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How to make it

  • Spoon cheesecake filling into pie crust.
  • Top with fruit.
  • Enjoy!!
  • Everyone loved this at the picnic and gave me lots of compliments!!

Reviews & Comments 5

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  • femier 15 years ago
    Well Sandra Lee has a cooking show on Food Network and all of her recipes are cheats so there!!! I say if you like it and its quick and easy then thats great!!!
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  • daking 16 years ago
    Who cares what a professional chef would say about cheating ! I would eat this whole pie myself - just gimme a fork !

    Great post ! :)
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    " It was excellent "
    trackwidow ate it and said...
    Anything made with cream cheese is a winner in my book! It's so pretty too, with the design you did with the peaches and berries. Sounds wonderful!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • recipediva 17 years ago
    I grew up where everything was homemade. I never had pancake mix or cake mixes growing up. MY family is very european. It is funny though we all have learned to find cheats. So long it works and you love it that is all that matters. LOL, a chef made these incredible pumpkin tarts and said it has white mousse on it. LOL i begged and begged for the recipe. She was ashamed to give it to me. It was biquick recipe and mousse was eggnog pudding and cool whip. My duaghter just had a baby shower. They made this incredible pie. Lady said she couldnt give us the recipe it was to easy. Ended up being jello, cool whip, strawberries. I posted the recipe. My duagher makes her incredible tart...from home made butter cookie with pie filling. It is yummy. It was from our first mother daughter tea in pre school. She is now going to be a mommy any day. So dont worry about anyone else. Even when you post. Just post it as is with your additions or deletions. People should have enough common sense on what is right or wrong with a recipe and can adjust the recipe to their liking. Hey, that is what cooking is all about! Sorry for rambling. lol. easy is good!! WE live in such a fast world. It all works. Thanks for being a cooking buddy!
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  • zena824 17 years ago
    Hey as long as you like it and everyone else does...who cares if its cheating....It looks and sounds great to me....
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