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Social Suicide aka most embarassing moment dining!

  • notyourmomma 16 years ago
    Okay, I'll start.
    Mr. Notcho and I were out celebrating our anniversary at one of the most lovely restaurants. Small, family-owned, exquisite food in one of the nicest areas in town....lots of upper-crust families for their clientale. We rarely left home without the kids so this was a very "special night out" and I dressed with extra care. Pantyhose in FLORIDA, unheard of, high heels, fancy dress. Actually had my hair done by a salon, make-up, you get the picture. Went to the bathroom between the appetizer and main course and never thought to turn around and check y rather ample behind in the mirror before exiting the ladies lounge. Well, dears, I walked across the entire dining room to our window seat with my skirt tucked up in my undies and pantyhose. I couldn't understand the snickers and stifled laughter until I got to the table and Mr. Notcho stood to pull out my chair and he untucked my dress, covering up my nether region. I couldn't eat a bite of my meal and I just wanted to cry and go home after that embarassing walk of shameful exhibition.
  • thepiggs 16 years ago said:
    That was one unforgettable incident for sure! I would have died and crawled out of the place for sure.

  • borinda 16 years ago said:
    Ala the fancy restaurants - One anniversary we were at a very chic Manhattan restaurant on a weeknight. My husband was fascinated by all of the very tall, gorgeous, well-dressed blondes out with older gentlemen. Bless his sweetness. He actually asked me if being blonde was an asset to getting a reservation there. And no, I was not blonde. Once I explained trophy dates he started looking around and checking out the lack of wedding or even engagement rings in the establishment.

    I am a huge proponent of full-length mirrors so women can be sure there's no trail of tp, our hems are straight and not pulling up where they shouldn't, etc. I have a friend who has a deal with others - all smile and be sure no one has food stuck in their teeth by the end of a meal.

    One time I was at a San Francisco restaurant with some of my friends for lunch. Before we went on to see "Menopause" we stopped in the restroom and I whipped out dental floss to pass around. Big hit with the gang! We'd all gone in their with green stuff in our teeth.
  • notyourmomma 16 years ago said:
    I surely do wish the restaurant we visited had had a full length mirror. My dignity would have been saved.

    The dental floss flourish is brilliant. And I like the smile idea too. Both handy tips to pass on to the daughter since the braces are off.

  • thepiggs 16 years ago said:
    But...if you hadn't had that incident, you wouldn't have had the now funny story to share with us! :)

  • notyourmomma 16 years ago said:
    including the one where I slid down the stairs when I lost my footing at my sister's wedding reception. I was trying to show off and carry a tray of canapes in one hand and wearing the stupidly high heels she wanted all of us to wear. Let's just say my halter top didn't stay in place and that was another fine moment in my history of pratfalls. I'm really quite shy and not the exhibitionist my past escapades have "shown." Literally "shown" I give a whole new meaning to the social klutz aspect of dining.
  • zena824 16 years ago said:
    NYM... you have had your share of moments my dear!!!! I had company once...and came out of the bathroom with the trail of TP hanging out......Of course my dear sweet hubby said.... *whats that hanging out of your britches*
  • lexluv101 15 years ago said:
    Mine is rather gross, and in a bar, so hopefully this counts.

    After dinner my bf and I had went to a crowded bar to be social. He was sitting there chatting with a group of guys and 2 girls when I went to the bathroom. I had been trying a new tampon and it was failing - horribly. I found out that I had bled through pretty bad without noticing through dinner, having only put in a new tampon an hour before. I told you this was gross - sorry! I went to my bf and told him we needed to leave.

    He kept asking me why and wouldn't be satisfied (sigh) with a "I'll tell you later." I whispered the reason in his ear. The guys were groaning about why we were leaving and begging us to stay, and then he turned around and TOLD THEM THE REASON in a normal speaking voice! Not only to the whole group, but the bartender who was standing there with us now as well.

    Yeah, and he still doesn't understand why I was so angry afterwards!
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    I'd think homicide would be justified in this case.
  • lexluv101 15 years ago said:
    Haha yeah really, it was tempting, believe me.

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