Welcoming Wednesday!

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everybody! I'm hitting the ground running this morning. Got to do one last quick mow around the property as the shady parts have grown since I did it all last week! And then I need to prep dinner and just make sure things both inside and outside are ship shape for our guests arriving this afternoon. It's going to be a busy few days!
    Dinner this evening:
    5 Spice Rock Cornish Game Hens
    Roasted Golden Beet Goat Cheese Napoleons With Citrus Vinaigrette
    and some more lovely beef steak tomatoes from my garden. Although....just now I'm thinking I could do that Beet Carpaccio recipe with Pistachios and
    Heirloom Tomatoes With Panko Crusted Goat Cheese
    That might be a little more kid friendly. Hmmmmm.....
    Wishing everyone a super great day! Let's do it! :)
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Well, I know better Janet, you are not scurrying around! You are the hostess with the mostest! I agree tomatoes over beets. Special plans for your upcoming anniversary?

    I had a fasting blood work draw in futility this morning. Seems 5 patients of Dr. X arrived for blood work and none of us had had our orders entered in the computer base. Talk about cranky people. The office is getting an earful from all of us.
    I'm doing my Oz impression of the Tin Man again. The hospital valet was so solicitous over my impaired gait. He was a nice fellow. I'll try again tomorrow.

    We had a big breakfast of roast pork chiliquilles (pulled pork leftovers, heated with diced potatoes, torn tortilla strips, onions, peppers, eggs and topped with mild ranchero sauce. Probably not authentic but filling. We went back to bed after our early wake up. Fred is tackling the kitchen. I'm tackling the phone calls.

    Dinner is chicken/sausage casserole with navy beans, onions garlic. Side of tomatoes, cukes and sour cream.

    Karen, LOL on my mixing up moonshine pickles with horseradish pickles. Brain fog is tricky. And congrats on the long marriage. Knowing Wayne's food preferences is a big help. I'm amazed he found some Korean food that he likes. If only I could get Fred to try, but he is so stubborn. That German gene overrides any taste bud.

    Laurie, ouch on the price of the Busch Gardens tickets, however they are much better than a single day Disney World ticket. Will you be staying in Clearwater Beach again?

    Marie, how's the weather? Don't work too hard, dear.
    Michelle, I'm sure you are doing swimming lessons today. I hope Caiden is doing well.
    Shona....dear one, hope all the house plans and sales are following through to your benefit.
    Joce...hope you are having a good day. NO symptoms to annoy you, dear.

    Time to get busy, the hours are slipping away.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hi Tina! Thank Goodness you popped in. I was feeling lonely! :) No plans at all for our Anniversary. With company here I think it'll just be too much and I do want to concentrate on them. Jim and I will have a nice dinner out the following week. (And I am scurrying around! I assure you!) :) Argh on no blood work done. That is annoying! Oh my goodness your breakfast sounded wonderful! Your dinner sounds equally tempting.
    I've finished the mowing, had my lunch, called my Mom, ordered flowers for my Aunt and Uncle's Memorial service (they both passed away in the last two years and this will be the first time the family is getting together altogether. I won't be able to attend but one of my cousin's is going to drive my Mom to it as it was her sister and BIL that the service is for) Gotta turn it up to mock speed......:)
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Good afternoon!! Sounds like your gonna be a busy girl today Janet!! I think your dinner sounds fabulous! Briauna loves beets but Michael and Caiden hate them. I think the tomatoes would go over well with the kids but go easy on the goat cheese or use a milder cheese, maybe feta? Good luck :)
    Hi Tina, I would be giving an earful too, what a waste of time! You always make some great sounding breakfast's, I wish I was more of a morning person, but I'm just not.
    Yay, Caiden didn't puke in the pool today! I got him up an hour early to eat some toast and jelly so he had plenty of time to digest it. I was praying his entire swim lessons too, so maybe that helped a little :) lol!
    So I am officially doing it and going Paleo. I'm sure you guys on Pinterest have noticed all my Paleo pins lol! I went to a really nice health food store today, and found all kinds of things I need to make my own bread, wraps and biscuits. I hope I can stick to it, I've heard of so many people say how good they feel on it, I want that!! And I was wrong about not being able to eat fruit, you just don't want to eat a lot of it. Anyway, my parents have an errand to run over here by my house, so they said they would stop by for a little bit. Making http://menumusings.blogspot.com/2013/05/grilled-ginger-sesame-chicken-salad.html tonight but using a soy substitute (coconut aminos) for the soy sauce and making a couple things homemade to make this Paleo friendly :) Have a good day everyone!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Janet, did you get the Salty Balls recipe? I had to laugh at the name, it is a simple recipe. It worked beautifully in the breakfast chiliquilles. Fred adores them...he has asked for them 3 times in the last two weeks. Even easier than smashed potatoes. Haven't got my picture of the "peck of peppers". The horseradish pickle recipe is delicioous, much better three days later. I'll send you the pin.

    Michelle, so you are going paleo? Sounds totally interesting and I'm curious on how you will feel. I'm just not sure if I can make bread, wraps or biscuits on a regular basis. I am subbing coconut aminos and have Bragg's Amino in my pantry. I love the chicken salad recipe. I'm having a huge old fruit salad for a late lunch. How do I find you on Pinterest?
    I'm not so much a morning person as a sleepless wonder. I thought it better to feed Fred and prevent his grumping at me all day for the failed blood test. His blood sugar was low and he was a BEAR!
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Hi everyone!
    I am in one of those strange moods today to clean. If I stop for too long the I know this magical urge will stop:) I am also pitching things out like there is no tomorrow! LOL I know I will pay for this tomorrow, but I will feel better knowing the house is really clean!
    Dinner will be what ever falls on my toes or head depending on which freezer or maybe Take-Out:)
    Later gators!
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    The market basket saga made People Magazine!
    It was also on the today show this morning. I just need groceries!
    Tina we will drive to Clearwater beach for a day. We decided not to get those tickets but get the $89 tickets that include the meal plan.
    I am also having chicken sausages tonight.
    I HATE BEETS!!!! Yuck!
    I would do paleo but I can't give up cream in my coffee plus it's hard with my family. But when I get back from Florida I'm going to try to eat healthier and try to cut up any extra sugar.
    I feel like crap I know here is probably something else going on besides the Hashimoto disease. My joints hurt still and it hurts to touch certain parts of my body. Mostly upper body.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Now, I never ever ever have the urge to clean. I just get it done, sort of. I need to do the bathroom soon and remove the litter box we set up as a second one while we were gone, A.C. will have to go back to sharing one with Mel.

    A.C. got out 3 times yesterday and once today. I was not happy chasing him in 92 degree heat. He is currently at the end of the hallway, harassing Mary through the door.He is a little demon with an angel face. I know better than to believe his angelic expression. LOL.

    I ran 4 errands today, the last one a stop at the commissary for groceries. Could not believe the price of meat. By the type I got home I was cranky, crabby, out of sorts with the heat. The next week is supposed to be hotter - grrr!

    Tomorrow we have to pick up the CSA box and then travel 30 miles to look at the tractor Wayne is getting. It has 4 WD, a cab, air and heat. He should get a decent trade in on the one he has. It is under 400 hours. (I didn't realize they counted hours instead of miles, it still seems strange.) It will make his field work a lot easier.

    We are crossing our fingers the baler sort of-semi-kinda limps along thru the rest of the summer, but still looking for a good used one.

    Bummer on the lab work. Computer systems can be such a pain.

    I have thought about Paleo. Not sure how to go about it but it sounds good. I am sort of on Pinterest but still trying to figure how to navigate it. GR is becoming easier. I love being able to come in without logging in so I can check on new recipes of anyone who "blocked" me.

    Mel has arrived and is bouncing back and forth between my lap and the couch next to Wayne. I think he decided to stay there for the time being. That is it for now. I really need to go put groceries away and get something out for supper.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hey Tina I'm already following you, Michelle West. Yeah the making bread and such is going to take up time, but hopefully I can figure this out and maybe even make a bunch in one day to keep in the freezer? I'll have to find out how well the ingredients freeze since I haven't worked with a lot of them. Lol at feeding the BEAR!!!
    Wish I had your willpower to clean all day Joce lol! Good luck and don't that let meat hit you in the head too hard :P
    Crazy about the Market Basket Laurie, I just still can't believe it's going on!! Are you having to drive further to get groceries, or is there another grocery store in town? So sorry to hear about your aching body, booo :(
    I hear you on the heat Karen! It makes me grouchy sometimes too, especially when we we go multiple places and having to get the kids in and out of the car, just doesn't help!!
    Paleo took me a lot of research to completely understand but I think I have the hang of it. Okay off to grill some chicken!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Laurie - hope you feel better. Heat didn't bother as much until I hit early 40's. If I had had kids then I would have hoped to move to Alaska - mice and COLD!
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Hee Hee Karen. I love that you can see the heretofore "blocked" recipes. I noticed the new "come hither" looking avatar of the blocker. The titles are ever so suggestive too. LOL Now I have to find you on Pinterest as well. You are my kind of gal. ODD regulars know my way of cleaning. "When I get the urge to clean, I sweep the room with a glance."
    I'm pulling out what was left of my dropped dinner.....the part that didn't hit the floor but rested on the oven door is our supper. You wouldn't believe the temperature in this house when I ran the auto clean....incinerating the spilled beans, bread crumbs, chicken sausage and oil was an inferno.

    I have to admit the A.C. commentary has given Fred a giggle. He is a softie after all. Mel bouncing around sounds like fun. Molly and Lola are begging Fred for some attention.

    Laurie, oh NO, on the new symptoms. I hate to hear of the new sensitive areas. I can attest that it is a sneaky painful disease...thyroid syndrome is no picnic. The meal plan is a good idea, you can fill up on drinks all day (which you will need to do) and the Pantopia Grill is a pretty good meal deal.

    Joce, you go! Rock on with the cleaning. I need you to send me the cleaning fairy when you are done with her. Although Fred tackled the kitchen and it is nice and sparkly.

    I'm getting ready to dish up dinner. Have a good one, my friends.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Laurie, anyone up for a whole turkey leg? That is served at the Kenya Kanteen.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Michelle, I am now following you and I'll look over the Pins. Yeah!

    Karen, I'd join you in Alaska. LOL I'll skip the mice, however.

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