
  • zanna 16 years ago
    Most of us could do with losing a few pounds.Some more or less. Share your stories and tips.
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    It’s important to remember that when we consume fewer calories, we have a tendency to be less active, which probably stems from our biological programming to preserve body weight for survival.
    Many people think weight loss is like emptying a bucket with a ladle. A scoop out of the bucket today, tomorrow, next week will eventually empty the bucket. Not so with our bodies. When we decrease our food intake, our bodies try to absorb and store more calories the next time we eat in excess of what our body needs. So, even though we are cutting down most of the time, we will not lose weight if we get extra calories part of the time.

    The simple rule of weight loss is that you must consistently burn off more calories than you take in. Any type of weight loss diet can work as long as calorie intake is consistently reduced, every day. A diet that is balanced with small quantities of vegetables, fruit, grains and lean meat or fish is the healthiest. Exercise helps, but unless you are an athlete, you will have to cut calories, too. And remember, it’s OK to be hungry when losing weight. Once a goal is achieved, every day is for maintaining. If you go back to eating more and exercising less, the weight will go right back on.

    Factoring exercise into your weight loss plan
    You can exercise more to lose weight, but beware of this idea. Most people don’t realize how much exercise is needed to lose weight without cutting calories. Plus, exercise increases appetites. If a dieter can avoid eating any more than was consumed before the diet and can burn off an additional 500 calories every day, that person can lose a pound a week. One mile, walked or run, or five miles on a bike, burns 100 calories. If you can do five miles a day—every day—and not eat any more no matter where you are or what you are doing, you can lose a pound a week. Or, you can cut 250 calories per day and do two and a half miles to accomplish the same thing.

    Everyone can lose weight. Not everyone can or should be skinny, but everyone can reach a normal, healthy weight. It requires an acceptance that we cannot eat all we want, whenever we want. We can enjoy food and the occasions in which food is served, but our food intake must be balanced with our activity to achieve and maintain a normal weight.

  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    I try to have fruit and vegetables cut up and ready to snack on in the frig.
    Also , I dont take the whole bag of chips or other bad snacks to watch tv...I put a small amount in a bowl, this way I dont mindless eat more than I should.
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    Going on diet STARTING 7/15---Wondering if anybody is on one or wants to start one and post about it? I think instead of giving our total weight (some dont feel comfortable sharing this infro)---we can just say we have a certain amount we are trying to lose at this time.
    Please post if you want to join.

    I am going to lose 50 pounds ...I am that much over what the doctor says I should be.
  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago said:
    Count me in.. I have lost 15 lbs in the last 3 months but 5 came back and on top of that I'd like to lose 10 more, so 15 in all. I know if I had some extra support, I'd be able to do it and not keep slipping back. Part of the problem is that the gym is 30 miles away one way, so 60 miles round trip.. Such a drag and EXPENSIVE b/c I was going 5x a week.

    Our new house is only 5 miles from the gym so that will be better and if there is a support group here, even better!

    I think it's a great idea, Zanna!
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    Well I drank 64oz of water today...I do this at work 4 times a week, but I slip on the weekends.
    Went to a weight group with my sister-in-law. Going to give it a shot. Laughable their scales were really, really off...not by 2-5 lbs BUT 50LBS. Going by that ,I ONLY HAVE 5LBS to lose. I wish. Maybe it will be fixed next week.
    Got to start eating breakfast. Workdays I usally have only coffee. I think the biggest problem is time.
    Hows its going with you?
  • jo_jo_ba 16 years ago said:
    I usually drink 4 1/2 litres or so of plain water a day, along with 4 or 5 cups of herbal decaf tea... I dehydrate easily. I did put together a page of hints and tips I found helpful and passed along in a seminar I did though (at the risk of sounding spammish). It's here: http://healthybaker.blogspot.com/.

    Good luck on your journeys, everyone!
  • sparow64 16 years ago said:
    Great thread! I have over 100 lbs to lose, and I need to for health reasons. Diagnosed a few weeks ago with diabetes, brought on by my weight (I hate the "O" word...LOL), and also have advanced arthritis in hip and groin, due to weight. I started walking 3 weeks ago, and now I am up to walking an hour a day, covering 3 miles. I have also cut out most sugar and regular sodas. I am trying to cook healthier, which is easy in the summer with grilling. We like grilled veggies, and salads and grilled chicken and fish. So far so good. I have lost a few pounds, and can see a difference in my clothes, too. I was doing good with the water drinking for a while, but I have slacked off. I need to get started again!
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    SPAROW...sorry to hear about your health problems. BUT I am very happy to hear you are trying to do the best for yourself. Good going on the walking. I walk alot. The water may be easier if you put lemons or limes in it.You would be getting more vitimin C also that way.
    Thanks JO JO BA...will check it out.:)
  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago said:
    Hi everyone....so far so good..I did 30 minutes of heavy cardio (on the elliptical) and crunches...no weights though. I've been eating complex carbs (like fruit or buckwheat Pancakes) with a protein source (egg whites cooked in non-stick pan) for breakfast, for lunch, is fresh fruit with more protein and dinner is 6-8 oz of protein source with a large green salad with drizzle EVOO and lemon.

    I'm trying not to eat for at least 3 hours before I go to bed. If I'm starving I make a small protein shake with EAS Vanilla Soy Protein powder and Silk Lite soy milk to curb my hunger. Plus, it's important to have more protein in your diet as it revs up metabolism.

    Zanna, you HAVE to eat breakfast, even if it's a slice of WW toast (complex carb) with some low-fat cream cheese (protein source)!!!

    Sparow- exercise is the way to go!! Good for you!! Water also very, very important. Crystal light has these little tubes for on the go use that you can just pour into your bottled water. they help me to drink more water. You should try those!

    Gotta go to checkin and then gym. Bye for now!
  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago said:
    One mopre thing...also, if possible get yourself a personal trainer. I had a consultation with one yesterday. He also knew alot about nutrition and had me fill out a questionnaire about all my habits, eating, sleeping, exercising, etc and he will make determinations based on that...like what kind of work-out program is best suited to em, etc.

    OK BYE!!!
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    Yes a personal trainer would help. Iam hopinging this weight group leader knows his stuff. I am searching the web looking for the best place for us to get online guide.Havent found an easy one yet. Still looking.
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    Hope everything is going well. Just remember if you slip DONT GIVE UP! There will be alot of slipups but I know we all are great just to try to improve our self.
  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago said:
    I went out to dinner last night and cheated a little. I had a cosmopolitan with my prime rib!! I know, I know..but I trimmed off all the fat even the outside crunchy stuff that is the best part and I didn't eat my baked potato. I ate half of a queen cut and some plain steamed broccoli.. I guess that wasn't too bad..but the Cosmo was sooooo good!

    Now I'm going to the gym to see my trainer again and he will give me my daily meal
    plan for the week.. and then work out...

    See you later and good luck to all fighting the battle of the BULGE!!!

  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago said:
    Well I've been told that my downfall is carbs, even though I tend to eat whole grains etc. He said I really have to watch those and for the time eat them only for my first meal of the day which should also be my largest meal calorie-wise...no more snacks he said even if they are Gen-soy baked soy chips and low salt since I tend to retain water...there's more but I don't want to bore you with the details. If any one wants to know anything else about it, you can pm me...for now I am DEPRESSED...no salty snacks!!!!!! .................sigh
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    You dont have to be a paying member to use alot of the ETOOLS..........Benefits of Your free eTools account gives you immediate access to useful information and support to help you lose weight and keep it off. Whether or not you're a member of our Jenny Craig program, eTools is a great resource. And you'll also receive our regular Newsletters and Tips via email.
    To get your free eTools, register. Then login any time for helpful information and support!

    Greekgirl ......I love salty snack more than sweet. ..maybe I should stop too.I did cut up alot of vegetables to snack on. If they arent in the frig. when I want to snack then I reach for the salty snacks.
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    Well my sis-in-law and I went to our Tuesday weight meeting.Matt finally fixed the scale . It went well I lost a pound, must be from my short haircut.lol WE are both suppose to be on 1500 calorie a day plan. Going to try harder to keep on track. How is it going with you?
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    I ALSO LIKE www.Sparkpeople.com.....its free ,has diet recipes,etools and alot of useful things to help you.
  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago said:
    I'm doing okay considering I am in the process of moving. It's amazing how little I eat when I can't cook or bake anything. I just get takeout for dinner and it's usually a salad with grilled chicken or fish. During the day while I do my packing, I eat fresh fruit. I gave up the gym for this week while I pack. I was trying to do both and my herniated disc was not liking that.

    Zanna- good for you! Losing a pound is better than gaining a pound. Why don't you come and help me move.?? I think I lost 5 lbs...don't know b/c the scale is packed!! But my pants feel looser.

    Thanks for the info on the 2 websites...when I have time I will check it out.
  • greekgirrrl 16 years ago said:
    I'm doing okay considering I am in the process of moving. It's amazing how little I eat when I can't cook or bake anything. I just get takeout for dinner and it's usually a salad with grilled chicken or fish. During the day while I do my packing, I eat fresh fruit. I gave up the gym for this week while I pack. I was trying to do both and my herniated disc was not liking that.

    Zanna- good for you! Losing a pound is better than gaining a pound. Why don't you come and help me move.?? I think I lost 5 lbs...don't know b/c the scale is packed!! But my pants feel looser.

    Thanks for the info on the 2 websites...when I have time I will check it out.
  • italiangirl1986 16 years ago said:
    Hello all!

    I am new to Group Recipes and I am still figuring everything out!

    But I am on a weight loss Journey as well. I started the South Beach Diet just over three weeks ago. I lost 6 pounds in the strict phase 1 period, which lasted 2 weeks of no carbs what so ever! I am now in Phase two where I can eat fruit again Thank God!!! I would love to join this group because I need all the support I can get! I have a goal of 40 pounds that I would like to lose!
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    HI Italiangirl, you are welcome to join us. My daughter did SB Diet 3 years ago and lost 40 pounds.Sorry to say it has came back ...but she cant do anything right now except short walks with her back brace on. So its easy to regain if you dont fight every ounce .
    I was laying in bed last night wondering where I went wrong. About 12 years ago I was 135 pounds and 40 years old.I had never been more than 15 pounds overweight in my life. Most of my life I dropped too much weight from overwork or stress sometimes being 25 pounds underweight. But with my 40's my body seem to slow down.

    Well do you know I did the math and if you gain 6 POUNDS a year...thats just 1/2 pound a month ...thats 2 ounces a week...less than a 1/4 ounce a day--YOU WILL GAIN 72 POUNDS in 12 years(near what I GAINED.!!!!!!! SO NOW I KNOW!..... A MERE 1/4 OUNCE CAN MESS UP YOUR HEALTH IF IT GOES UNCHECKED.

    So all the YOU that at this time that dont have a weight problem .....PLEASE WATCH ALL THE EXTRA LITTLE WEIGHT GAINS. THEY ADD UP!
    Enjoy your life ...but at least do a monthly review on your weight. Dont allow that 1/2 pound to snowball into something that takes alot to fight.
    To us that are fighting ...NEVER GIVE UP...NEVER SURENDER!...And remember that we are here to listen and help anyway we can. GROUP HUGS!
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    I have found keeping a food journal really helps to show you your weak points...like mid-evening snacking and such. But I have also found that if you dont do it daily you forget about those little snacks now and then. I am the first to admit keeping track of every bite is boring and hard in a active life....BUT ITS WORTH KNOWING MORE ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE PUTTING IN YOUR MOUTH. I think just keeping one makes you eat less...knowing you have to write it down. Also when you see it in writting you know it happened. I think it will really help understand yourself more. The websites I have mention has online ones or use paper. Try it for a week at least, you will start to notice patterns .Also put down emotions ...like STRESS, BORED, IN A HURRY,ECT.

    Good luck.:)
  • sparow64 16 years ago said:
    Hope you gals are doing well with your diets! I have had almost zero computer time lately! Still plugging along. Last time I weighed I had lost another 7 pounds (in 2 weeks) but - that was at home, and my other weigh in's have been at the Dr office, so, could be a variance. BUT, I was happy with that!
  • zanna 15 years ago said:
    Sparow,next time you are weighed at doc's besure to weigh yourself when you get home so you will know the variance. Hopefully you have lost.
    I didnt lose any this week. But I have been improving my health by taking vitimans, drinking more water, getting more potein and fiber in my diet. I feel better at least.
  • zanna 15 years ago said:

    Try to remember that "losing 15 pounds in two weeks" is nothing to celebrate. It is important to realize that the more quickly weight is lost, the more likely the loss is coming from water and muscle, not fat. Since muscle tissue is critical in keeping our metabolism elevated, losing it actually leads to a decrease in the amount of calories we can each day without gaining weight. Fat loss is best achieved when weight is lost slowly. Strive for a weight loss of no more than 1-2 pounds per week. One pound of weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. By making small changes like eliminating 250 calories a day from food and expending 250 calories a day from exercise, you can lose one pound (of mostly fat) per week.
  • zanna 15 years ago said:
    Hows everything going? I am happy to say that at my tuesday weigh in I had lost a pound and a half. my sister in law lost 3. But I slipped alittle yesterday...I dont know why all day I kept on wanting something.I never snack this much in one day. I had 6 fig cookies, a large coke, a candy bar, and to top it off- a poptart.I dont even love poptarts. I ate my normal meals ,so I dont know why.Today ,I will do better I hope. Hope everthing is going good with your diets.
  • greekgirrrl 15 years ago said:
    Hi Zanna and everyone!!

    I highly recommend moving for weight loss!! LOl I lost 8 lbs (without going to the gym very much) and that has motivated me to keep going for the 7 more. Plus I will go back to the gym more than I have.

    As far as your mini-binge yesterday, just shrug it off and keep on moving forward. Don't let a small slip-up ruin the progress you've made by punishing yourself!! Anyway, maybe you ate what you did because of Pms maybe?? I do that all the time.

  • cookinggood 15 years ago said:
    I just started Weight Watchers. I'm still in the first week but I think it is going well. You guys are inspirational. You are all doing so good with your weight loss!

    I need to add some activity next week. My job involves sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours and lately more like 10 hours!
  • zanna 15 years ago said:
    Welcome to the group cookinggood,Hi to everybody. I did better today.
    Greekgirrrl,glad to hear about your weight loss. Maybe you should open a weight loss moving company .Then you would be paid by your customers to movethem,and your helpers would paid you for the chance to lose weight and get into shape. lol

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