
How to make it

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  • Good4U 10 years ago Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • chefmal 12 years ago
    Fixins, you have failed us.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • devilojillo 13 years ago
    I can't access the recipe either
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  • dnilasor 13 years ago
    Where's the recipe? I am having a problem retrieving it.
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    " It was excellent "
    DetroitTokyo ate it and said...
    I made this last week using organic rotini and chicken sausage w/provolone & sun-dried tomatoes. I also added some asparagus and topped with some grated Parmesan. It was delicious! Very light (for pasta) and great flavors. For me the sauce was a little scant but possibly b/c I used 8oz. of pasta and the added vegetable. So happy to add this into the rotation, thanks!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • FavoriteFixins 13 years ago
    Thanks for the feedback! I'm also a garlic lover. The reason for discarding it in this recipe is because it's only meant to infuse the oil.
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  • nativeprincess 13 years ago
    What a perfect recipe for me & my hubby! Love it :)
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  • grecogirl 13 years ago
    Sounds great! I will be making this dish this week. It works out perfect because I already have all the ingredients. However, I am a garlic lover, so there is no way I can discard it! :)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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