Things to do Thursday?

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Our day is kind of up in the air. Will wait around until the guy comes to (hopefully) fix the pellet stove, and then we both acknowledge we need to get out of the house for some social stimulation although we have no clue what to go and do. LOL. I would like to go visit a local library to help me with my Family tree research but the one I want to visit closes today at 1 p.m. so it depends how long the repairman is here or when he arrives whether or not I'll make it there.

    Decided on
    Crispy Parmesan Crusted Salmon
    for dinner with a plate of sliced tomatoes and avocados as a side.

    I'll work some more on my bookcase dusting today. It'd be nice if I could finish the job up.

    What does everyone else have planned for their day?
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Morning! Another rainy day here, supposed to rain all morning and then just stop in the afternoon. We will see how that goes lol :P

    Linda, good for you for cooking at home more, and healthier!! SO glad to hear everything is starting to work out for you and your DH :) Crossing fingers the appt. With the new doctor works out. We love Mahi Mahi! Red wine gives me heartburn :\

    Lol at the mouse and cats Karen! Good job Fritz, although I don’t think I’ll tell Bri, she loves mice too :\

    Shona, yes I want to find those clothespins! I think I can find them at Hobby Lobby or Amazon my be the way to go. Your dinner last night sounded delicious, how did it turn out? Good job on all your family history digging, sounds like your finding some great stuff!

    Like I said last night Janet, I’m so happy to hear the chalkboard paint works well, can’t wait to use it! Cool on you as well finding out even more about your ancestors :) I bet the Chicken al la King was yummy last night and salmon sounds delicious, haven't had it in forever!! Sounds like your bookshelf is very organized now, something I should probably get around to doing to one of these days.

    Bren, I’m so glad you posted that link to the Shepard’s Pie, it’s one of Michael’s favorite meals, bookmarked!! Aww..Annie sounds so cute :)

    The buffalo chicken sounds delicious Laurie! Caiden’s birthday is in June so we usually do a water slide or something for his. Congrat’s to Becca!

    Got Bri off to school, but Michael and Caiden are still sleeping, so I am just enjoying my coffee and watching one of my DVR shows. Plan on getting started on the tissue paper numbers today, the main thing I’m worried about is getting the numbers cut out nice and neat, but since there will be tissue paper all over it, I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s perfect. I forgot to say last night but we are also doing a “mall madness” treasure hunt. Going to take the girls to the mall and I have a list of items they have to find and either put in their bag, or snap a picture of and at the end they will get a prize, probably a Starbuck’s gift card or something. Getting the list all set up, should be fun! Still debating on dinner, I would like to do something light, like a salad of some sort. Have some leftover chicken thighs from last night that I didn’t bread in the pistachio mixture so that may be the protein for the salad. Not sure if it’s enough chicken though. Wish I had some shrimp or something else, just a freezer full of beef!!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!!
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Good morning everyone. Oh my gosh Janet, your avatar is adorable!!! Fingers crossed that the pellet guy comes early and is able to fix the stove fairly inexpensively. Dusting is my least favourite chore but something that I have to keep up with as both children have asthma. Wow, your dinner sounds good. Patrick has some great recipes.
    It's grey and dreary here too Michelle. Shepherd's Pie is one of my daughters favourites, your welcome. The "Mall Madness" hunt sounds like a blast. Your really going all out for this party, good for you and I'm sure that Bri will appreciate it.
    Congrats to Becca, Laurie.
    It sounds like you have everything under control, Linda. Good luck finding a doctor. It's great to hear that your DH is improving physically. I will continue to send healing prayers.
    LOL @ Fritz and the mouse Karen.
    Just the usual going on here today. I have no idea what's for dinner, will have to see what jumps out of the freezer.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Do take a picture of your party decorations once you have them done Michelle! That is very fun to bring the girls on a treasure hunt at the mall. LOL. Great idea!

    Morning Bren! Between the pellet stove and the fireplace we generate a lot of dust on a daily basis! :) Good luck with your dinner plans and have a great day!
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Yes, that would generate a lot of dust Janet. I could dust daily, we're not far from the 417 and the construction in the area doesn't help.
    Can someone help me out please. I'm looking for the recipe for slow cooker turkey breast. I thought that it was Linda's but I checked her recipe box and don't see it. Heading out now and will check back later, thanks!!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:

    Here it is Bren. Linda's the one that told us about it. These are her 'notes' on it as well:

    The changes I make are to use Turkey broth/stock instead of Chicken. I can find a decent brand here in the carton (32 oz) and use it and I use the entire carton and don't add the water. When the time comes to strain the broth, I don't, I take an immersion blender to it and then thicken up what I want to use at the time I'm using it with a corn starch slurry. In that I don't use low sodium broth I don't add salt until after it's done cooking and it's then to taste.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Good morning.

    Or at least it started that way until Fritz removed a roll of stamps that Wayne ledft in the open on his desk, and chewed them. His comment : I just checked on him. Men! Dog is not popular this morning. He got into a scrap with one of the cats and knocked down a partially full can of sparkling water. He s on a roll..

    Janet, I would love slices of tomatoes and Avacado as a side. We don't have Avacado but may have some smoked salmon ....that would be a great meal idea. Tonight we must have spaghetti....too full yesterday to eat a big meal, so had cheese and summer sausage and sliced Asian / Korean / Nasi pear.

    Michelle, Bri's party sound like it will be a lot of fun. I like the idea of them taking a picture of an item instead of having to bring it back. I have noticed as I get older that red wine can be a bit heartburn inducing, best if drank while munching heart unhealthy, scrumptious, forbidden treats. Heh heh heh.

    Bren, my freezer functions the same way. Things jump out at me and make me decide how to use them.

    Want to bake banana bread or a coffee cake. After my second cup of coffee....LOL. Swept kitchen and living room floors, straightened the cover on the loveseat....cats keep pulling it down. Laundry waits. Dog has not reached the settling down stage so he is still under supervision. Mel, Trouble, and A.C. are already outside, have a feeling they will be back inside shortly.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    I hope your pellet stove is all fixed up today, Janet. Your dinner sounds delightful to me! Good luck dusting your bookshelves and books.

    I love Mahi Mahi, Michelle and I haven't had it in ages! I also love all the cool creations you are making for Bri's birthday party. What a great idea to have a treasure hunt in the Mall. I hope Caiden is feeling much better today.

    It is just a normal day around here too, Bren. You deserve a relaxing day.

    Congratulations to Becca, Laurie!

    Linda, Your DH seems to be progressing very quickly and I am so happy you have all the extra people coming to help him and also give you a break as well. You seem to be handling everything so well. Keep up the good work.

    What are you and your critters up to today, Karen?

    I don't have a clue what we are having for dinner yet. Hopefully, something will pop into my mind when I look in the freezer.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Oops! I missed you there, Karen! Oh dear! Fritz does sound like he is on a roll today! I would like either the banana bread or the coffee cake. Maybe I will make some sort of sweet today. I have some apples to use up and I should decide on what muffins I am going to make and pick a recipe of Keni's as well.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi Joce.

    Critters are being rotten today, Joce. Fritz finally settled into a morning resting time, beside Wayne in his chair. He is not endearing himself by chewing up stamps.

    I have to get something accomplished so will sign off and head for the kitchen.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Oh dear @ Fritz this morning Karen. :) Banana bread or coffee cake sound lovely. My Dad loved baked goods and Mom always had a cookie jar full or a pan of goodies on hand, always.

    Pellet guy just called and he's going to be another half hour so there goes our plans to head to the library. Boo. I'm continuing on with the bookshelves. Have been moving a lot of stuff around which takes time but will be appreciated afterwards. :)

    Hi Joce! Good luck seeking inspiration from the freezer. Looks like that's a theme today. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Banana coffee cake is in the oven. After it is done I need to use something me of my Asian pears and apples to do a crisp. Short on eggs so will peruse recipes.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Thank you Janet, much appreciated. The turkey breast was partially frozen but I stuck in in on high. I hope that it cooks!!
    Yikes, Karen. Fritz is being a real brat today. I could go for a piece of banana coffee cake now. Yum on the spaghetti, I could eat pasta seven days a week.
    Thanks Joce. Dinner is in the pot so I may curl up with a book in a bit.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Coffee cake was good. Half gone already!

    Fritz is snoozing after his afternoon walk. He decided to snooze so he can rest up and metamorph into a holy terror later. All cats came in. A.C. Claimed my lap and was tolerant enough to allow Fritz to sniff him, just not happy when the dog stepped on his back leg. If he doesn't cut off my circulation he can sleep there, gives me an excuse not to do housework.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    DH is being a real P.I.A. Since we didn't have anyone scheduled in today I thought it would be nice to get him out for a bit, especially so he walks, so we took a short ride to Staples (his speech therapist wants him to have spiral notebooks) and then a few stores down to Bed Bath and Beyond because I needed food vacuum sealer bags. He did good in the stores. Looked around a lot at stuff and seemed to enjoy being out. Then when we got in the car he wanted something and I just couldn't figure out what! He thinks I can drive and look at him, can't, so I pulled over. I thought he wanted to go out to eat as it was past lunch and I knew he was hungry but then when I would start to go he wanted to stop. I couldn't understand him, he shakes his head yes and then no, so then we came home, then he was frustrated we were home, so we went back out, and then he was frustrated we were back out and got something to eat. Difficult day but I expect them.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Bummer the pellet guy came out so late Janet to fix your stove. Murphy's Law, right. At least the bookshelf is getting done.

    How many girls will be at DD birthday bash Michelle? Hope it's a manageable group.

    Hi Bren! Glad to see Janet linked the site for the turkey breast recipe. I'll be making one tomorrow. I bought a frozen breast the other day and it is thawed. I'll make the mixture up tonight so I can dump everything in the crockpot tomorrow morning. I love that recipe for a quick easy meal later.

    My goodness Karen, you sure do have your hands full with Fritz. Hoping he grows out of it soon.

    Hi Joce. What I wouldn't give for a peaceful normal day .... Aaaaaaaah.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Sorry DH had a bad day and thus so did you Linda. May tomorrow be a better one! I too just love that Turkey breast recipe. It's a keeper for sure!

    The Pellet stove repairman showed up around 12:30 and left shortly after one. He changed out a couple of small parts and we're all crossing our fingers that does the trick. So far so good. He didn't charge us a thing. Really do love that company.

    Jim wanted to go back to the "Cheshire Cat Pub" in Carp for lunch so we did. Such a cozy atmosphere on a dreary winter's afternoon. I had the carpaccio and Jim had the Yellow chicken curry over fries with tomato chutney.

    Got the bookcase all finished and it does look a lot better. :)
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    I gave him a Xanex to calm him. I forget, I'm not dealing with an always rational person.
    Happy to hear the pellet stove is working. Sounds like a great company. Your lunch sounded great too.
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    Good evening all. Just a quick hello here. Cayce has been sick again. Actually don't think he really got it all out of his system the last time. High fever but finally broke. Chic noodle soup has been his best friend the last two days!

    Dinner tonight is whatever you can manage to heat up yourself in the microwave, lol! Have a variety of leftovers in the fridge and I'm too tired to cook anything new tonight. That's the problem with my family. They aren't keen on leftover anything.

    Linda.....I'm sure you have a lot of bad days and good days ahead of you. Stay as strong as you are now and hold tight to those "good" days, they will get you thru! So good that you got your husband out. I would think that would be a must with the recovery process.

    Sleep Sweet always.................
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    That sucks Kimmer, hopefully he'll recover quickly. Your dinner plan would work for me.

    I'm sorry that you had a bad day Linda. As Kimmer said hold tight to the good days. It's easy to forget that he isn't the same person as he looks the same. The turkey was wonderful but I might cut back on the garlic a wee bit next time. It's a keeper!!
    Fingers crossed that the pellet stove works, Janet. Nice on your lunch!!
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Sorry to hear your DS is still sick Kimmer. Plenty of rest, stay warm, and good ole fashioned chix soup ... hope he feels better soon.

    Happy you liked the turkey recipe Bren. I think garlic is so subjective regarding how much you use ... clove size varies so much.

    Yep, DH really tested my patience today. And most frustrating trying to guess what he is trying to communicate. Can only hope for better days.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    I LOVED the turkey recipe Linda. It was one of the easiest turkey meals that I've ever made. The garlic was my fault, my gloves were huge and I should have adjusted accordingly. I've saved the recipe and it will be a repeat.
    Tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one for you.

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