Italian Shrimp and Cherry Tomatoes Pasta

  • frankieanne 9 years ago
    posted by Mommyluvs2cook
    Italian Shrimp And Cherry Tomatoes Pasta
    Today was clean out the garden, cupboards and refrigerator day! Cherry tomatoes, basil and parsley from the garden. An open box of spaghetti leftover from my post of yesterday and a lemon that is starting to look pretty sad. An open jar of pizza sauce and a bunch of green onions in the refrigerator - both which had better be used up today. Hmmmm.
    I came here and did a search using "cherry tomatoes" and "spaghetti" and look what popped up! Perfect. I used the whole bunch of green onions instead of cutting up a new onion. The lemon was really nice and was just enough. This was a great recipe that utilized all of my leftovers and was delicious, too! Thanks, Michelle!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Awesome that you tried this and liked it! Good to hear you omited the cream with success :) Thanks for adding your fantastic picture!
  • frankieanne 9 years ago said:
    Yep, no cream works. Frankly, I never add cream just for calories sake. Worked just great here!
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    This looks so light & fresh! Perfect Summer your picture:)
  • frankieanne 9 years ago said:
    Thank you, Marie. :)

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