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dry measure vs wet measure

  • wheeliechef 14 years ago
    OK.. I've been arguing about this with several "matriarchal" cooks in My family and no one can give Me a straight answer...

    can someone here PLEASE tell Me which measuring cups/spoons are for DRY ingredients (flour, etc) and which are liquids (oils, water, milk)

    I am growing tired of SOME items coming out light and fluffy and others thin and lifeless.

  • optimistic1_2 14 years ago said:
    lol what exactly .... is your question? confused
  • borinda 14 years ago said:
    Easy - when the cups are level-topped those are for dry ingredients so you can lightly smooth the top (i.e. flour) for a truly accurate measure. The liquid measuring cups have markings up the side telling you how much you've put in and have space beyond that so you don't spill the contents. My favorites are the OXO ones with the measure inside and on an angle so you can trust what you read looking down, not leaning to be eye level with the cup. I hope this has helped you and your family.
  • johnald 14 years ago said:
    Borinda, thank you for answering that. I always thought they were actually different amounts, and I've heard people insist that you had to use the correct one to have the correct amount. I just read your answer, then went in the kitchen and checked, and you're right - they are the same volume, and being able to level the top of the dry measure is the only difference. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
  • borinda 14 years ago said:
    You are very welcome. Happy baking and cooking to you and yoru family.

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