Turkey Tuesday!

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Jim and I were playing on our respective laptops in front of the fireplace this morning when we hear a HUGE bang at the front window. Almost sounded like someone had rammed it with a log, but it didn't break (thankfully). We rush out to the front foyer to find a freakin' turkey all ruffled up in the adirondack chair directly underneath the window. I don't know if it accidently flew into the window? or got startled and flew into the window or what, but it sure did make a loud noise. Thankfully within moments it flew back down on to the ground, shook it's head a few times and walked about a bit slowly at first but within 5 minutes it's back with the rest of it's flock pecking on the ground like nothing ever happened. Silly birds. I'm going to go look for those dots you can put on a window by "Flap" to alert birds to the danger.

    Gray day here this morning. We have an appointment at 1 p.m. to get the oil changed in the car. Jim wants to go to a Pub for lunch and have a glass of Craft beer but we haven't decided exactly where to go yet.

    If we do go out for lunch I'll keep the batch of soup i made yesterday as our dinner.

    Wishing everyone a great day. it feels like Wednesday to me even though it's still just Tuesday. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning Janet! Holy Cow on the turkey! Glad you window AND the turkey are okay lol. Enjoy your lunch and beer for lunch!
    Right after school Caiden has tryouts for the high school play pre show. Wish him luck, he's nervous!

    Got to get these made today Gingerbread Men for Caiden's cub scout Christmas party tonight. I feel bad because I'm having my Mom take home since Bri's first batting lessons are tonight and I have to take her. Oh well, I can't be everywhere and with Michael on nights it's just hard :( That's about it for us, have no clue what's for dinner or if I'll even have time to make something. Have a great day!!
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!
    Glad the window and turkey are alright, Janet! We used to have big picture windows at the cottage and birds would hit them quite often. I still shudder thinking about the sound they made hitting the window and how many little birds I buried. Enjoy your lunch wherever you decide to go.

    So true you can't be everywhere but it is really nice your Mom can help out.

    I am not sure what we are having for dinner tonight. Perhaps pork chops? Hmmm, that could be a plan.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Good morning Janet and Michelle.

    Wow on the crazy turkey. We ha e had birds crash into our windows but these are little song birds. One died from the impact, one had knocked itself out and I even stood guard to keep the cat from discovering the poor thing....it took a while for it to come to and wobble around until it was ok t fly.

    Gingerbread men are so cute. Caiden should really like kecthem.

    Wayne got a small deer yesterday. Now we have to process it etc., he likes hunting but does not like processing.

    Running errands today so must go.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Morning Michelle! Good luck to Caiden at the tryouts! Am tickled you're making my Gingerbread recipe. I LOVE that recipe! Don't feel bad that your Mom is going to take Caiden to the party. Feel lucky and blessed you have extended family near by that can pick up the slack when you have too much on the go and....that Caiden gets to have his Grandma at his Scout Christmas party! If you didn't have extended family around, then either a friend or neighbour would have to bring him or either Bri or Caiden would have to cancel something. Good luck to Bri as well at batting lessons. Go to it Super Woman!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    SP Joce and Karen!

    Yum on porkchops for tonight Joce!

    Congrats to Wayne on getting his deer. How many are you allowed? Are you having venison for dinner? :)
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Afternoon Everyone.

    Where has the day gone? My routine is all off. Got up a little earlier than usual because I remembered in the wee hours of the night that we forgot to take our trash and recycling out and sometimes they come really early so it was on my mind. Got up and got the cans out. Then because I got up DH got up. DH wanted to clean the master bath so my thoughts were "great!, go for it". I made breakfast and then he got to it and did a fantastic job. Got the steam cleaner out and did everything! I hate cleaning the master bathroom because it's big so I was happy he did it. I tried to clean up some other things around the house but really can't do anything until after the lanai is sealed and we can move the patio furniture back out there. For now it's between my dining room and kitchen all piled up.
    Had enough leftover chicken to make chicken salad sandwiches for lunch.

    YIKES on the turkey Janet. I'm sure the noise was startling not to mention how the turkey felt. Hope you find a good place for lunch.

    You are fortunate to have family to help Michelle. You can't be two places at once and it's nice they are there to help and too they probably enjoy it.

    Yum on pork chops Joce. How are you making them? Bone in or out?

    That's good Wayne got a deer Karen. Do you use all of it once processed? I too would not like the processing part. Does he do it himself or take it someplace?

    Since we spent most of the day cleaning I thinking we'll go out for a bite to eat. Too, I still haven't gotten to the store but have been managing to put a decent meal out but all that's left now for veggies are Brussel Sprouts. I love them but DH would rather eat cardboard than Brussel Sprouts lol!
    I'm not sure if I'll go to the craft market tomorrow or not. I really don't need anything. I spent the last 2 years getting rid of stuff and we don't exchange gifts anymore with others. I'll give some $ to our service people with a card but that's it. I just don't like crowds. Not sure yet.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Sure sounds like you were up and at 'em alright Linda! Nice on DH cleaning the master bathroom. Hope you have a nice meal out.

    Jim and I got the winter tires put on the car at the garage and then headed to Arnprior. Did just a wee bit of genealogy research, poked in a couple of shops and ate lunch at "Darcy Mac's Pub". Probaby won't go back. Jim and I both ordered one piece of fish with fries. the fries were mediocre and the fish was overdone. it was cold in the restaurant which you don't expect from a Pub in mid-November. Jim ordered a beer but they only had one cider available and it was a pear cider which I find too sweet, so I opted for a glass of water. Boo. Oh well. you win some you lose some.

    Home now and Jim is starting us another fire.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    SP Joce.

    Linda, we process them ourselves. The cuts may not resemble what they are supposed to be, but but it is rather costly to have it done. Last time I checked it was about $79.00 for a small deer. That was a few years back! We use most of it. We grind the not so choice cuts into burger...venison chili here we come!

    Went to Rotary with Wayne. They had so much pork roll left they packaged and sent it home with several of us.. So either tonight or tomorrow it will be leftover pork, with some pieroges and green beans I have in the refrigerator.

    On the way home, just up J, we saw a UTV being packed up with an 8 point buck. Hoping it was not the one we have seen on our place!

    Had chiro appt. then stopped by Wally World to get a few things. I need to do a Thanksgiving menu as we will have it at our house.

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