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Steak Pot Pie

  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago
    By: Zena824

    This was okay. I think it had way too much steak sauce. I used just under the 1/2 cup (used A1) because that's all I had left and the steak sauce just really overpowered the dish. Used all fresh veggies and steamed them slightly before. Also I did not have the full amount of steak, so I subbed the leftover amount with steamed potatoes. The sauce was not thick, it was thin once cooked. This was in no way horrible, but I would not make it again :(

    Steak Pot Pie
  • frankieanne 9 years ago said:
    It looks tasty! That's too bad the sauce was thin. I would want it thicker, too. Pretty pie crust!
  • pointsevenout 9 years ago said:
    It is obvious the author likes a spicy steak.
    I would sub beef or other bouillon for the steak sauce and add a few shakes of the steak sauce.
    I understand the problem with gravy or thickener going liquid again once reheated or heated too long. The answer should be to add the thickener as the last thing before the filling is added to the pie and let the dwell time in the oven thicken the sauce instead of on the stovetop.
    I agree with steaming the veggies because a half hour in the oven will not cook them. I would probably have sauteed them along with the onion.
    And make sure the steak is slow cooked on a low temp to break down the collagen to keep the steak from being chewy.
    Sorry this recipe did not turn out well for you.
    It's a little gratifying (don't hate me) to see someone else stumble onto a recipe that doesn't shake out as well as it could have, besides me. : (

    Crust looks nice. Kudos making your own.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Thanks FA! Yes the pie crust was the best part of it :) I use this pie crust recipe a lot, it's my favorite

    Yeah the sauce was nice and thick on the stove top Points, so I was puzzled as to why it was so thin after cooking time in the oven! As you can see from the pic. there is no creaminess like a usual pot pie. Lol, I know what you mean, I feel sorry when someone makes a not so great recipe, but I'd rather it be you than me lol! It was me this time :(

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