lazy cookers welcome

  • robertg 16 years ago
    Enjoy the pleasure of relaxing while the cooker does the work...Bob
  • rosemaryblue 16 years ago said:
    Love the crockpot for busy days, holidays, winter days, summer days, lots of days! And when I am in a "daze"! :) Great idea!
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    I would be the lazy part of this group...hahaha
  • mystic_river1 16 years ago said:
    I think not Mimi! But gives whole new meaning to "That's a crock!" If its a crock of chicken or chile...good enuf! Joymarie
  • notyourmomma 16 years ago said:
    is when I set the crock pot up before I go to work....those with odd schedules need all the help we can get. (Actually have two and was thinking of a a third, only because both handles are broken on one and it's missing it's knob on the lid and the newer ones have fancier settings and timers)
  • angelgal 16 years ago said:
    Thank goodness for crockpots!!!! Couldn't survive without mine!!!
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    I need to find a man like Bob, then I can be even lazier!

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