off chance that they'd part with the recipe I emailed and asked them if they'd share it. They wrote right back and said they were busy until the end of Oct. but once they closed up for the season, I could email them again and they'd make the 'restaurant' recipe into a 'family sized' recipe. I'm SO excited. :)

    Jim's gung-ho and about to go start shovelling. I may take a spin into town and get a much needed haircut and grab some groceries.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Decided to make Hot turkey sandwiches for dinner this evening. Easy peasy.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Oops! I missed you, Michelle! Enjoy your week with Micheal. Gee, I thought when he got his promotion he wouldn't have to do any more night shifts. You are lucky to have some extra help when he is working, though. Yes, it does sound like your Saturday will be hectic for sure.
    Very cool indeed on getting that soup recipe, Janet. I need a hair cut as well. Yum hot turkey sandwiches are on of my favourites.
  • NPMarie 7 years ago said:
    Good morning/afternoon everyone:)

    I'm sorry I haven't been here for a while..just lots going on..I can hardly wait for the new year to just has to be better than this year.

    Anyhoo, off to a brighter note..if you can call me turning 60 a brighter note LOL!

    Thank you all, my dear friends, for the kind BD wishes:) Had a quiet evening at home..we had Chinese food delivered, Rick had a black velvet BD cake made for me from a local bakery..also had a beautiful arrangement with a dozen white tulips, my favorite!

    I'm not sure about dinner..prob grilled chicken and fried okra..(haha Janet) Wait a minute..maybe I'm wrong about the okra Janet..I know you aren't a fan of SOMETHING green.what the heck was it? :-)

    I'll check back in later today...xoxox
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    That hunting noise must be nerve racking at times Janet! Hopefully Jim can save your shrubs and hostas. I seem to be turning the heat on in the mornings as it's so cold the kids don't want to get out of bed! I know it's Fall here when you have the vehicle's heat on in the morning and the AC on in the afternoon, LOL ;) Yum on Hot turkey sammies! How nice of that restaurant to share the recipe. Especially since so many restaurants have such closely guarded recipes! I think I mentioned here before about being approached several times to sell recipes to other restaurants? I would have had to "steal" the chef's recipes, I was offered so much money, a job etc....Thankfully I was friends with the chef so I would never do that!

    Sounds like your getting more tolerable weather Linda, that must be nice :) Enjoy your soup day!

    That's too bad Michael is going back to shift work Michelle. Is it just temporary? At least you have some extra help, hopefully you're not run too ragged during that time! That's one of the reason's why I stopped signing the kids up for things, because I have no friends or family here to help. :(

    Hi Joce, yum on leftovers!

    MARIE!!! SO glad to see you pop in!! :) Sounds like Rick spoiled you, wow. You're so lucky! I hope this year will be much better for you. :) How is your Mom doing? Is she still able to live on her own?
    Yum on the grilled chicken, but I'll pass on the ;)

    I'm going to bake some banana bread, do some laundry I'll stick around the house today. I ended up making pork chops yesterday instead of baking the ham. I don't think I want to have pork twice in a row? So, I'll rummage around the freezer and see what else I can make. Soup is sounding very good right now :)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Finished making the soup and it came out great. I don't know why but I've been craving beef vegetable soup. I usually make beef barely but wanted beef vegetable. I followed the recipe pretty close but made some tweeks based on personal preference (added some green beans, corn, potato, ditalini pasta ... not a lot, just enough to give it more character). Used beef broth and increased the portion called for and cut way back on the tomato. I just "eye-balled" it all and then adjusted to taste. Think it's what I'm having for dinner and will grill DH a steak, I picked some up while at the store.

    Be careful Janet if the hunters are out shooting. Some of them have no sense what's so ever!
    Marie ... don't you know 60 is the new 40. Happy 40th!!
    Hi Michelle, Joce, and Shona!!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    SO nice to see you in here Marie! We know you've had a rough stretch. Wow on the Black Velvet birthday cake. Verra nice! LOL @ the okra...ya...I'll take a pass. I take passes on broccoli and brussel sprouts too. And cauliflower, and kale....and.....:) Again...lovely to see you in here. Hugs.

    Wow on being approached to steal recipes Shona! That's crazy! Nice on the banana bread. I should do that soon too.

    Nice on the soup Linda! Yes, I'll be careful with the hunters. Shaking head.

    Got my haircut. Ran into Pier 1 Imports for a peek at their Fall decorations. GORGEOUS but frigging expensive! It's outrageous. I actually walked out empty handed. Grabbed some groceries. Do you know that Campbell's has a "Cream of Bacon" soup? I've never seen that before! Yours for only 850g of sodium!

    Jim's doing well on the digging. I think he's going to hurt tomorrow. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi all. Just back from getting the RV and watching the debate. Did not change my mind who to vote for. Ha ha.

    Happy birthday Joce!

    No time to chat. Tomorrow will be busy, so probably won't be able to post.

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