
How to make it

  • Directions:
  • First saute onion in olive oil for 5 to 10 minutes over medium heat. Stir frequently to prevent burning.
  • Add the garlic, reduce the heat to low, and cook for 5 min. Set aside.
  • Have all your other ingredients ready to go. Grate that cheese, measure out that flour and butter.
  • Chop up those jalapeno or chipotle chiles and measure out your milk.
  • Having everything pre measured and ready to go into the recipe will make things much more organized and easier for you.
  • The first thing we are going to do is make a roux.
  • Grab your 2 quart sauce pan and melt the butter over very low heat. We don't want to see a lot of bubbles going on in melting the butter. Just a gentle melting.
  • Once the butter is just melted, add the flour and stir with a whisk to blend it together.
  • Turn the heat up just a little bit so that you can see the flour/butter mixture slightly bubbling. Stir constantly for 1 minute.
  • Now add a little milk while continuing to stir with the whisk. Add the rest of the milk and turn the heat up to medium.
  • Continue to whisk for about 5 to 10 minutes. You will notice the sauce thickening.
  • Turn the heat down just a little and add the cumin, onion and garlic mixture, the green chiles, and the jalapeno/chipotle chiles. Stir until well mixed and hot.
  • Add a pinch of salt and pepper and stir.
  • Turn off the heat and add the grated cheese, one handful at a time.
  • Stir each handful in with the whisk until melted. Keep adding handfuls and stirring until all the cheese is mixed in and creamy.
  • Now you get to taste it. Does it need more salt? More heat? You can still stir it in at this time.
  • Serve immediately.
  • If you have one of those small crockpots or fondue pots, that would work well to keep this white cheese dip warm.
  • Serve with tortilla chips. Makes about 2 1/2 cups.
  • Enjoy!
  • The Secret To Making It
  • Smooth and Creamy
  • The French get all the credit. Instead of just trying to melt the cheese directly which really doesn't work well, the French developed what is called a Bechamel sauce. This technique creates a white cheese dip that is creamy, smooth and stays soft.
  • Just what I was looking for!
  • Bechamel is one of 5 basic mother sauces originating of French cuisine. It works great for this creamy Mexican white cheese dip.
  • And don't get scared off by the fancy name. A bechamel sauce is really easy to make.
  • And for those with inquiring minds, the 4 other mother sauces are:
  • •Veloute, is a light broth or blond sauce, sometimes with egg or cream added
  • •Espagnole, is a brown sauce traditionally made with beef broth achieved
  • by cooking the roux longer till it browns
  • •Hollandaise, made with butter and eggs
  • •Tomatoe, which is a red sauce
  • Back to the Bechamel sauce. Not only is it easy, it will only take you a few minutes to make.

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