Summer BBQ Parties

  • sparow64 16 years ago
    Anyone have a funny BBQ story to tell, or a annual BBQ party, etc?
  • divaliscious 16 years ago said:
    ok, here's one of mine..though there are plenty of others.

    was out in LI renting a summer house one week - went out early to prepare for the many guests...went to super market, got me some fresh lobsters. Asked the fish monger how do I BBQ the lobster? "Take melted butter, parsley, garlic and baste after removing the rubber bands, then put in tin foil and wrap" - "Then throw them on the grill"

    I asked, "Please Mr. Fish Monger, take care of 'them' if you could, I don't want them crawling on my kitchen counter. So he did as he was told.

    Got back home with my so called 'freshly killed' lobster, started drinking that cold beer, mealted the butter, garlic, parlsey. Removed said rubber bands on the claws, and placed said lobsters in a pan and coated with butter.

    Started BBQ grill, after another beer (or many more - whose counting!) I totally forgot about the tinfoil - off they went onto the grill. No who ever says they do not make sounds, it lying. One nearly jumped off the grill - needless to say, I couldn't 'eat' that noisy one - but did enjoy the second, more quiet lobster!
  • divaliscious 16 years ago said:
    no one else with a funny bbq story, Im shocked! lol I know they exist - so do tell!
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Diva, I'm too embarassed to tell my bbq story, but after all my other flubs, I guess I shouldn't be shy.

    We were having a big low country boil, with shrimp, kielbasa, artichokes, onions, potatoes, corn in the 30 quart gas cooker. I had it all carefully layered, seasoned, a second tank of gas. It was late March *end of month* and I figured we were safe weather wise, invitations sent, two dozen people in the yard and it was cold.....too darn cold for Florida to be eating outside. No matter how high we cranked that burner we couldn't get our water to boil.....people sat and waited and waited and waited. We were chilled to the bone and no hot food. In desperation, I put the biggest pots on to boil on the stove and hauled it out to the cooker and tried once again to cook our boil. Finally got the food cooked and lifted it out of the big pot and as soon as we dumped it on our newspaper covered table, the food was chilled.....which would have been fine, if we wanted cold shrimp dipped in a cocktail sauce, but very sad when we had buckets of congealed butter and couldn't dip and slurp to our hearts content. We ended up in the house, on the floor with me nuking everything in batches. My house reeked of shrimp until I got the carpet steam cleaned. Very expensive party. Lesson learned, make sure of the weather forecast for an outside party.
  • sparow64 15 years ago said:
    ROFL! Both of you! Great stories.
  • divaliscious 15 years ago said:
    thanks sparrow, believe you me, to see the lobster raise its claws and 'scream' was not a pretty sight - I have rarely have had lobster since - due to the 'flashbacks' and I will never choose one from a tank either! too close and personal! rofl
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    Great stories Diva and NYM!
  • sparow64 15 years ago said:
    Last summer Bryan and I spent most of our spare time in the basement, remodleing it ourselves. (I mean, tore the old paneling off the walls, had it down to bare concrete block). SOOO that was a lot of work. One Friday I get home from work and he has this great eveing planned that does not involve working in the basement! YIPPEEE! He'd bought some nice steaks, had potatoes in the oven baking, and was making a salad, had a pitcher of margaritas ready, my daughter was gone for the night, so, DATE NIGHT! He'd moved the stereo so we could have a romantic evening on the deck.

    He had these wooden tiki torches (that had been here the 2 years I had, don't know how old they were) at each post on the rail around the deck, and he lit them after we had eaten and watched the sun set.

    I went in to make another pitcher of drinks, and he came in for something. THEN we hear this loud POP and Crack on the deck...he ran out, and I hear "Call the fire department" The tiki torch had fallen across the deck and there were some knee-high flames!! I threw him the fire extinguisher, and he put it right out, so, we were really lukcy there. It's funny now. I was hoping to light his fire, but, not quite in that way!!


    Everyone still teases him about that. We call him Firestarter...LOL
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    Funny,funny story Sparrow! There aresome great stories. Sure if I think enough,after 40 years od barbecuing with Phil,I will come up with something!
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Oh my goodness, I would have been terrified. We call my husband "Sparky" for all the inadvertent flames when he tries to grill. Can you say charred to a crisp? I'm the official grill master at our house, at least it is edible.
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    Phil reminded me about a long time ago before we gerilled all year. He went out to start the barbecue,light it and then opened the grill and all these mice ran out and the nests were burning. Needless to say we did not barbecue that night till things were cleaned out and lava rocks replaced. Funny,you try to forget those things. Guess it's like childbirth or most of us would only have 1 child!!
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Oh Pat, I would have had a fit. We did have a hornet's nest under the bbq cover and we ran to jump in the pool for safety for disturbing the nest. It was an unexpected swim.
  • sparow64 15 years ago said:
    OMG pleclare!! I would have run screaming into the street! I would have moved and left all my stuff, and burned the grill!! LOL...(Can you tell I have a mouse phobia?).. OMG

    Good thinking Tina, I don't know if I would have thought of that or not!
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    We back up to a brook and have so many field mice around. .they have nested in the ride on mower and Phil has had to have it repaired before using in the summer.
  • divaliscious 15 years ago said:
    you gals are too funny! Fire starter and Sparky - if 'they' only knew what we said behind their backs...and with mice running for their lives...Oh, I just don't know what I would do! My heart would sink thinking the silly mice lost their 'house' let alone losing my appetite for that night.
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Diva, I didn't say"Sparky" behind his back, we said it to his face.....He calls himself..."Sparky." (He is an electrician).

    When I was pregnant with Ty and we lived our old cottage, I had a mouse in the house with a bad leg and it would challenge me by walking across the floor dragging it's bad leg. Back and forth from the stair well to the kitchen. I was on bed rest and not allowed to get up for any reason and it taunted me all the time. Sparky finally got rid of it but not before I was completely charmed by that sad little critter and had named it "Lucky".

    Another party story, we had invited a couple dozen folks over for a Memorial Day picnic and two of the guests brought their dogs (2 each) to the party and with our resident threesome, let's just say, it was NOT a very compatible party mix. We spent most of the time separating the hounds from the poodles and the pinchers from the shihtzus and coaxing my cat from the tree limb. We did NOT have a fun time. My invitations now specifically state "people cordially welcomed, four legged pets are respectfully asked to stay at home." And my zoo is quietly quarantined in the bedroom with cookies, treats and toys. Much better barbecues for all involved.
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    NYM,that's a great story!
  • sparow64 15 years ago said:
    Great story NYM. I am not a fan of others bringing thier pets to a party at my house, either. Great way to handle that!
  • divaliscious 15 years ago said:
    oh the image of 'stuart little' dragging his leg challenging you and your good will as he sauntered across the kitchen floor - what a scene it must have been!

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