Saturday's sandwiches....

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everybody! Supposed to rain again today....and tomorrow. I'd sure like to share this precipitation!!!!!!! :)
    Laid back weekend ahead. My girlfriend brought me some Burning Bush saplings that I'd like to plant as well as three types of perennial flower seeds. We'll head to the Farmer's Market after breakfast. Last one of the season. Boo.
    And my new glasses are in at Costco so I'll go pick those up and grab some more bird seed as well since I'm there.
    Not sure what to make for dinner this evening. We'll see what inspires me as the day goes on.
    Sens Hockey Game on both tonight and tomorrow night. Yay! :)
    Yum on your Italian Wedding soup Laurie. Every time you mention it I want to try it. Enjoy your day off today and your visit with your sister tomorrow.
    Hope you have a more relaxed day today Marie!
    Yummers @ the Bulgogi House Karen. That's got me written all over it! No clue what kind of laptop I am looking for. Haven't had time to research it yet. Fairly inexpensive yet durable and light weight are the first three wants off the top of my head.
    Is Bri all proud of her new vest Michelle?
    What did you end up making for yourself for dinner last night Joce?
    How's the prep for Lynda's visit coming Tina?
    Watched THE stupidest movie on TV last night but Jim loved it. Rolling eyes. "The Kingpin", Woody Harrelson, Bill Murray and Randy Quaid.
    Wishing everyone a most lovely day.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Good morning.

    It is almost 8:30, the sun is up, Mel and A.C. are play fighting two feet in front of my recliner, and Homer is practicing looking hungry and woeful. He is doing an excellent job.

    I’m thinking someone will post a new thread by the time I am done with this, so will copy and paste.

    Wayne is fixing peppercorn bacon and eggs for himself, and 3 slices of bacon for me.

    OH - here is the coffee! Saved! LOL.

    Thought we lost another cat - the other night I heard a scream but only saw Geezer. It was dark except for porch light and flashlights. Miss Kitty reappeared in the morning. Wayne’s buddy teased about cougars - ha ha!

    We were called out sometime after 11 P.M. last night for mutual aid to assist in finding a missing person. At 12:45 they located him so we were dismissed. These late nights are NOT so cool, neither is dodging possums on a narrow dirt road while shining a flashlight into a dense woods. The terrain is too rough to attempt at night.

    There has been another school shooting. Has the world has gone crazy?! In rural areas kids used to drive their pickups to school with a .22 in the back window for hunting afterward. Even if the guys got in a fight the guns never left their trucks - that is not what they were for. End of gripe / vent / growling for the morning.

    Mary is going to have to see the vet. She has a swollen eye again and is reverting from wacko kitty to almost-psycho kitty. I don’t have any idea how to help - could put petroleum jelly on her face but she would go ballistic if I touched it. We have a spray that might help - but would have to immobilize her and cover the eyes in order to use it. Not a comforting thought. I have a bad feeling that Wayne and friend will be digging another grave - she is not leading a quality life with this cropping up all the time.

    On a more positive note - the coffee was wonderful, the bacon good, and the cats are lying on top of the hide-abed looking smug and projecting “good kitty” images. I know better. A.C. deserves his nickname “Bad Kitty.”

    We are still behind on rain so if you want, do send some this way.

    The avatar of the war memorial is impressive. I found out my sister lives near Ottawa and planned on being in that area the day of the shooting, until a friend called to warn her to stay away. I was not aware how close she is until she posted a comment of FB.

    O.K. it is time to scoot. Mountains of laundry are waiting and outside cats are ready for breakfast. See you later.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Morning! Poor you Janet and the crazy amount of rain you are getting! I had to Google Burning Bush Sapplings (as y'all can tell I have zero education on plants and flowers), and they are so pretty. Love how red they are! Have a good last trip to the FM, I agree with you, Booo on it being the last one. Go Sens!! The girls ended up not getting their vest last night, the patches are on back order and the leader likes to get them steamed and sewn on before presenting the vest to them. Lol I saw Kingpin WAY back in the day!

    Hi Karen, sounds like the kitties are having an eventful start to the day :) I'm glad to hear the missing person was found, but ouch on being up so late. I have been falling asleep unusually early lately so that time is making me hurt for you. I saw the shooting on the news. SO sad :( :( Sorry to hear about Mary as well :( Glad you enjoyed your breakfast and coffee though, it's always a great start to the day!

    We are being lazy today. Bri's preference is to do absolutely nothing on the weekends if possible. She either plays Minecraft on Michaels computer or watches movies and videos on her Kindle in her room, and THAT”S IT! I have to force her to even stop and eat lol! I do have a little more Winter shopping to get done, but it can wait until tomorrow, she'll just have to get off her lazy butt :) I am going to take Caiden outside to play in a bit to enjoy the nice Fall weather. I am making beef stew tonight and want to find a good Paleo roll, biscuit, bread type thing to make and serve with it. I need to do some digging on Pinterest :) Hope everyone has a great day!
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good morning:)

    Janet, yes, we plan to have a nice quiet day's good to be busy, we have a load of doors etc coming next Friday and are getting the order together..6 doors so far and a half pallet of openers..we have most of next week to add to the order if anything else comes up..Rick will be checking out a job tomorrow..a man had a handyman install a one piece he made and it doesn't fit the opening..Rick told the man he should call him back to make it right, but he doesn't want him Rick will have to redo the opening and install a new's also our anniversary..17 did that time go? We are thinking of going to Feather Falls Brewery in Oroville for dinner
    Have a good time at the FA, that's always sad when the Farmer's Market's come to an end! We have one more day, next Tuesday:(

    Hi Karen:)
    Glad to hear your kitty showed up! It's raining like crazy this morning (yea) and poor Tippi wants out but she doesn't like getting wet..silly Siamese. She has the front porch to stay under but goes out in the rain and then runs back into the house meowing like crazy...
    I agree, I cannot believe what is happening in our world these days..makes me glad I live in a small town in the middle of no where.
    That's great the missing person was found! We hear about elderly people venturing out, walking or driving when they shouldn't be, most suffer from Alzheimer's or have a medical condition. So sad...

    Hello to everyone!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Okay....decided on
    Sweet And Sour Spare Ribs
    for dinner with maybe a baked potato on the side and if I feel extra ambitious....Beet Carpaccio. (Beet salad with nuts and a sour cream type dressing)
    Peppercorn bacon sounds amazing Karen. I've never heard of that! Three slices for me too please! :) Did this person who went missing get mixed up with their directions? Sorry to hear about Mary. Goodness you really have had a hard time of it with the animals lately. Sending rain to you this very moment. Good your sister managed to avoid all the craziness downtown Ottawa. Jim walked up to the War Memorial on his lunch yesterday and said it was really nice and that people had been leaving tons and tons of floral tributes. Good Luck with the laundry.
    Awww that's too bad the girls didn't get their vests Michelle. They would have been all pumped. Nice that the Leader gets the patches sewn on prior to giving them out. Yes, burning bushes are very pretty. Sapling is just a term for a baby tree. Now that I google it it actually says that saplings are under 4" tall in which case mine wouldn't be called a sapling (anyone know another term?) Mine are about a foot, maybe a foot and a half tall. I don't blame Bri for not wanting to do anything on the weekends. She has a very busy weekday schedule so down time is a nice offset.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Too bad the vests are still a no-go, Michelle. All good things come to those who wait. My GS is a computer addict also and his mom ships him out to play also. LOL. He is a member of a swimming team and takes tai kwan do classes one day a week he listens to the instructions and mimics the moves for self defense perfectly. A child decided to bully him on the bus and he was so proud that he “defended himself” as taught without employing offensive moves - he told her that the instructor said only to use offensive moves if your life was in danger, and it was NOT in danger on the school bus. So funny. She had a talk with the school and the bully will be dealt with, evidently it is a repeat offense on his part. Oh, the joys of elementary school life.

    Happy anniversary, Marie!

    We ended our produce box - too much going to waste and not all local produce. Will like it when FMs are back. Tippi must be adorable - unless you are the one opening the door, closing the door, opening the door...etc. Siamese are often vocal -- cute. A.C. is the most talkative, except for Miss Kitty - her meow can be hear a mile away. LOL

    There were no details on the person we were searching for except name, age, the like, no reasons given so I don’t know if it a missing turkey hunter or Alzheimer’s victim or what the reason. Just glad he was found.

    Peppercorn bacon is good - we buy it from Schwanns every so often.

    Four inches high seemed short for a sapling. I always thought saplings were just small, young trees. Googled it and it said not over 4 inches in diameter at breast height. Height was not a factor. You have short ones, typical of some nursery stock that is mailed out, but they are saplings.

    I’m waiting for the rain. LOL. Enjoy the virtual bacon.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi Marie!! It is good to stay busy, but you should take advantage of your lazy days every once in a while :) Enjoy the lazy day and Happy Anniversary!! I can't open up that link you left for some reason. We had a Siamese cat growing up at my Dad's house named Ziggy :) Have a good time with Rick tonight!

    I have Sweet And Sour Spare Ribs bookmarked Janet, it looks delicious! Yes it is nice they get the patches sewn on, it's just the troop number patches and a couple other ones. The parents are in charge of the rest :)

    Wow on the bullying Karen. I plan on putting Caiden in Karate or something eventually, because of that reason. The bullying these days are so bad. Luckily Bri's school seems to be okay, she's never been bullied, but with Caiden it could be different and I really want him to just be able to defend himself. I agree with you on the peppercorn bacon, it's good stuff :)

    Got the kids outside to burn some energy but had to cut it short. The guy who lives across the street probably in his late 20's early 30's came out to wash his car and started blaring rap music that had horrible profanity, about drugs and sex. We came in immediately. He has done this before and can see we are outside, I feel like he should know better. Ticks me off!
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Awww thank you Karen & Michelle! Try their website link Michelle, at the top click on brewery and click on menu:)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    SP and Happy Anniversary Marie! 17 years! Congrats! And it is good you're busy. And steady! Funny Tippi meowing her disdain at the rain! :) The menu is a great one. I'm eyeing up the Chicken Fajita Salad, the Indian Taco, or the Panko Crusted Chicken. :)
    That is amusing and nice that your GS was proud of his Tai Kwon Do prowness Karen. I feel very strongly about bullying in schools and believe it should be nipped in the bud asap. Zero tolerance. And you're right about the sapling measurement. I misread it. Must have been before my second cup of coffee had kicked in. :)
    Ugh on the guy across the street Michelle. Rolling eyes! "some people!".
    Picked up a jar of homemade Corn salsa at the Farmer's Market as well as some apples and Apple Cider. Decided to make a foray to the Tanger Mall but it was INSANE! Got into the parking lot but there were NO spots and then had a devil of a time trying to get out. Bad idea! Picked up my new glasses at Costco. Hurray! And then lunch at Fusion House....sushi, dim sum, etc. Tried a new dish today....Sesame Crispy Beef. Very nice. Tried a new sushi...Short rib and cucumber. Won't order again.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Happy Anniversary to Marie and Rick! And many more....I hope you have some wonderful relaxation ahead. LOL on Tippi and the rain. Sounds like our Skippy. She is water, dew and grass phobic. Feathers Fall Brewery (neat name) sounds like a lovely place for celebration. Boy, oh boy, do you have a full load of work ahead of you. Take it easy.

    Oh no, on the FM last hurrah, Janet. I hope you were able to score some goodies. I hope your glasses are just what you wanted. Ribs sound delicious. The saplings and fall planting is ambitious in the rain, I hope it breaks so you have hot tub time. Go Sens. I'll take your word on the movie and skip that one. I saw the cutest mushroom carving and Halloween dish. GZakarian carved plain white button mushrooms like skulls, using a small melon baller for the eyes and a paring knive to carve teeth in the stem and a small 'v' to notch out a nose. He then dried them in a 200 degree oven for 20 minutes, sprinkled with salt and black pepper. Finally he made a thick balsamic glaze and served his 'skulls' drizzed with the glaze. It was very spooky looking. It was on Food Network, US, The Kitchen show.

    Karen, those cries in the night would sadden me. Oh no. on Mary and her eye. So sorry you had a late call last evening. I"d be sucking down coffee too. Silly me, I actually went to bed at 6:00 a.m. and didn't get up til 11:00. Laundry here. I did the bed linens and need help in remaking all three beds. Dogs are mad because I washed all their rugs. "You expect me to lay on the floor???" Bulgogi House = YUM. I understand giving up the veggie basket if they are full of imports.

    Michelle, oh, I'd be ticked off if my neighbor started his stereo with that horrid music in front of my kids, too. Some people. Sorry, Briauna didn't get her vest, but she will just as excited when she gets it with the patches. Love your search of Pinterest for paleo buns. That will be great with beef stew.

    The school shooting is just awful. I don't know how anyone could carry such anger to target other kids. One wonders, "Yes, what is the world coming to?"

    House is vaccuumed. Decluttering is complete. (We are promising not to let it pile up again, yeah right?) Scrubbing the floor next.....I need a long handled scrubber as I can not get on my hands and knees. This will be interesting.

    Lynda put the kabosh on my brunch plans. She wants to go for pizza. She says there is no good pizza in Franklin and she wants a decent slice of pie. I did convince her that we will have dessert first at the house and that dessert is chocolate.

    Dinner, hopefully will be roasted pork tenderloin, red cabbage and apples and mashed potatoes. If I make it through the floor, then I can cook. Otherwise a dive into the freezer will yield Sour Cream Hamburger Bake for supper.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Those mushroom skulls sound awesome Tina. And the rain has daunted any enthusiasm that Jim and I had for outdoor jobs today....but indeed...a hot tub is still in order a little later! :) Oh my goodness at not going to bed until 6. I just couldn't make it that long. I can understand Lynda's craving for pizza if she can't get any good stuff in Franklin. A chocolate dessert will be a perfect match. :) YOur dinner sounds lovely. Either choice.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    If I can find some decent sized button mushrooms, I think I might just try to carve the skulls. There wasn't a picture at the website.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    I think you could get the noisy neighbor on noise alone - esp. if he seems to target your kids and play it then. Most places have noise level ordinances. We have no neighbors close enough to be noisy - HALLELUJAH!

    OK Wayne is ready to go change out change out game cameras so I must go.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    I'm Ba-a-a-ack. We took off again in the Gator to check a couple of game camera settings and generally mess around / goof off instead of getting some housework and / or outside chores done. I do NOT feel guilty one bit. We are sitting in the gazebo with healthy lemon water / no sugar drinks. His iPad will not pick up our internet WIFI but my computer will. Neither are 3G so that won't help.

    Neighbors somewhere around are shooting - sounds like they are sighting the guns. It may be turkey hunters in the forest, also. Speaking of which, we probably need to get our landowner permits so we can actually go deer hunting. I have not gotten a deer and with the heavy acorn crop this year they will be hunkering down in the woods so not so easy to find. Ah well, I enjoy the peace and quiet.

    Our neighbors are going up to get their mail. No - not them. They must have company leaving.

    I don't know about the mushroom skulls - sounds like someone with talent could do well but that leaves me out. LOL.

    Tina, enjoy the pizza and your company. Your chocolate dessert sounds fantastic. I have no idea what critter we heard but it could be anything from a bobcat to ????? It might not be something getting attacked, just the noise of a predator of some kind. I am no expert - sigh sigh. So much to learn about where we live.

    Miss Kitty just joined us in the gazebo. She is strolling around drooling on the floor and meowing her happiness. At least we think she is happy. The purrs are loud and the meows gentle, so I gather she is enjoying our company. Homer is somewhere in the yard - he doesn't care for the gazebo. The only other sound is a noisy bird scolding something and an occasional acorn landing on the top of the gazebo. It is somewhere in the vicinity of 80-ish today, but by next Saturday it will turn cold and a low of 35 F. Winter looms ahead.

    The laundry is still waiting. I really have to do another load before bedtime, maybe 2 if I want clean clothes tomorrow. We are toying with going out for breakfast before picking up the GSs and daughter for church, but then maybe not. I am stuck on what to fix tonight. We may have some chicken breasts that I can bake from a frozen state, and we have potatoes and sweet potatoes that keep staring at me and looking forlorn -- will decide when I get inside. Sour cream hamburger bake sounds awesome - if the hamburg was thawed and we had sour cream in the refrigerator - ha ha. Maybe some pasta? Hamburg can be fried up when frozen - guess I better decide PDQ as it is almost 5 P.M.

    Ah, well. I kind of forgot about lunch today. Wayne fixed a sandwich but I was not hungry for anything in particular. So I best go inside and work on supper. Have a good rest-of-the-afternoon, everyone.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Hey all
    Went to the mall with my mom, sister jaimie and Becca. The. red Robin for lunch. I had never been this one is new and there isn't any others around here that I know of.
    Still full. Then we went to the new Target. I got some goodies for Halloween for my nieces that Are coming over tomorrow. Scooby DVD, ghost flashlights and some candy.
    Now just relaxing.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Laurie, it sounds like you had a full day. I'm sure your nieces will enjoy their Halloween goodies! I've hear of Red Robin, it is advertised in these parts, but have not been there. Hope you enjoyed it.

    We had a concocted ground beef - pasta - cream of chicken soup casserole. Not one of my finer dishes - LOL. But good.

    A.C. is curled up on Wayne's chair - he has circled several times and finallly finished kneading the chair. Brat.

    I am doing some laundry and that is about it for tonight. DW is going. Pets are asleep or faking same. Even Wayne has decided to take a quick siesta.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Fred is out for the count. All the housecleaning did him in. Poor soul. At least he has clean sheets, clean comforter. Dinner has become something else altogether, chicken from the frozen state, brussel sprouts and reheated rice pilaf. Super easy. Now, dare I wake the sleeping beast, or let him slumber?

    Karen, the chocolate cake with cocoa powder, chocolate ganache, no nuts, no caramel for Lynda, will be on my agenda tomorrow. I hope it will set up nicely. Dense and fudgy is her favorite.

    Liv is in a state. She was reprimanded at work for being too slow and not filling coffee cups. This is not possible for my energizer bunny. Her employer is simply hot/cold bipolar nut case. She did this to Olivia before at Sea Hags and I only knew it would be a matter of time before she flipped her lid at the Toasted Monkey. I tend to think that Olivia is getting a lot of regulars that choose her section and the other two waitresses are throwing her under the bus. She was crying and sobbing. She had the busboy go get her purse and slunk out the back of the restaurant because she didn't want to give them the satisfaction of beating her to a pulp and making her cry. Thankfully, she went and picked up her new Asus and is off to carve pumpkins with her girlfriend. She said, "fix me a plate, I'll eat when I get home." Told her to come in my room and cuddle no matter what time it may be.

    Laurie, are the girls dressing up this year? Are you having a little party with the nieces? What did you get at the Red Robin? Fred likes their Tavern burger and the TALL beer. I had their spicy burger and it was spicy. Glad you picked up some bargains at Target. Enjoy your relaxing night.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Karen, sounds like your house is at peace for a bit. I'm sending good kitty vibes to A.C.
    Even when my dogs slumber, it sounds like a party. They snore and rumble. Actually it is rather funny to hear.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    My girls are too old for trick or treating but Becca is dressing up as Jesse from toy story and her friends are the other charectors. They are doing a little open house type thing at my neighbors house. A few of my neighbors especially my friend Lucy do this. Treats and drinks inside a decorated garage. One neighbor does hot chocolate. It's a very big neighborhood.
    I got a burger with blue cheese and sweet potato fries. But something isn't sitting well now I'm feeling a little queasy? But I had the burner Ike 4 hours ago. And only some peanut m&ms since.
    My sister Mary and BIL were supposed to come for a sleepover today into tomorrow but they decided just to come on Sunday for the day. They live in Connecticut about two hours away. Frank and I love having the little girls over. He bought a case of goldfish crackers for their impending visit.. The little one never wants to leave. She is five.
    I'm making a spoon roast but the Patriots are on at 1 so the "boys" may be eating in front of the TV.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Laurie, Liv is too old for the trick or treat part, but she has to dress up at work. I love the open house idea where you dress and pass out hot cider or cocoa. Where we lived before, hundreds of kids would come around to see the decorated houses and garages. We had police watching the traffic in and around the neighborhood. I know I went though 30 lbs. of candy three years in a row. I'm buying a single bag this year for Fred to eat.

    Hope you get over the queasy tummy soon. LOL at the boys in front of the TV. Have a good visit. Fred is excited for the 9:00 am game from England. Football mania reigns.

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