Sunday's Steak Dinner

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's a pretty Sunday morning here in the Ottawa Valley. Bright, blue sky and sunshine but very cold still/again. :) Guests are still in bed. Guess we tuckered them out yesterday. :) They had a fun skate on the Rideau Canal and we saw more Ice Sculptures. We went back to Johnny Farina's for a late lunch and had their Scallop/Bacon pizza again. It's so good. Didn't end up eating dinner until 8:30.
    We're just going to hang around our place today and they can go for a snowshoe, a hot tub and a skate on the pond if anyone has the energy to shovel it off. :) I'm going to make a huge appy lunch and then BBQ some Rib Eyes for dinner with Twice Baked potatoes and grilled peppers for dinner this evening. It's Jim's Brother's birthday today so instead of a cake I'm making this Marguerita Dessert. Walked to Piccolo Grande yesterday and managed to buy two tubs of Lime Sorbet.

    Are you feeling any better this morning Laurie? Wouldn't be surprising if you were coming down with something after both Frank and Becca were under the weather. Did Rachel's boyfriend ever do a special invite to the Prom for her? Was it the prom? Sweet of Frank to get Chinese.
    Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday. Two pics from yesterday below. :)
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Morning. We are in the throws of yet another blizzard. Tina can I come live with you in Florida?? The transportation system is completely shut down again. All flights are cancelled.
    Rachel's boyfriend did ask her to prom. He took her to dinner and for dessert they brought out a Nutella pizza and prom? Was written accross the plate.
    Not sure what I'm going to make for dinner.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good morning Janet!
    I love the on all of the snow! It's been hitting 70F here, just like Spring..we have usually had at least one snow's just crazy weather here. We haven't had much of a Winter and it getting worrisome. Your menu sounds amazing! Glad you are all having such a good time! Benjamin is so handsome, love the avatar pic:)
    I hope you are feeling better...

    I was up at 4:30 this morning, Rick got up then went back to bed:) I feel well rested..but there's just something wrong when you get up that early on a Sunday..I'll probably start to fade here in a couple of hours:)

    We're going to see Rick's Dad..he's still in acute care..he's not eating..they have tried giving him Ensure, but he said it was too thick (?) He's being just a bit picky if you ask me..I don't know why they didn't "water" it down. His leg seems to be doing better, but he said he feels a little nauseous. He's completely off the pain & antibiotic meds..we just don't know what's going on with him. Rick's brother is going to meet us there so maybe we'll figure something out..Rick wants to stop and pickup a hamburger for him to try to get him to eat..his Dad loves hamburgers. I know he doesn't care for the acute center's food, but he still needs to eat! AND if he's not eating, I think it's IV time to get fluids and nourishment into his system..we're going nuts with one seems to know what's going on:(

    I don't know what we are having for dinner..need to check the freezer and figure something out...

    <HUGS> Tina dear

    A big hello to all:)
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    SP Laurie! OH no on another blizzard..come to California, it's Spring here...stay safe!!!
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    So I'm going to make chili and corn bread. Basing the chili on Tina's post yesterday. Tina, does the can of chilis make it really hot? Also do you cook that in the crockpot? TIA.
    Since airport is closed I don't think I'm going to California or any place else. I'm dreading going back to work on Tuesday. Contemplating making some nestles toll house cookies not sure if I have enough flour.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Also what do you guys think of unopened worchestershire sauce that expired in 2013. Think I could use it? Or should I just omit?
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Glad you had such a great time yesterday, Janet. What a super family pic! Everyone looks all nicely bundled up and warm. A very cool idea for Jim's brother's birthday dessert. Enjoy staying around the house today, it is brutally cold today even though the sun is shining. It feels like -38F out there today!

    My goodness, Laurie! I wish it stop snowing there too! Rachel's boyfriend sounds like he is a real sweetie:)

    Marie, Maybe they were trying to give Rick's Dad Ensure with Fiber in it? YUCK it is thick and grainy tasting! Trust me I have accidentally bought it. The one without fiber added isn't. Gee I hope you can get some things sorted out for him today! Keep us updated on how he is doing please.

    Den is doing laundry today and not sure at the moment what we are having for dinner. I will let you know later gators!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Morning! Sounds like you had a great time with your guest yesterday Janet!! Wow, sounds like you have a nice spread planned for the day, what a great hostess you are :) Love the idea of that lime sorbet margarita, too cool!! Great pics!

    Wow Laurie, your weather sounds horrible! :( That's cute how Rachel's boyfriend asked her to the prom :) They make the can of chili's in mild, medium and hot. Just read the can. I personally don't even find the hot chili's that spicy :)

    Hi Marie! Sorry to hear about Ricks Dad :( Hopefully he will start eating soon, but I do agree with you on putting on some IV's or something. Take a little nap if you can, your right, 4:30 is too early!!

    Hi Joce!! What a sweetie of Den to do the laundry :)

    Having a nice slow start to our morning so far. Caiden woke up at 5:30 when Michael was leaving for work and I made him get in bed with me and he just tossed and turned and kept me awake. I turned on the T.V. And he finally settled down, so I caught about another 30 minutes of sleep. Still feeling a little groggy, especially since Briauna and I stayed up late last night watching movies. My MIL is stopping by at some point to give Briauna her birthday present (birthdays tomorrow) and then we have softball practice this afternoon, then we are meeting up with my Mom and Dad to have dinner at Cici's Pizza (Briauna's choice) for her birthday as well. Okay off to put my face on before my MIL gets here lol :)
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle! Hi Joce! We're back home..his Dad seems to be doing better today..he said he was eating a little..we brought him a steak & egg flatbread from Subway, apples & a cookie..he just called to say he ate the whole thing:) We feel so much better, he seems to be on his way to getting back home...
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    ANOTHER BLIZZARD LAURIE! OH MY GOODNESS! Cute on Rachel's boyfriend's Prom question. :) What's this about California? Were you planning a trip there? I'd chuck out the Worcestershire sauce myself ("When in doubt, throw it out") but I don't believe it'd make you sick if you did use it.
    Between Laurie and I Marie, you'd think that we should be able to send you some moisture levels, are sitting tight in our respective cities. I'm so sorry to hear about Rick's Dad. I hope the hamburger does the trick. You are right in that he has to eat something even if he doesn't like their food.
    So nice for Den to be doing up the laundry Joce.
    Enjoy your visit with your MIL Michelle. Softball practice even on a Sunday? Wow. You truly deserve one day a week just to relax from your crazy busy normal schedule. Fun Fun on Cici's pizza with your Mom and Dad. Have a great time.
    Everyone is out in the Hot Tub. It's killing me not getting to go. But it's -20C/-4F so I figure I'd best stay inside by the fire. Damn pneumonia.
    Lunch went great and I've already prepped the peppers, steak, potatoes and rimmed the glasses for the dessert this evening.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    All about Worcestershire sauce

    Pork chops for dinner. It is almost 5:00 PM here CHEERS!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    I'd think the worchestershire would be fine. I use it so much, it never seems to expire. The chili was not spicy at all.

    Of course, you could come to thaw out in Florida. We are having a great stretch of weather. Hope everybody had a lovely celebratory day yesterday. I stayed up til 4 am. I'm exhausted now.

    I love the cute invite to Prom. How sweet!
    Your dinners collectively sound yummy. I'm not too enthused about much. Kind of like Rick's dad, nothing is appealing or worth the effort.

    Scotty got Olivia the most obnoxious balloon that sings when tapped. Lola barks at it and then will run and get the weight and shake it until it sings again,,,,,,then she barks more. She also got a huge box of Ferrero Roche, a bottle of wine and a dozen roses.

    Fred's wedding ring fell off my finger and I can't find it. I'm more than a little upset with myself when I knew it was too big.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    I tossed the Worcestershire ,maybe if it was a little expired but a year. No
    The chili was really good! Joy has a toy I had previously taken away but CRAFT. Couldn't rmember why and I gave it back to her. It's the loudest freaking thing! Now it rolled under the couch and no one wants to get it and she is having a mini meltdown
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    We are back from church. Youngest GS had a swimming competition today in St. Louis. There were 251 kids competing. He was up against all levels of swimmers, this meet will set his "times" so he will be paired with other with similar "times." He will have another one next month. He is very tired.

    We are in the 4-7 inch snow forecast. North of the 6-10 inch snow forecast. Now, it is just crossing I-70 and is not due to hit until 8-ish. It should continue through tomorrow morning. The "model trends" are increasing the amount daily. I will believe it when I see it. LOL. It is COLD and going to get colder.

    Wonderful family pictures, Janet. Rib eye steaks sound so good. I really
    love the ice sculptures! Too bad you can't hit the hot tub, but better safe than sorry.

    Chili sounds good, Laurie! I would probably use the Worcetershire sauce, anyhow. Our daughter has always been a stickler for the dates until she became a single mother with three kids. Now she is less rigid about sticking to them. I guess if it smells off or something of that nature, It would be best to pitch it. I will have to Google Joce's sites to read up on it. Not another blizzard! And I would like at least 6 inches of the white stuff if you can figure out how to send it this way. Like the prom invite!

    Joce, pork chops sound yummy.

    No fun losing out on sleep, Michelle. Happy Birthday, Briauna.

    Glad Rick's Dad is eating something, Marie. Let us know how he is doing. My Mom would drink Ensure when she wouldn't eat anything else. The aide in the nursing home was patient and encouraging, so she actually put on 5 pounds there.

    Hi, Tina!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    SP Tina and Laurie.
    Did you lose the ring inside the house, Tina? Hopefully, it will show up. Maybe when you find it, you could put it on a chain and wear it around your neck, easier to keep safe.

    So funny about Lola and the noise making balloon.

    Take care.

    See you all later.

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