Mongolian Grill Monday

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone!
    Michelle's lunch at the Genghis Grill got me thinking about the restaurant here in Ottawa that is similar "The Mongolie Grill" and I googled it to see where the concept had come from.
    Wikipedia says" This audience-participation cooking is said to have originated during the time of Genghis Khan when his warriors in the field would sit around grills and enjoy cooking their own food. The basic approach is for each diner to dip thin slices of lamb (or other meat) into a ginger-soy sauce marinade before placing them on a hot grill (usually a large hibachi) set on the center of the table. Each individual cooks his or her meat (the Mongolian grill) according to personal preference. The grill is sometimes garnished with chopped scallions, mushrooms or watercress and eaten on plain buns.
    I honestly think there is nothing finer than grilled meat. Hands down. :) And amusing to think of Genghis Khan, who died in 1227, starting a food trend that has continued to the 21st Century!
    How is everyone today?
    You mentioned you got an Ipad mini yesterday Karen. Is that for you or Wayne? Your lunch at TGIF sounded nice.
    Your dinner last night sounded good Laurie. Uh oh on the leaky tub. Do you have to call a Plumber?
    What delicacies did you find at the Market Michelle B.?
    What did you end up doing with your Ham last night Michelle? The Pork Roast that I cooked was waaaaayyyy too big for Jim and I and I have pretty much 2/3's of it left over. Jim sliced it really nice and thin and my first thought to repurpose it was Cuban sandwiches. Gotta go google some recipes.
    What's on your docket for today Joce? are things? How's Jersey doing now?
    Tina? Are you hanging in? Hope you're feeling better and can get up and around a bit.
    How did the door installs go Marie? Let us know how it goes with Tippi at the Vet if you brought her in this morning!
    No plans for today but I'm getting a bit of cabin fever so shall see what I can come up with.
    Wishing everyone a great Monday.
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Good morning Janet:)

    Tippi is meowing once again..honestly I think she was just screwing with us..haha So I'm going to cancel the vet appt once they open at 8:00 am..

    I came home Friday to find the septic guys here, they had part of our fence down and were digging a huge hole in the back yard so the inspector could, well, inspect the dirt I guess..the owner, whom Rick knows and has done work for, said he tried to contact us but 411 (information) didn't have our number listed. I don't understand that, we're in the yellow pages & white pages..I wanted to ask him if he didn't think to check online or the old fashioned way of looking in the phone book the night before he knew he was going to show up..Rick really wanted to be home while they were installing the new system and could have arranged his schedule if he had any notice..oh well, my job is to take pictures as they go..he wants to see everything before it's covered with dirt..I'm sure the guys will love that, but I really don't care..I'll stay out of their way..just need to take a few pics to make Rick happy:)
    So our new septic infiltration system will be installed and finished today. Whoo Hoo:)

    I don't know what we'll be having for dinner!!!!

    I hope everyone has a fantastic Monday..I'll check back in later:)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Thank Goodness on Tippi. Isn't that the strangest thing! That was fast for your Septic based on what you'd first heard. Jim always likes to be here when someone is doing work as well so I can totally understand. Giggling at the thought of you out taking pictures of the progress but it's a great idea.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Your pictures are really cool, Janet! Love the huge grill at Mongliie. We have eaten at Daikotai (? Spelling) in the states and one in Germany years funny to see the German spin on Japanese grilling. It was fun. Food was pretty good. We bought some of the figurine ceramic glasses....the German ones are certainly different than the American ones! The iPad was for me...when we travel mostly. We got the lowest GB plan available to share.

    But the restaurant in Ottawa looks so-o-o yummy.

    Boo on the surprise septic guys visit, Marie. Ugh! Tippi is after all, a cat, and they can be quite mysterious little dudes. Could she have allergies that make it uncomfortable to meow?

    Waynes buddy just texted he is on his way so must stop and put on coffee - well, Wayne is. But it is time to scoot. See you later.
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Janet, I really didn't want to have to be the only one here with such a big job going on:( I'm not the type to watch over them as their working..Rick, on the other hand, is:)

    Karen, I was wondering if it might be allergies, I was going to make another appointment to have her Vet check everything over anyway..just not today:)

    What in the world to make for dinner???

    Tina, thinking of you,,how are you?

    Hi Joce!

    Hi Michelle's :-D

    Hi Everyone!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Got down on the treadmill for again. It's been choppy post surgery but I think I'm pretty much fine but the healing now. My girlfriend's husband called over. They had taken down a big tree and Jim had offered to help them cut and clean it up and haul away the wood as we can use it in our fireplace. So we're heading over there as soon as Jim gets the trailer tires pumped up.
    I just grabbed the grill picture off the Internet Karen, but it pretty much looks exactly like our restaurant too. I think they're all pretty similar. What are figurine ceramic glasses? From a restaurant? And I thought you already had an Ipad. Are you lucky enough to now have two?
    Is it super hot there still Marie? Spaghetti's an easy meal but maybe grill something if it's hot out?
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Hey guys!
    Busy last week in my kitchen, on a Greek Cooking binge! Yesterday was Sophia's b-day, I made her a chocolate cake at her request. I rarely make chocolate anything, only a black forest occasionally for Pete's birthdays. But she was specific about having a chocolate cake with chocolate whipping cream and strawberries! I made chocolate mousse instead the whipped cream. We ordered pizza too. Not sure what's on tonight's menu, I have a few things thawing at the moment.....
    By-law officers phoned me and are now giving us hundreds of dollars in fines for the dog attack! The owner of the dog who bit ours is saying all this stuff, she's crazy! They have to fine us and if something is not true than we have to go to court to fight the charges, her hands are tied she said! Lesson learned, do not phone animal control, ever!! I've been crying all morning, this is why Pete told me not to phone them, he's going to be so upset! We are already in a lot of financial trouble, then a $600 dollar vet bill and now hundreds of dollars in fines! I have such a headache now.....They should be knocking on my door any minute to give me the fines.....
    We had a spot of rain yesterday, but back to hot and dry. My rhubarb of all things bolted and flowered!? Never knew they flowered, but apparently do that if they are hot and dry. I cut the flower stocks off and put some mulch around it to keep the soil cool. I did harvest some and made a crisp!
    Anyways, I hope you are all doing well! I gotta clean up my cry baby face and brush my teeth before the Officer gets here, need an ibuprofen!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Janet, the new one is cellular so I do not have to depend on having wifi access. My Gen 2 is okay for home using wifi but kind of clunky to transport. So I guess I am a 2 IPad owner, until the older one sides up the ghost.

    Shona, this is ridiculous to be fined for a dog attacking yours. I would quietly ask around to see who else has experienced this problem, and maybe contact a lawyer and explain her nut-so behavior...Also, maybe advise the landowner so he can take appropriate steps.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Yum on the Greek cooking binge Shona! I'd like to do that one day myself. And double yum on pizza and chocolate cake with chocolate mousse and strawberries. Oh my goodness that sounds delicious. I'd choose that for my birthday meal too. :) Are the By-law officers giving the other dog owners fines as well? What a horrible situation. I feel very bad for you. Take good care. You'll work through it. You're also killing me with the Rhubarb crisp!
    One Ipad for each hand Karen. :)
    Got some buns for the Cubanos. Should be yummy. Gonna help Jim unload the firewood and then maybe mow the back lawn. The sun has come out and it's quite lovely.
  • mbelisle 8 years ago said:
    Good morning all
    Just heading off to work so thought I would check in quickly. Janet, your history of grliing a la Ghengis Khan made me think of sitting around cooking your own in a fondue. Wonder if there is a link there somewhere?
    Shona,, I feel for you on the dog and the animal control. Why is it that trying to do what the system is set up to do always causs trouble for the victims instead of the troublemakers? Makes no sense at all.
    Last night I used the resst of the prawns and some of the ginger to make Ginger Shrimp. I didn't realize something as common as soya sauce would be so expensive here. A 600 ml bottle of Kikkoman's cost $23.95 FJD which is still about $16.50 CDN. I don't remember it being that expensive at home.
    Tonigt will be avacado and tomatoes with cheese on roti and the rest of my rice pudding. Hope everyone as a great day.
    Michelle B
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Yep, Janet, one per hand! !Bwahahaha

    Michelle B. -the next time someone visits from stateside you must have a list of foodstuffs too expensive to buy there! LOL!

    Guys are outside and DW is running so two little kittens are sleepng and pretending to want to sleep, on my lap. Trouble tries to bite the iPad cover. Mauser is asleep. They rampaged all morning after being locked up for so long. At lunchtime A.C. slept on Wayne's lap, Mauser snoozed on mine, and Trouble lounged on Wayne's buddy's lap.

    It is cooler today and rain as early as Thursday, so the decision was to cut one field and test the "new" baler to be sure it works. They will put new bearings in the old one fo use as backup. The weather is so cool it may not cure in time. Hay is a royal pain.

    Kitties are asleep, big cats are dozing, and I am ready to do the same! Have a nice afternoon.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Thanks everyone! Janet, yes they are getting fined too, a total of $700 hundred dollars, we're fined $500 for having two dogs off leash because of what the other lady said and for being licensed out of town. When we moved here they did not have an animal by-law, so we were licensed in our county. But the town just enacted these by-laws in January, so I guess we should have registered them here, so that's totally our fault. When the Police gave me the tickets they said we have a court date set and Pete has to show up. The owner of the other dog will be there at the same time with the same fines but she'll have the fine for the dog on dog attack. They suspect she'll plead not guilty to that fine so we will probably have a separate court date set for that. And if we want the vet bill paid for we have to sue her civilly in a separate court hearing. ugh, just frustrating! Thanks for hearing me out!
    Wow at the prices Michelle! Crazy, I wonder if it's cheaper to buy over seas and have it shipped?!
    Off to get the kidlets at school, accck gotta run, late already!
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    That totally sucks on the dog fines! Some people always know how to work the system to their advantage!
    Tub drain is leaking. Luckily it is just over the garage as the ceiling is totally ruined. The plumber is so backed up he said he would squeeze us in Saturday at 7:30am! But he felt bad so he told frank what to do to find out where the leak is coming from and maybe fix it himself. Frank thinks he can but I'm not so sure lol. He isn't exactly mr fix it.
    So we went from having 90 degree weather to 46 and rainy. I made escarole soup for dinner. Enough for an army so we may be eating it for a few days.

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