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Kahlua Mousse

  • pointsevenout 8 years ago
    Recipe by Pleclare: Kahlua Mousse
    Now's the time to see if my teetotaler mother recognizes booze in her food. This recipe has a half cup. And it's not cooked at all to reduce the alcohol level.
    I was prepared to be angry about wasting ingredients on this recipe.
    The chocolate part came out quite soupy.
    I added all of the whipped heavy cream into the body and it was still soupy. The whipped cream didn't incorporate well, in that, there were still lumps of it floating in the chocolate, no matter how much I folded. Didn't want to whisk the mixture, afeared the air would come out of the whipped cream.
    Had the foresight to whip the egg whites too. Even with their folding in, still left the mix soupy enough not to make the mousse smooth.
    After an overnight in the fridge the mousse had firmed up. (Yay, I'ma so happy).
    You can see by the pics the mousse has firmed up and also the whipped portion that did not incorporate.
    I was prepared this morning to go out and buy another pint of cream to whip up and add into the mix.
    The mousse is quite airy and light with a silky touch in the mouth. Good flavor. Can taste the bite of the alcohol.
    Had the Kahlua but subbed Rum for the Cognac.
  • bakerme 8 years ago said:
    I've never been brave enough to attempt mousse. It looks a little temperamental to make.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    That looks so good points!! Glad it set up for you, I hate when something goes wrong in cooking, especially desserts :)
  • frankieanne 8 years ago said:
    Wow, pso, I would never have thought (for some reason) that you would even have this much booze in your kitchen! :-)
    I am so anxious to hear what Mother thought! I am on pins and needles! You must report back.
    You are indeed brave to make so many mousse recipes. It does look delicious in your pictures.
    Geez, I haven't had Kahlua in 30 years. Back in the day, a friend and I would go to a local bar that had a live band and order Kahlua and cream as she loved it. I can't even count how many of those we drank. Bar isn't there anymore. Dang!
    Thanks for the fun memories, pso. :-)
  • pointsevenout 8 years ago said:
    I have a small selection of liquors reserved for cooking. They are hidden in behind all the oils and vinegars low on the back wall of the pantry. I always try to pick recipes that require more cooking to relieve the liquors of their alcohol. This was an exception. Mother thought the mousse was delicious.

    Believe I would go ahead and use another half-pint or pint of heavy whipping cream so that the mousse would be thick enough to fold in the whipped cream without leaving lumps. Then to balance out the extra cream I would double up on the chocolate. That should fix it all up just fine. Then again just doubling up on the chocolate might be the ticket.
  • pointsevenout 8 years ago said:
    Maybe the solution is to halve the alcohol or sugar-water.
    I was on the verge of giving this recipe a 3-star rating but gave it a 4 in the morning after seeing that it set up. I'm still not pleased with the whipped cream lumps. This could garner a five if I could figure out how to smooth it all out.

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