Frigid Friday

  • notyourmomma 9 years ago
    It's officially the coldest morning in Florida. 37F outside the door with a windchill to 28F. We aren't used to this. The strawberry farmers ran their sprinklers all night to encapsulate the berries in ice and save the crop. The Strawberry Festival is coming up quickly. We are supposed to be mid 70's by Sunday. Crazy, huh?

    I'm still on the soup diet. Eggs and grits in the am. It's okay. Maybe I'll lose some weight. fat chance, like my fat lip.

    I have the dishwasher to unload and dishes to do. More laundry. Skippy needs grooming but, she needs her hair til it warms up.

    Anyone planning an Oscar party?

    Pics are oldies from our wedding to share.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Good morning Tina dear:) I love your wedding pictures..what a beautiful bride!
    I heard about the cold, cold weather in Florida! Crazy is right..we're still having Spring like temps here..I don't think it's ever going to rain again:(

    It's been a busy glad it's finally Friday:)

    Grilled chicken, sweet potatoes & salad for dinner:)

    Hope everyone is well & happy, I haven't had a chance to catch up on the last few days posts.

  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Good morning, Tina. Quite a picture of the strawberry crop! And nice wedding pictures.
    I don't know if soup and eggs and grit will bring about weight loss. But Borscht and broth based soups -- etc.are healthy and can't hurt. I have cut down on how much I eat but don't really see a difference. Well, not entirely true. My lack of exercise is a part of the problem, too. Eggs and grits -- shoot, grits standing alone -- are one of my favorite items. Or cheese grits, but there goes the weight loss advantage - LOL. Had a small piece of sausage (home grown bought from a neighbor) and an egg for breakfast. It was not bad, esp. with a glass of O.J. I read somewhere that citrus fruit / juice is good to have with cured meats to avoid the sodium nitrates/nitrites causing harm. May or may not be true but I like the O.J. anyway.
    Homer is showing his age - he turned 12 last October. (Guessing there, he was full grown when I picked him up from the road one summer.) He has been snappish at the cats lately and Wayne had to get after him a couple of times for nipping when Geezer rubbed him. Geezer is enamored of Homer and greets him at the door most mornings. Homer is not impressed.
    Have a nice day. Hope the swelling diminishes and you feel better soon.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    SP Marie! OOH, dinner at your house sounds great. I have no idea what to fix, also have to do lunch for the guys but will probably do egg salad sandwiches providing I remember to take the bread out of the freezer. Ha ha. See you later.
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi Karen:) I adore egg salad sammies:) We don't know the exact age of our kitties either..when we took them to the vet for the first time they guesstimated their age. Bribie is almost 6, Lennon is almost 4 and Tippi the Terror around 4..maybe 5 years old....she was full grown when she wandered into our yard in July 2013 and the vet said she was 2 1/2 to 3 YO then.

    Have a great day:)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    -19C/-2F here in the Ottawa Valley. And they say with the windchill it's -30C/-22F. The wind is bitter. Benjamin wore his winter coat to the airport but once inside quickly passed it to me and quite happily will not have to deal with those raw temperatures for a long time to come.
    I was going to ask you what the picture was in the avatar Tina but now see the answer. Sure hope the strawberry plants will be okay. Oscars are this weekend then I'm guessing? We never manage to stay up and we rarely watch them. But we do like to hear the results and then watch for those movies to rent.
    Your dinner sounds great Marie. TGIF!
    Your breakfast sounded lovely Karen. Yum on egg salad sandwiches too.
    I made Benjamin a fried egg sandwich for breakfast just before we headed off. Made it to the airport in good time. His 10 a.m. flight got cancelled and they put him on one at 9:35 instead. Just got a message from him that's he's in Toronto now. His flight to Shanghai leaves at 12:30. I don't envy him that long flight. It was wretchedly hard to say Good-bye and all three of us were in tears. But what can you do? Once through the security lines we couldn't see him anymore so headed off. Stopped at the Flower shop as my girlfriend still had an excess of roses left from Valentine's Day so she told me to stop in and she'd give me a free dozen. They're beautiful. Then we grabbed breakfast at McDonald's. Totally hit the spot.
    Gonna make a small Prime Rib for dinner this evening. Maybe baked potatoes on the side and I also am craving a salad.
    Joce...hope you're feeling a little better today.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Holy smokes on your cold weather Tina!! Glad you doing okay having to be on a “mooshy” diet :) You were a beautiful, glowing bride :)

    Sounds like you've been busy Marie! Hopefully now you will get a few days off? Your dinner sounds yummy!

    Hi Karen! I used to drink a glass of OJ every morning. Simply Orange is my favorite brand. Poor Homer, what an old guy. Hopefully Geezer will just stay out of his path.

    Brrrrr Janet!! I would be happily giving you my jacket too lol! I'm sure Benjamin will make it through his long flight just fine, but I don't envy him either. I know you'll miss him :) Score on getting the free roses! Yum on prime rib!

    Well I thought we had a night off, but just got a text from Bri's coach that they have practice AGAIN tonight :( Michael volunteered to take her. Going to do some cleaning and start getting ready for Briauna's slumber party tomorrow night. We invited 6 girls total and have only heard from 3. People just don't go to birthday parties like they used too. Last year we invited her whole class (22 people) plus everyone from our neighborhood, plus probably about 8 other family/friend kids and only about 7-8 kids showed up total! Caiden's last B-day was the same way. Going to grill some pork chops today. We will have to eat early (probably 5ish) so that Bri's food can settle some before practice. Will have brussel sprouts and something else with them :) Have a great day everyone!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle! Nice that Michael will take Bri to her Practice. I can't believe you didn't hear back from three of the invitees to Bri's party. I find that rude personally. We haven't obviously held a birthday party in many, many years but I was surprised to hear about the poor turn out? Birthday parties were always highlights in Benjamin's day. Yum on grilled pork chops.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    We used to have big turn out for Olivia's birthdays. I agree how rude to not repond to an invite. Nice that Michael is doing the practice run.

    Nice on the roses, Janet. I'm enjoying Olivia's from Scotty. It seems like Benjamin's visit was just a blink of the eye. I knew there would be tears....virtual hug to you.

    Your diners sound good. I'd love to be able to bite. Liv wants to go out tonight. Hmmmm, I'm looking less like an abused wife. My lip looks like I have a dark moustache. Maybe we could do Italian...I have a 25 dollar gift card at Carrabas.

    The dogs pulled the comforter off Fred's bed and are cuddled inside. I didn't turn on the heat and the house is cold. There is heat in numbers.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Thanks Tina. I was the alarm clock this morning and promised both Jim and Benjamin that I would wake them at 6:30. Of course that meant I woke up at 4:30 and just had to doze so I wouldn't oversleep the mark. Now that he's on his way to China there's nothing more I can fret about until he reaches Shanghai at 3 something this morning so a nap may very well be in order. :) I think it'd be nice if you and Liv went out for Italian.
    Lazyboy is sending a service person over with new tracks for the drawers on one of the tables we recently purchased. They're very hard to open and close. They're supposed to show up somewhere between 1-3.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    It was about 21 or so this morning. I think. Anyway, we are supposed to have some sort of freezing rain coming in and changing to snow in the morning. Until they change the forecast. Again.

    So funny the dogs curl up in bed to stay warm, Tina. Italian sounds nice and comfort food and pasta should be easy for you to handle.

    I guess BD parties have to take a place in line with all the other activities kids are in these days, Michelle. It is rude not to respond, but lots of them don't any more.

    Marie, I think someone puts invisible signs (except to cats) -- "Sucker lives here. Free food!" at the end of the driveway. All of our outdoor cats and Mel just showed up. A.C. was rescued from being an outdoor abandoned kitten. Geezer is driving me up a wall, is hiding out somewhere due to the high winds and will show up later this evening to grab water and feed and drive me crazy wanting to be held but not sitting still.

    Guys just came out of the work area looking hungry. Got to go.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    It's super nice you are able to accommodate 'Walk ins" Karen. :)
    I had a short nap on the couch and then the Lazyboy guy showed up. He did a good job on the table so that's all done. Jim and I had some leftovers for lunch and now Jim's gone out for a walk to get some fresh air. I had plenty enough fresh air this morning thank you very much. :)
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    They just said 80 degrees on Sunday, This is nuts. House temp is 58 now. I don't mind the dogs undoing the covers. I do mind when they tug on the towels. The towels are not their tug-of-war toys. We aren't going out afterall. Liv said she is coughing so hard, she wants to come home and take a shot of Nyquil. I have plenty of chicken broth and hot tea.

    I called the funeral home to inquire about Fred's ashes and when are they going to ready to pick up. They have been ready since Jan 28, but the funeral home had our phone wrong. You would think they would call the alternate phone. Sheesh. I'm a little upset.
    I have a headache.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Sorry to hear Liv is sick Tina. :( Chicken broth and hot tea will certainly help. You would indeed think that the Funeral Home would call the alternate #. :( Gentle hugs.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Cool on the gifted roses, Janet. They are beautiful flowers and will look great in your house. I can only put cut ones in the sun room so the cats leave them alone. Very expensive, also, esp. around this time of the year. I love cut flowers and may just pick some up now and then since I have a place to display them.

    I second Janet's opinion on the broth and tea, Tina! My suggestion is to turn up the heat a few degrees for the evening and fix Olivia some hot chicken broth. Hope she feels better. Grrr! on the phone number mixup.
    I am so used to "walk ins", Janet, that it is not if, but when, the next stray shows up. One year a light yellow / tan tabby color tom cat showed up. I would bring him inside and feed him on the kitchen floor. Before I could get him to the vet for the usual neutering routine, he disappeared. I'm sure the coyotes got him, since they were quite prevalent then.

    Wayne is finishing chores and getting the mail. His buddy has gone home. The guest-room-to-be is further along toward completion. I am getting cabin fever - LOL - but have no desire to go out in the freezing drizzle that is coating the roads.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Karen, I make it a policy to never turn on the heat. Just put on another layer of clothes. Liv has footie jammies. Our electric bill is so high in the spring summer and fall, I amoritize the low bills in Dec, Jan aand Feb to offset the a/c expense.

    Love the walk-in kitties. Our two were adoptees. Both just vanished. I blame a possum or they chose to find a dogfree home and left us.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Wow on the electric bills, Tina. Our summer electric runs about $120 for the house, unless we have super hot weather. The stone walls keep the heat out and so we don't have a/c costs until sometime in June, ending in late Aug, Winter - Jan & Feb - are our huge bills...depending. We are installing the wood burning furnace / fireplace insert sometime in the next week or so, which should lower our heating costs, since we have free-for-the-taking wood all around us. If the weather ever cooperates.

    Cats do have a habit of changing homes. There are also a lot of predators that will prey on them -- owls, coyotes, foxes, even hawks will take out a cat. Geezer is outdoor wise but we have lost 2 kittens to ?? coyotes ?? owls, and had one injured by some predator type bird.

    Have a nice evening. See you later.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Well, so much for accurate weather forecasts. Slight changes are in effect! We are now supposed to get a third inch to a half inch accumulation of ice. Thundering and lightning in the middle of an ice storm. I 44 is closed due to too many accidents. Of course, our alternative heat source is not here so if power goes out it should be interesting.

    Satellite is down. Probably ice covered. Some local channels are still working.

    Praying for no fire calls tonight!

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