How do you lose your weight?

  • chiieddy 17 years ago
    How do you lose your weight? Are you a member of weight watchers? Do you manually count calories? Are you using Jenny Craig or other weight program? How is it working for you?

    I use a free online diet site called ( I love it, to be honest. It's counting calories, but much more. It makes me feel like I'm keeping a rounded outlook on my health and making much more than a lifestyle change. Plus, it's free! You can't beat free.

    I used to be in Weight Watchers, and I tried LA Weight Loss awhile ago. The problem with WW is they don't really have you track anything other than calories, fat and fiber. At LA Weight Loss, the moment I got off their restrictive plan, I went right back to McDonald's. It didn't work (for me).
  • owyn 17 years ago said:
    - If I don\'t buy it, I don\'t eat it.
    - Make sure I eat BEFORE going out or buying groceries.
    - Commute by bike whenever possible
    - Lucky maybe, I had skinny parents.
  • bette 17 years ago said:
    I had bariatric surgery and I have joined weight watchers to lose a bit more and maintain my losses.
    I prepare weight friendly recipes. Then I try to control portions and not eat too much of the good stuff I prepare.
  • veg 16 years ago said:
    B.C. -- Before children, 19 years ago. I weighed 107 lbs, tops. But I was a marathon Bike Rider, averaging 10 miles in a day. Then I stopped, lost weight, gained weight over and over again. It's been hard, because for me, there was not a lot to take away from what I eat or drink. I drink only water, coffee and hot tea. Never fry food. Never have. Do not eat a lot of beef. Eat a wide varity of fruits and vegetables. Don't like chocolate. Can't eat much dairy. I have an office job and sit most the day. The one thing, I was missing was exercise. I was doing, just okay, exercising when I got home from work. Then I started waking up at 5:15am. Excerising 1/2 hr to 45 minutes every morning. AND THE WEIGHT STARTED DROPPING OFF. Not sure why.I've lost 65 lbs ad still losing. My eating habits haven't changed much. I think my weight issues are about exercising---and it works better in the morning plus I have more energy all day long. I have given up a couple programs on TV at night but that is what DVR is for.LOL
  • mareelouise 16 years ago said:

    I'm a reflex dieter- when I hit a certain level I know its time to drop a couple of pounds. So its really about the discipline. First off the list- alcohol- amazing how many calories sneak in through a glass...
    And planning- I make sure I don't have bad food in the house and take lots of healthy food to work- I have a fruit bowl on my desk anyway that I fill each Monday- tends to help with temptation.
    And increasing activity, like you said Veg, it works wonders- add a couple of spin classes each week and the results are usually pretty good.
    That all said- I have to admit, the older I get, the harder it becomes to just drop the couple of pounds.
  • otterpond 15 years ago said:
    I first learned dieting using the Wieght Watchers Quick Start program. That was very successful if I carefully followed the menus and recipes. I learned a lot from that but after 3 - 6 weeks I couldn't keep up with the extensive cooking and prepping.

    I started dieting again in September with a goal to lose 40 poulnds. I'm 15 pounds down now and am having no problems sticking to my routine. Because I am not active and can't quite work myself into a regular exercise routine, I am cuting carbs, salt, and calories while boosting protein and fiber.

    When I started back on my diet I joined The tools and community there have kept me engaged in retooling my eating habits and focused on the day to day small successes that are needed to keep on going.
  • dianalee27 15 years ago said:
    I call it the L diet. Low fat, Low Calories and Lots of Exercise.
    It's a pain in the butt, but;-) you can lose 20 lbs in 4 months on this one.
  • familychef 14 years ago said:
    This is an awesome site! I find the best feature is recording my nutritional input. Details of carbs, fat, fiber, cholesterol etc. can be calculated. Activity can be recorded as well. This is the best site I have found for supporting health and weight loss.
  • aussiesheila 14 years ago said:
    Drink lots of water.
    Exercise every day for 30 mins.
    5 small 'meals' a day which include carbs, proteins and fats.
    multivitamin and fish oil.

    Note to self - read this regularly and do it every day.
  • lizzconn 13 years ago said:
    I've done them all!

    I am now doing a "lifestyle" change and have bid farewell to diets forever... they all work, but what happens when you're off them? WW is good for learning portion control and also I use many of their recipes.. I'm a beginner cook, so enjoy recipe makeovers. This site has been heaven sent for me.

    I now swim 90 lengths (about an hour and a half) 4-5 times a week and have given up fast foods, a la dings (microwave meals) and trying to eat more protein and less carbs.. it's working.. in 3.5 months I've lost 42 pounds... got a ways to go, but I feel like a new person... full of energy and enjoy fresh food! Don't forget to drink at least a couple litres of water a day too!

    Oh and as Aussiesheila says.... READ THIS REGULARLY AND DO IT EVERYDAY.
  • Kathicooks 13 years ago said:
    Since 2004, I've lost over 100 lbs. through diet and exercise. I've kept it off and will never have a weight problem again, as it is a lifestyle change. I also eat very little red meat, pasta, rice or potatoes. Lots of whole grains, fruits, veggies, and at least 45 minutes of exercise a day. I eat little processed food. Portion control is key, as is thinking before eating something. These things are habits now. Other motivator is health - I'd much rather feel great and stay healthy than eat lots of goodies and have high blood pressure and sore knees.
  • champagne007 13 years ago said:
    Detoxing, exercising, low carb and calories and having 5 small meals a day. I avoid processed food and make as much as I can from scratch eg hummus, pasta sauces and salad dressings. It's been great but takes time to prepare food.
  • NakedCore 13 years ago said:
    I lost over 40 lbs in a very very easy way :)
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