Do you charcoal or do you propane?

  • notyourmomma 17 years ago
    I love my turkey fryer coverted to a low country boil cooker with the drainer insert. All I need is potable water, and seafood boil and we are good to go. I have a very sturdy stand, no danger of tip over and the aromas alone will make the next door gaters or campers drool.
  • krumkake 17 years ago said:
    I didn't know you could do that with the turkey fryer - what a great idea! But you know us Northerners aren't practiced in the fine art of low country boil...perhaps I will have to come down south so I can take a lesson or two!
  • notyourmomma 17 years ago said:
    I "googled" and bought an insert that fit the fryer pot. So I can cook in a huge pot of boil of seasoned water and just add all the corn, kielbasa, potatoes, crab boil, crabs and shrimp, lemon halves. Layer it as it takes to cook, potatoes and kielbasa first, corn and crab second, shrimp last. You get some one really strong to lift the basket and let it drain back in the pot and then dump it on a newspaper covered table. Have dishes of melted butter and wedges of lemon. Shakers of your favorite seasoning handy and lots of paper towels and wet wipes are important. NO dishes, just wrap up all the paper and discards and dump it in the trash bag. I don't know if it is vooddoo or not but hang a bag of copper pennies near your boil and it repels the flies. The first boil we made we were inundated with huge flies, bigger than I've ever seen before. They were the size of tanks. Next time, we did a boil, one of the more elderly guests told Olivia to get her piggy bank and dump it in an onion mesh bag and hang that over the portico and there were no flies. Coincidence? Time of year? I don't know. But trust me, I carry a bag of pennies to every boil.

    By the by, fresh artichokes are great cooked in a boil as well as mussels. I sometimes add a generous jug of white wine to the boil, with a few handsful of herbs depending on what has survived the summer heat. Usually parsley, thyme, or tarragon if it has made it.
  • coffeebean53 17 years ago said:
    You know Krumkake what with my daughter being a flight attendant I have free flight benefits and I can get you a cheap round trip buddy pass we can be at Notyourmama's in no time. Now what time did she say that boil was?
  • dancegypsy67 17 years ago said:
    I want in! If I can get to Chicago and meet up with Krumkake, can I come too?
  • notyourmomma 17 years ago said:
    Y'all come on down! The more the merrier. I'll save a spot at the table just for you! Olivia is planning my fiftieth and she keeps asking for hints on what I would would have to be a Seafood boil. But, I think she is leaning towards a Tabasco Fiasco! Chips, salsas and trays of enchiladas. I saw the recipe search (I know bad momma, let her do what she thinks she can do) so we shall see. Bless her heart, she really wants to do this and I would like to hide but a wise friend (thanks Sally) told me to go with the flow and let her haver her fun.
  • krumkake 17 years ago said:
    You know, NYM, I actually LIKE living in the midwest - I'm one of those weirdos that likes the cold winters and unpredictable weather, but you are making Florida sound DANG TEMPTING! Then Coffeebean goes and throws in tickets so we can crash your next low country boil - you're all killin' me!!!! It sure beats my teen years of beer kegs and roasted hot dogs...good thing my taste-buds matured as the rest of me did......
    And I'm willing to bet that Olivia is going to knock your socks off!!!!!!!!!!
  • dancegypsy67 17 years ago said:
    I'm with you Krumkake! I love living in Wisconsin, though there hasn't been nearly enough snow since I moved here. I'm not opposed to moving to a foreign country if it gets much worse. ;) A football game is just not a football game unless it's cold outside, and even better, snowing.
    NYM, I bet it's going to be wonderful, no matter what happens. :)
  • angelgal 17 years ago said:
    Krum...I'm with you! I love the cold...most of the time! Y'all haven't had a "football experience" till you've sat in an open stadium, -18*, and snowing so hard the refs keep calling time outs to have crews come out and shovel paths across the field so the players would know how much further they had to go for a first down! We lasted till just past half time and drove the 80 miles back home!! There's no fan like a football fan...except a Cleveland Browns Fan!! We're crazy!! LOL No amount of "spirits" could warm you that day!! Wish we would have had NYM's boil!! ;)
  • krumkake 17 years ago said:
    Ahhh yes, football in the midwest - only midwesterns can love it!! We've tailgated when we've had to put up large pieces of cardboard (from refrigerator boxes) for "wind blocks" so we could keep the flames going...cooked food with gloves on...bundled up in more layers than you ever thought humanly possible...froze our butts so badly that they didn't thaw out for 24 hours...endured wind burn on our faces and any other "exposed body part"...but I must say, angelgal, I've never been IN the stadium when they had to shovel snow off the playing field! Now THAT'S cold!!! I have to find my hot buttered rum recipe for you next "chilly' game...
    Dance, I agree - where HAS the snow been lately? We haven't had a really good snow storm for years (the last I recall was driving home from South Bend, I think in 2001?, in a nasty blizzard that was causing some shutdowns on I-80)...but we haven't had any really difficult winters since we moved here in '94. We lived in Charleston, IL in the late '80s and our winters were much worse down there. Where I grew up, in southern Minnesota, they no longer have the winters we had years ago either...a little scary, all in all!!
  • coffeebean53 17 years ago said:
    I wasn't going to say anything Krum but you've gotta know that you and Dance have just jinxed yourselves on the snow thing. LOL.
  • dancegypsy67 17 years ago said:
    Oh I hope it's the kind of jinx where we get LOTS of snow. Goodness knows we've gotten our share of rain the last week or so!
  • angelgal 17 years ago said:
    I love LOTS of long as I'm curled up by the fireplace!! Krum...can't wait for the hot buttered rum recipe!!
  • notyourmomma 17 years ago said:
    I'm in on the hot buttered rum, too. Even if it is hotter than blazes down here. Good stuff. I'll just crank down the thermostat long enough to enjoy it in chilled air. I'll have to go ahead and admit it, I've never seen snow or had a snowball fight. I hope I get too before I get to old and rickety. Football in RayJay requires spray cooling fans, wet kerchiefs, sunblock 48 spf, wraparound sunglasses and paramedics everywhere for heat stroke.
  • angelgal 17 years ago said:
    You all welcome to Ohio ANYTIME!! I have plenty of spare room and we can all have a good time sampling all these delicious recipes!!! ;)
  • krumkake 17 years ago said:
    You all are making me sooooo ready for winter!!!!! Come on, Dance, let's do a little "Snow Dance"...I have the snowblower ready to crank up! Notcho (like my new nickname for you?!?), you really MUST see snow AND have a good old snow ball fight before you get too old to enjoy it (which is a long, long time off!). We can't ship it to you, so you'll just have to "winter up north" (while all the wimpy northerners are wintering down south!). I'm still looking for my hot buttered rum recipe - i just remember it has ice cream in it...MUST FIND (it came from my sister, so maybe I can still get it from her)...perfect for those soon-to-be snowy, wintry nights "up north"...Notcho, I love your description of football in RayJay - hmmm, we may see that in the first game or two of the regular pro season, but not so much after that...up here, we just keep paramedics around for those who "over-celebrate", to put it politely!
  • notyourmomma 17 years ago said:
    Why, yes, I do love the nickname. Thank you very kindly. My sis and BIL have season tickets to the Bucs and most of the time they sell them and stay home and watch the game on TV because they can't tolerate the heat. Later on in the season when the temps dip into the low 80's they will go. They even tailgate! I'll have to check her menu lists. She makes the most awesome ribs. Her potato salad is wonderful too.

    Yep, playing in real snow is a goal, along with that hot buttered rum by a roaring fire in a cozy lodge. You know they say to pin a picture of your dream on the bathroom mirror to inspire you during the day. My picture of Orlando Bloom hasn't changed my husband one bit, my picture of Jennifer Anniston hasn't done a whole lot for me either. HMMM. There must be a flaw in this theory. I think I'll take those down and put up a snowscape, at least I'll be thinking cooling thoughts for the day.
  • shirleyoma 17 years ago said:
    I'm sitting here wishing I could catch a plane to each of you guys places! Waaaaaaaaaaaay out here in Oregon, in the boonies, we almost get snowed in during the Winter... we are above 4000ft on the side of Mt Fanny (not named after me! lol) we over look the Grand Ronde Valley... and although it is beautiful... I want to move closer to the Ocean... Coos Bay, OR....
    At our age... we need to live closer to Hospitals etc!!!
    Food is about all we can enjoy now a days.. and the Spa! lol Good for the old bones... I've never been to a real live football game.. just watch it on TV! So, all I can do is read all your notes and say... oh what fun that would be!!!!!
  • linebb956 17 years ago said:
    The poor kids here are passing out practicing for football. It is in the 100's. Your right , football needs cold weather. Just about the time we get some cold weather, the season is over. We did get over 3 inches of snow 3 years ago this Christmas..... Now that was a hoot. The grandkids said it was the best Christmas ever! They were running out half dressed. Making snow angles. Falling on their butts. Way to funny. It started at dusk on Christmas eve and went on most of the night.
  • krumkake 17 years ago said:
    I dont' mean to rub it in, linebb, but THE COLD FRONT HAS ARRIVED IN OUR BACK YARD!!! The nasty humidity took off, the temps have dropped, and it sounds like we are actually going to have a pleasant Labor Day weekend - WOW! Now you know where to come if you need to cool off. I think we made it through this summer with no 100 degree temps, thankfully - I hope you get some much-needed relief from it soon! You can NOT make snow angels when it's 100 degress outside...
    Notcho, the fireplace will be burning and the hot buttered rums waiting...please bring Orlando Bloom along with you!
    Shirley, I'd love to live by the ocean, too - but Lake Michigan is a nice alternative...some of it is close to hospitals, too!!!
  • coffeebean53 17 years ago said:
    It's a four hour drive to get to the beach from where I'm at in North Carolina. One of these days I'll make it there. LOL

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