Meatball Monday

  • chuckieb 11 years ago
    Good Morning everyone! 10F and a bit more fresh snow on the ground this morning here in Ottawa. Jim managed to stay up to watch the end of the Superbowl but he was not happy with the outcome. :)
    I'm on my own for dinner tonight. He's got a Sales Conference and they're going out for dinner after work. I am thinking of making
    White Bread
    today and then I have some Celery soup down in the freezer to go with it. Think I'll also make a big pot of chicken broth as I didn't get around to doing that last week.
    Did I tell you that my dishwasher still isn't working after the repairman was here last week? CRAFT if I have! :) He's actually been here twice already. The first time they didn't send him with all the parts he needed and the second time he felt he'd fixed the problem but when I tried it out that evening it still wasn't going from the wash to the dry cycle. He's coming out again tomorrow. Sigh.
    Lori, how was your birthday celebration with your family? How's your Mom?
    Joce, I PVR'd Downton Abbey since Jim was watching the Game last night. It's going to be all I can do not to watch it today and wait 'til he's home and free to sit down with me! :)
    How did you like the Goya Yellow Rice Laurie? Is it going to be a good Bzzzzz? :)
    Laura, how did the Fantasy Football Party go?
    Tina, Marie, Michelle, Patti, Kimmer....a big wave!
    Have a great day everybody!
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Good morning Janet! How pretty, fresh snow! That was quite the game alright..I guess Jim was for the Niners..I thought they were going to come back and win after the lights went out..sorry to say we were for the Ravens..good game either way! Soup & fresh baked bread sounds perfect for a cold snowy day!

    Making Pat's Slow Cooker Tamale Pie for dinner for the first time:) It sounds really good!
    Hello to everyone yet to join in!!!!
  • notyourmomma 11 years ago said:
    Happy Monday from me!! Notyourmomma's magic elixir in my Thermos. Heating up the stuffed poblano picadillo for supper. Salad and fruit! Alas I am out of strawberries.

    Ohh, Marie that Slow Cooker Tamale Pie sounds so delicious. Fred turned off the game to watch "Music Man" and " My Fair Lady"...he needs to turn in his "man" card. giggle.

    Janet, fresh bread and soup! yummy. That is terrible about the dishwasher, I hope it gets fixed soon. Time for to "walk on"

    Hope all have a grand day.
    We had fewer callers yesterday than we did on New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve. Once the game started and the phones went silent.
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    It is very pretty out right now Marie! The sun is shining brightly too which is always appreciated here in February! Tamale Pie sounds very yummy and how excellent you can do it up in the slow cooker!
    Happy Monday back at ya Tina! Num on your Elixir! :) Your entire supper sounds good. What do you do when the phones are silent? Do you just sit there? Are you allowed to read?
  • laurieg 11 years ago said:
    Hey all
    Nothing exciting going on here. Tonight's dinner is egg rolls.
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    Love egg rolls! Have a good day Laurie.
    Joce, Lori, Laura, Kimmer, Michelle, Patti....Roll call! :)
    Got my walk done on the treadmill. Swept the floors (how do they get dirty so fast?), the chicken broth is doing a fine job of making the house smell good and the bread is almost ready for it's first punch down.
    The penny is officially going out of circulation here in Canada today. I don't know why but it makes me a little sad. :) No more "Penny for your thoughts". Makes sense though I know.
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    The Tamale Pie is on...I noticed Laurie mentioned when she made it, it didn't take as long to put it on at noon..I'm so used to starting my crock pot early in the morning, I almost forgot to make it! Just finished Moms Peanut Butter Cookies...also posted my egg rolls I (we) made for Super Bowl Sunday...they turned out pretty good..I'm not crazy about the pic though..fried egg rolls look better, oh well:)

    Tina LOL on Fred watching Music Man & My fair lady..I think he has excellent taste in movies!!! Wish Rick liked those sort of movies so we could watch them together..but Nooooooooooo....unless there's PLENTY of action in a movie, forget it:) I should MAKE him sit down for a whole episode of Downton Abbey..see if I can get him hooked!

    Janet, so you have that problem as well?!? I just steamed my floors because there were muddy footprints everywhere...even when Rick wipes his feet, those darn boots hold the mud until he gets inside ..i swear!!! How does that work when the penny goes out of circulation? You can't use pennies any longer???
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    "My Fair Lady" is my Mom's absolute hands down favourite movie ever. It is a great one I concur! :)
    Oh, I could so go for one of your cookies right about now Marie! Along with a little 'cuppa' tea. Your eggroll post is awesome.
    Maries Asian Egg Rolls
    And I think the picture turned out great personally. As you say, the deep fried ones have a little more colour but they also have a lot more fat! :) And yes, I just cleaned the entire house from top to bottom Thursday. We are not messy people and there's snow outside, there's no mud! But I had to sweep this morning and I'm even going to go and take the damp mop out to do the hallway. The majority of our floors are a dark hardwood though so they do tend to show off all the dust and marks. :)
    They say they figure it's going to take about four years to totally get the penny out of circulation. If you pay with a credit or a debit card they will just do things as normal. But if you pay with cash they will round up or down. Eg. If it comes to $1.01 or $1.02 you'll only have to pay $1.00 and if it comes to $1.03 or $1.04 they'll round it up to $1.05. When businesses go to the bank the bank will not issue pennies to them anymore. Businesses can choose whether to deposit the pennies they do take in to the bank or to keep them in circulation. It's gonna be a bit weird and I feel bad for the book keepers at the end of the first few days 'til they get things worked out.
    Bread's out of the oven. Smells DELICIOUS!
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Oh thank you for the nice comment on the egg rolls:) You are too kind:) I agree, it is going to be a royal pain for bookkeepers!!! Wonder if the US will ever take our pennies out of circulation as well? Hope not...
    I'll trade you a cookie for a slice of your bread!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chuckieb 11 years ago said:
    The Government is saying that it costs l.6 cents to actually make a penny so it's just silly to continue as it's a losing venture. Throwing you a great big chunk of white fluffy bread and holding out my hands to catch a peanut butter cookie. Good trade! :)
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    I just noticed the Downton thread Frankieanne started in Heat in the Kitchen...I can't believe I didn't notice until now!!! I want a castle:)
  • laurieg 11 years ago said:
    Egg rolls pretty similar to how I make mine. I use a ground pork and ground chicken mix. But I did it your way and used the striacha instead of crushed red pepper flakes. Yum
  • NPMarie 11 years ago said:
    Yes they are Laurie..I love baking them..I feel less guilty:) The beauty of egg rolls is you can basically use anything you want to...I want to try a veg only one day as well. Rick is the one who added the sriracha when I wasn't It was yummy I have to admit!!!

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