Friday's Froot Loops!

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! TGIF!

    I was in the grocery store last week and came across a display of red Fruit loops "Birthday Cake Flavour" to celebrate Canada's 150th Anniversary July 1st. I HATE Froot Loops! Hate them. Even hated them as a child. I googled them for fun and Wikipedia tells me that they were first produced in 1963. Originally, there were only red, orange, and yellow loops, but green, purple, and blue were added during the 1990s, despite the fact that each colour tastes the same as the others. A side note, on the TV series Archie Bunker, Froot Loops was his favourite cereal.

    I always thought Froot Loops was spelled Fruit Loops but I appear to be incorrect. Does anyone here actually like them?

    I'm feeling pretty much the same as I did yesterday. Rib cage is still REALLY sore. Perhaps I'm coughing a little less as well and I got a decent sleep. I need to run into town and stock up on supplies to last me while Jim is away this weekend. I'm hoping he comes with me as I really don't feel up to going on my own. :( Haven't decided what to make for dinner this evening but I'd like something fun. :)

    Linda, here's Tina's Thai soup snack broth recipe:
     "Buy the ginger and lemon grass in a tube from the produce section. I just squeeze a teaspoon to my hot broth/coconut milk and a dash of chili oil and fish sauce. I like it better than sipping coffee"

    I just winged the quantities and I added a few more things too. I used a quart of home made chicken broth and slightly less than a can of low fat coconut milk (as I used 1/4 cup in my satay recipe). I also added some soy sauce, minced garlic, and some turmeric. I'm going to do this again soon and change it up a little. You can totally add and take away things to adjust to your taste. I really, really enjoyed it. Jim bought me the cookbook "Brodo", by Marco Canora a while ago. He's the NY chef who opened a window out the side of his restaurant and started serving hot cups of broth in 2014. He charges $6 for a 10 oz. cup of chicken broth/ $7 for beef, and then you can choose 'add-ins' if you so wish. I'll copy and paste the link to the menu page.
    Too much fun IMHO. :)

    Laurie, so good to see you in here last night. Sorry it's been a rough week. The important thing is that Becca doesn't let this shake her confidence driving. Live and learn. It's the only way. Didn't Rachel have mono before? Very cool that Frank got his DNA results back. So fun eh! We just got notification that Ancestry has Jim's Dad's DNA test in the lab for processing. His will be interesting as well because his Father was adopted. He grew up in Ireland but family rumour says he may have been German.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi Janet.

    We are going to ha e the truck services and checked over. Then to Bow and Barrel to pick up Wayne's birthday present. Probably grab lunch afterward. Either a chicken cashew salad from Culver's for me (? Wayne) or we will go to Bulgogi House. Unless he has other ideas.

    Glad you are feeling better. Strep is not pleasant or sure.

    Laurie, deep breath. This too will pass, and they will have kids of their own some day to have accidents and raise their insurance premiums. Teen drivers sure do have to have to learn from their mistakes. Our daughter wrecked our Volvo when she was 16, pulled out in front of a truck because she couldn't see around a curve. Her dad explained the facts of life and driving common sense. The only reason it wasn't totaled was the shade tree mechanic found a replacement body section in a salvage yard. Wayne was stationed in Panama at the time.

    No rain last night, they had forecast it but the front died out before it got here. Typical.

    Best go -- see you later.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Morning Karen! Good luck getting the truck serviced. Is Wayne's birthday today? What did he choose at the Bow and Barrel? A chicken cashew salad sounds lovely. Enjoy.. Goodness at your daughter pulling out in front of a truck on a curve. The only thing that runs through my mind when I hear things like that is thank heavens they survived to tell the tale! Enjoy your day.

    Jim's going to bring me in town which I'm thankful for as I'm really dragging it this morning. He is being slow as molasses though getting moving. Still has to pack and still hasn't taken a shower.

    I'm thinking I may make a batch of
    Polish Dill Pickle Soup
    when I get home for my dinner this evening. I've switched from 'fun' to 'comfort food'. :)
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Thanks for the broth recipe Janet and too the brodo menu (it looks fantastic!). Broth is so good and when made right and with the right ingredients so good for you. I never liked Fruit Loops either and when a kid ate my fair share of sugar laden cereals. Captain Crunch was my favorite back then, I couldn't imagine eating a bowl of it now (LOL!!). You are going to be hurting for a few more days which is why you need to take it easy.

    Have fun out today Karen.

    Good to see you Laurie. Oh my on the "driving" mishaps and Rachel having Mono. Hope she feels better soon. Swimming with the pigs sounds awesome!! Very much coolness on getting Frank's DNA test results back. All this DNA test talk has me wanting to do mine. My sister, who I haven't talked to since my mom died reached out to me earlier in the week and we put the past behind us which was nice. Long story short she had her DNA done and was contacted by a cousin who we didn't know we had. Found out my father's mother married my father's father when she was only 14! My grandmother had sisters/brothers and this person is related that way.

    Waiting to hear back from the attorneys office regarding the closing. This attorney, who the buyers contracted, has been a nightmare to deal with. His paralegal has made everything as difficult as possible and now is holding my closing money because she wants a copy of the check I mailed out earlier in the week for lawn service that I privately contracted and has nothing to do with closing. She confirmed all documents were in good order earlier in the week and then this morning she comes up with this. I have a call into the SC bar association to file a complaint. The closing was suppose to be yesterday too and she never let me know it was moved to today.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    I use to love Froot Loops as a child! We were never allowed it so that's probably why! My parents were Hippies so we only got Shredded Wheat, Granola or Oatmeal! But if we went camping, they would sometimes buy those mini boxes of mixed cereal, or on the BC Ferries they would have those mini boxes too and I would always pick the Froot loops! As a parent now, I don't let the kids eat things with food dyes so they've never had that type of cereal! I'm sure if I tried it now I probably wouldn't like it! I saw that box of birthday cake flavor froot loops, sounds so yucky! The kids talked me into buying the birthday cake flavored oreos once, so disgusting we threw it out! blech
    Soup sounds perfect while you are healing! Are you taking ibuprofen for the rib cage pain? Good luck at the store!

    Hi Karen, lunch sounds delicious! Oh my at the accident, that scares me since my son is all too close to getting his license ;S yikes!

    Wow Laurie, such a crazy time, especially just coming home from a vacation! You're probably ready for another vacation! ;)

    Hi Linda, what a pain the lawyer is being! Do you have your own lawyer or is this their lawyer? I hope it's over with very soon and you won't have to hear about it again!

    I'd love to do that DNA testing, I keep getting emails for 50% off of it. But I don't like the idea of being linked with other family members. Is there a way of keeping it private? I thought about doing '23 and me' DNA but haven't looked into whether that's private or not.
    I never did mention the family tree research I did on Pete's family! It's the most intriguing thing ever!! I hit a road block with his German side, as well as mine since most records in Germany have been lost. But his Mom's side is awesome! She told me once a long time ago that she's related to the Black Prince and King Edward II. I kinda laughed it off as family lore. When she visited me at Christmas we started doing her family tree. So we went back one or two generations. When she left I've carried it on ever since. And she's right, they are related to Royalty! Her Grandfather is in a 1920's book "Plantangent Blood line of King Edward III" So crazy!! Anyways, before I got to there his family tree branches out into the most amazing family's! He's related to the Spencer's, as in Princess Diana! Sir Walter Hastings! Earl of Huntingdon! and the Holmes as in De Hulme from the Norman conquest. Just amazing history! That's his great grandma's side and his great grandfather is from a well known English family, of Woodcock House. I told him we should travel to the UK and see if he can get a title, or a house or something! Lol ;) When her Grandparents came across to Canada, it was an arranged marriage of noble births. Their families wanted to have roots put out across the world, so people were married and sent off to Canada, the US, Australia, South Africa and so on. Little did they know at the time but many of those titles didn't mean a thing once they got here, lol. They became land owners and lawyers and that's about it! ;)
    I was so surprised to find that he has very thick roots in Wales, Ireland, and the Isle of Mann! That must be where he gets the red beard from ;)

    I wrote too much already!! Today I just have to eat breakfast, hop in the shower and go to Physio,- then grocery shopping, pick up kids, make dinner and chill, lol ;)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Made a batch of these this morning ... Big Apple Cinnamon Muffins
    Awesome muffin even with my "healthier" changes.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    The family history sounds fascinating Shona! You haven't said enough. I could sit all day and listen/read.
    The way they work real estate in SC is so ass backwards ... it's easier for buyers and sellers to use the same attorney and the seller usually retains who the buyers chooses. I'm sure the buyers have their own issues if I'm disgusted with them and so is my realtor and everyone she works with. They are building quite the reputation for themselves.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning! That's pretty cool on the birthday cake flavored fruit loops Janet, Caiden would be all over them! I'm guessing they wouldn't have them here in the States? I'm personally not a fan of Froot Loops but my kids like them. I only really eat any of the Kashi cereals :) Wow on having strep! At least your feeling a little better though bit ouch on your rib cage :( Fun to find out about Jim's Dads ancestry background!

    Enjoy your running around Karen!

    I'm sorry the paralegal is making things difficult Linda. Hopefully this will pass fast and you won't even have to think about it anymore :(

    Wow on your royalty family history Shona, too cool!! Sounds like you have a busy day ahead!

    On our way to Brenham TX for the State tournament! We left pretty early so we could swing by this custom home store we have been talking about going to. They have so much tile, wood, granite backsplash, etc. That my head was spinning. I wrote sown some things I liked. We have really gotta get a move on figuring out what we want for our's just so hard though.

    Just finished eating Torcheys Tacos and now we are on the road. Should take about an hour and 45 mins. To get to the hotel, so not too bad. We have 2 pool games tonight then the bracket will start tomorrow. "Pool" games are just warm up games that don't count for anything. We should be back late Sunday night so I might not check back in until Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Those muffins look awesome Linda! I just put some blueberry bread in the oven, nothing healthy about it except the blueberries, haha ;)
    That is strange to use the same lawyer!

    I could write so much more about his family line! One of the most fascinating was his Grandfathers side. His Mom didn't know anything about him, her father died young and she said he never talked about his family. She never met anyone on his side except his brother. And he said his mom died when he was a baby and his dad remarried and they were shipped off to boarding school at a young age until they graduated and got jobs of their own. When she was here we couldn't find one thing on any research site, not even a name of her Paternal Grandparents. Then one day, I stumbled across her uncle's obituary and it listed his parents names. And then the family tree began on that side of the family. I still haven't told her about this, I want to keep it a surprise until I can show it to her in person. She was a Nurse most of her life, and is very, very active in her church and in a leadership position except for the actual sermons. When I went back into her unknown family, they were all Doctors, Vicars and Reverends. Vicars for as far back as the 1600's! Funny how without knowing she took an interest in religion and medicine! Anyways, her Great Great Grandfather was a famous Doctor!,_John_Netten_(DNB00)
    Dr. J Radcliffe traced the Cholera epidemic to it's source in London, and without him the Sanitary and Hygiene conditions might not have been changed in the city of London! He wrote several books and many of his works are still used in Medicine today!
    I still have more work to do on that side, I'm investigating the Quayle's, Austin's, Bennett's, Gilmour's and Billing's. Maybe I'll find some more interesting people! ;)
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    SP Michelle!
    I have a hard time making decisions and if given too many options it makes it more confusing! Is the flooring etc.. for your current house or for a new house on your property?
    Have fun this weekend!! And good luck at the tournament!! :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Awesome find on the family tree! I bet she is going to be so grateful when you show her everything you've dug up :)

    It's for our future house on our land Shona. We built the house we live in 10yrs. Ago after we first got married so everything is still fairly up to date. Its also not custom more like cookie cutter houses. We got to pick out everything in it but we were given a small amount of choices to choose from and went through the neighborhood home builder. Anyway, this will be fun..but I have a feeling I may get pretty stressed out 😵
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    That will be fun! But I can see how making the final decisions would be stressful too! I like to have the option of changing my mind...which is quite frequently, lol ;) Do you already have the house plans drawn? Is it going to be built fairly soon? Sorry if you mentioned it already, I must have missed that if you did!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Captain Crunch was my favourite too Linda! LOLLOLOL. I couldn't eat it now either. How nice your sister reached out to you. Jim was on the outs with his Dad for three years but they made up as well and it just makes things nicer. Wow on your Grandmother getting married when she was 14! How long were your Grandmother and Grandfather married for? Very cool. UGH big time on the stupid closing date and that horrible, horrible, attorney and paralegal.

    Ya, ya, parents used to buy those little mini boxes of cereal when we went camping too Shona and I LOVED it. Especially opening it up, pouring the milk in and getting to eat straight out of the box! When I was reading up on Froot Loops it says the recipe/formulation for it in the U.K. is different because of different and safer food laws and Britain doesn't allow certain dyes, etc. in their food. In a box of English Fruit loops there are only three colours and those contain natural colouring. No, I haven't taken any pain killers for my rib cage. I guess I could. It only hurts when I cough though and that is getting less often. If you do the DNA through Ancestry you don't have to link it to a family tree. Your profile will show up to others as a match though and they could email you to ask more info. You could choose to ignore them, but.....
    That is SO cool about your MIL's family tree and links to royalty. That's a very neat story. Good luck at Physio!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Those muffins look awesome Linda and it would have made your kitchen smell so GOOD!

    I think the Birthday cake froot loops are just in Canada Michelle. Good luck at the Tournament and have lots of fun. How did Bri enjoy her week at Camp? Glad you clarified 'pool games' because I thought you guys got to play in the swimming pool for a bit to relax first. :) When do you hope to begin construction of your new home? SO exciting!

    YUMMMM on Blueberry bread Shona. It is weird, very weird to use the same lawyer for two parties. How fun you are keeping the Family tree secret until you see your MIL next. She'll be SO excited. Super cool on John Radcliffe. What a wonderful thing he did for the world! It's so awesome learning about generations past in your family. It makes me, anyway, feel like I'm part of something much bigger. It'd be awfully fun to track down one of his books for her too wouldn't it!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Jim and I went to Costco for supplies. He picked his Dad up a box of K-cups for the Keurig. Jim said there were 30 of them in the box for $39.99. OUCH! But his Dad loves his Keurig so he'll be very pleased with a bulk box of the things. Pork ribs were on sale there for $7.99/kg. but were less at Sobey's surprisingly, $7.49/kg. Ran to Sobey's next. I'm well stocked. He headed off about 40 minutes ago. I'm baffed. Drank my last cup of broth. Need to think of something for lunch and dinner. I'm second guessing the Soup but maybe.....
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    The blueberry bread took forever to cook, another 15 minutes past what it usually takes. My new oven seems to bake so differently now, I'll have to readjust a lot of my usual recipes. This one, Rustic Italian Roasted Potatoes, didn't brown at all at 425F so I had to cook it at 450F to get them crisp! I didn't use convection on the potatoes because I didn't want the fan to splatter the oil and butter, but perhaps I should use it on the bread next time and see if it's faster.

    I was thinking of making a Family Tree book and sending it to my MIL. She doesn't have a computer right now so I can't share the Family Website. has an option to print the Tree out in different formats and one of them is a book format that includes all the biographies I typed out. I just need to get some good paper and put it in a binder? Unless I can figure out a better way of getting it bound? That would make a great Christmas gift!
    I was hoping to find some Royalty in my family! Lol! And here Pete has all the aristocracy! When doing my Mom's Tree, they were all servant's going back 300 years. Some of the men worked in mines or farmed other peoples land. One was Tailor and a few men closer to today's time were in the military. But the woman and children all worked in the Big Houses. Maybe even a servant in one of Pete's family homes, lol ;)
    I'm either making pasta with Italian sausages or if I can quick thaw the ground beef I want to make sloppy Joes. Someone was talking about them awhile back and I have a craving!
    Off to Physio now!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    A family tree book is a fantastic gift idea for your MIL Shona. So personal and so precious! Pass me a plate of pasta with sausages please.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Okay....after flip flopping all day long on dinner I've decided on tortellini with rose sauce.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon all. So, so enjoyed reading the family history Shona! How interesting! I have done a bit of that but not nearly enough. Really should as all my elders are long gone and would be nice for my kids to know. One problem is my father's side was Native American and it is so hard to find out anything about them other than what I remember hearing as a child. I know my great, great grandfather was the chief of his tribe and my great, great uncle was the medicine man. Which back in those days would have been something. Other than that, that side of the family is pretty unknown. But have been meaning to travel thru my Mother's side more. I did find what I quess would be a 2nd cousin on my Mom's side a few years back through Ancestory. We kind of knew each other existed but weren't sure where. We have talked a few times since but really have quite different views on things so kind of difficult. Not for me as I feel everyone has a right to their opinion but apparently she doesn't see things the same way. Oh well...... We still message on occasion on FB but that's about it.

    How fun on the future house! But yes, decisions can be frustrating! But still, what fun!! Hope this closing finally comes thru Linda. What an ordeal you have been thru with this! I loved, loved Froot Loops as a child. Also Captain Crunch. Can't even imagine eating that now, lol! Benny is addicted to Crispix, which I like too. I never really bought too many sugary cereals when they were young. On occasion maybe for a treat but not for breakfast. More like a treat bowl for movie night.

    Well, since we really enjoyed the kabobs from Fresh Market a week or so ago we decided to do that again tonight. And again with twice baked potatoes. Yummers! Might make up a small salad as I have some greens and things that need used up. Will see what my motivation level is on this Friday. Watched my grandson again today but unlike yesterday, was a work day for Grammie. He did well though. He said Marlie Mae loved, loved all her new stuff. Was pleased!

    Enjoy the rest of the day all.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hi Kimmer! I don't think I"ve ever had Crispix. Yum on kabobs and twice baked potatoes. Great that Marlie Mae was pleased. :)
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    THANK GOD IT'S DONE!!! The money has been wired into our account and it's over (for the sale of the house in SC) and such a relief to be done with it.
    In SC it is common for buyers and sellers to use the same attorney. The attorney is not involved in the negotiations or repairs or such ... all they do is the closing paperwork but what a nightmare it was working with this office. Even my realtor was horrified and disgusted with them and will discourage anyone she is involved with from using them.

    Travel safe Michelle and have fun at the tournament. I can imagine your head spinning after visiting the custom home store, it can all be very overwhelming.

    I am fascinated with your husband's family lineage. To be able to trace so much back is wonderful.

    On top of my grandmother (my father's mother) marrying at 14 it wasn't even legal because my grandfather, who was older, was married to another woman when he married my grandmother. That's about all I know though. That grandfather died a year before I was born.

    How cool on your family history too Kimmer! Native American ... do you know what tribe they are from or region of the country and is the tribe still active or past?

    Foods just don't seem to be the same as remembered years ago. I was craving a cool icey popsickle and bought Real Fruit Coconut pops. I loved them years ago ... now they taste like artificial YUK!!

    My poor DH is just bored out of his mind where he is staying and hates the food so when I visit he just wants to run out the door. Today we went and got a pizza and I had the best salad. It was kale and romaine tossed with red onion, Kalamata olives, sundried tomato, cucumber, and artichoke hearts ... the dressing was a lemon vinaigrette and was delicious, the waitress told me it was Ken's brand and that I could get it at the store. Thanks!!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    HIP, HIP, HURRAY! I am SO glad for you that the house sale is a done deal Linda. That's wonderful. Congratulations. I totally agree with you about foods that I ate as a child not tasting the same now. And I don't think that it's just because my tastes have changed over the years. I think they use different ingredients, substandard ones now, that they didn't then. Despite the fact I dislike kale, your salad sounded lovely.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    I share you dislike for kale as well Janet, lol! To me, just why........, lol! So happy the sale finally went thru Linda. Such a load off, I'm sure! I do know the tribes we are from as I grew up half in a Native American household. Course back then, you were just Indians. I am Cherokee and Shoshone. Cherokee from my dad's father's side and Shoshone from my dad's Mother's side. Interesting combination, lol! Dad used to always say that's why I was such a bi$$h because I was from two tribes plus other! We have a lot of Dutch on my mom's mom's side, that I know. Dad used to make fun of that as well, lol! He had official papers of our heritage in his possession but unfortunately the person that was taking care of him threw them all out before the funeral and before I could get there. I am in Florida, he was in Michigan. See allegedly threw every thing out the day he died. Those papers existed because I have seen them and was showed them when me and my brothers were younger. This woman turned out to be evil and destroyed ALL my heritage on his side. I should have pursued legally but for what.............the documentations were already gone. It's not like now with government data bases. And all you have to do is look at my Father and his Father and his Mother and her Mother to know who you are! I'm sure there are documents that I can find. All I do remember for sure was we, dad, and brothers, never needed a fishing license anywhere in this country because of our heritage. Proud to be who I am!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi again!

    Ugh on fruit loops, Shona and Janet. I never cared for sweet cereals, or any cereals. Daughter used to like some and we occasionally bought something other than Cheerios for her. GS can not have the Stateside made FLs due the food coloring. He could have the in England.

    Grrr! On the lawyers, Linda. Yay on the final sale! What a big relief it must be!

    Cool having Native American ancestors, Kimmer!

    The truck is fixed and serviced. The bill came back as not having power train on the warranty....Wayne ha d taken it in and serviced twice during the trip me it had to have the five year inspection and turned in the paperwork. But NO record of the inspection and none at the dealer. Someone us have dropped the ball and never turned in the paperwork. The dealer absorbed the cost of this repair (we have bought three vehicles there, our daughter bought one, and his buddy bought two, so we have a long history with them....and always kept up with maintenance. They are trying their best to push for the power train warranty to be reinstated, but it is up to Chrysler. They were not optimistic.

    We ate at Bulgogi their Bulgogi! She gave us two Korean melons....we will eat them or tomorrow.

    Hi to all. Have a good evening.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    That really stinks that person thru those documents out Kimmer, evil and so disrespectful, can only hope karma catches her 3 fold. But how cool to know what you know. I hope someday you are able to recreate or find what was lost.
    All this talk really has me wanting to start looking into mine. Maybe soon enough things will settle down and I can.

    Yikes on the repair stuff Karen. Really nice though that the dealer acknowledges the value of a good customer and is treating you right.

    Saw a double rainbow 🌈... it rained around 6:30 and there it was! So pretty.
    Got the carpet cleaned in two rooms (guest bedroom and DH's office). Next room will be the master bedroom and closet.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I agree Janet with foods today using different and cheaper ingredients which is why nothing taste as good as it use to.

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