Monday`s Medallions....

  • chuckieb 5 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! I think I`m coming down with a cold. Boo! I woke up this morning with an incredibly sore throat. That`s feeling better now but I feel very lethargic. Blah. It`d be lovely if it would pass right over but we shall see.

    Am going to make
    Parmesan Pork Medallions
    German Hot Potatoe Salad
    on the side (and maybe some sliced tomatoes with a balsamic drizzle)

    The Potato salad will be my contribution to the IMI11 Octoberfest/Pumpkin Challenge.

    It`s cloudy and cool out. I`m late feeding the birds and squirrels this morning. Jim made us Tomato and Cheese omelettes with hot sauce for breakfast. It`s lovely having someone make you breakfast every once in a while. :)

    Jim wants to do a bit more work on his interlock. After lunch we`ll head in to town as once I feed the birds I`ll be totally out of sunflower seed. Have a fair amount of things to pick up at Costco and need to run to the Hardware store for furnace filters.

    Sens Hockey Game on this evening.

    Wishing everyone a lovely Monday.

    Michelle, how`s your Mom doing? Hope all is well.
  • mommyluvs2cook 5 years ago said:
    Morning! Ugh on feeling icky today Janet :( Hopefully it's something quick and passes quickly. Yum on your dinner, that potato salad sounds delicious, can't wait to hear how it turns out! Lucky you on your breakfast Jim made. Good luck with your running around and hopefully you don't feel too bad doing it.

    My Mom is doing great! So a screw came loose from her last surgery and was pressing on her spinal cord. She could barely walk and had very little motor control. The surgery was Thursday morning at about 3am and she was released by yesterday morning. A very successful surgery and she did awesome. She already has her motor skills back and claims she feels even better than after her last surgery.

    Doing some baking today! Already got a batch of plain brownies made and these are currently in the oven: Pumpkin Brownies and smell amazing.

    Making chili for tonight, have to get it ready early since we have a busy evening where we will all be eating at different times. Made some cornbread yesterday, so I don't have to worry about that. Have a great day everyone!!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Hope you feel better soon Janet and your sore throat/ cold doesn't take hold. Dinner sounds yummy! Someone cooking for you is nice and cleaning up even better. I so appreciate when DH helps me clean up after cooking and around the house.

    So happy to hear your mom is doing well Michelle. Awful and scary to loose motor skills. Can't wait to hear how the pumpkin brownies turn out.

    Best Buy called and I'll be needing a new printer. Dang thing was 2 years old in July and I'm miffed about it. Not sure what I'll do but I'm going to argue it out with the store for selling a crap product considering it's the second time. First time the heads clogged after 3 months and they replaced it. Now they are clogged again. I couldn't find any of my receipts and was going nuts searching thru everything for an hour and finally DH found them in his files. I believe, or at least it looks like, I have a 3 year service plan (?) which is thus my argument for them to replace it. I have an appointment this afternoon to "meet" with them.
    Maybe we will go out to eat tonight as I need a break from cooking. Not sure where we will go though.
    I want to do a "purge" of my pantry and fridge/freezer and get rid of anything "junkie" as I'm feeling bloated and not so healthy because I'm eating a little too much junk. A mouthful here a mouthful there and it adds up. It didn't help yesterday that I made myself Fettucine Alfredo for dinner (LOL!) so that's it. Back to lots of veggies and low carbs.
    Also want to start going thru DH's files and tossing what is old and not needed anymore. I'm fanatical with being organized or at least close to it and when searching for our Best Buy receipts I was seeing lots of out-dated, disorganized stuff.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Michelle. Those pumpkin brownies look so awesome. I can smell them baking from here! I miss baking. When Benjamin was young and when I was working I could bake for him and my staff but now it`s just Jim and I, unless we have company coming, it just goes to waste. :( Your Mom deserves a major Trooper award. Gives a whole new meaning to `having a screw loose` doesn`t it! :) The poor woman has been through SO much with her back and spine problems yet whenever I see a photo of her on your FB page she is all smiles. Wow. I wish her a speedy recovery and no more set backs. Yum on Chili. I am going to add that to my menu now that Fall is here. Good ole comfort food for sure.

    Oh my goodness that you need a new printer Linda. I`d be spitting nails. What brand is it again? Can you revoke that other warranty protection plan you recently purchased? I do not envy you the meeting with Best Buy. Ugh. Good luck with your file purging.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    It's an Epson Ecotank … it was $300 and is suppose to be efficient using ink which too the cost of was less. It was wireless too which was another nice perk but not happy with the "life span" of the product at all.
    And yes, I want my money back for the plan I just bought especially if it's not going to cover repairs as I was led to believe it would. I don't need all the other crap it offers. Arrrgh.

    Mmmmm, chili sounds good. I could go for a pot myself.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Bought another printer, this time an HP for $100 and for $10 more if anything goes wrong with it in a 2 year period I get $100 credit for another. I kept the other plan I bought because only our computers are covered for service and the other plan covers everything else … phones, ipads, printers, tvs, installation of stuff for a discount, and a discount to buy the new printer … and more which I'll have to read up on. I have 30 days to "return" it so it's not the priority of the day. I'm still "miffy" that I had to buy another printer and not in the nicest frame of mind to deal with these things. The world of electronics has become so dang complicated.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Quick hi. Poor Chloe!

    Fire Dept meeting is in a short time so have to get ready for that.

    Fritz is in trouble -- he destroyed, in an hour, 2 ball point pens and a small brush.
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Hoping you are feeling better Janet. Yum on the pumpkin brownies Michelle! Glad you're mom is doing well. Yikes on having to buy a new printer Linda. Hope this one fairs a bit better for you. I finally made chili yesterday. Had been waiting for some cooler weather. Saturday and Sunday mornings were delightful so thought, they're you go. Of course the temps are right back up there now! But just couldn't wait any longer as I had been craving it! Daughter came over and had a bowl with us and pinched a bowl for her lunch today.

    Spaghetti here tonight with salad and garlic bread. Easy stuff!

    Haven't had anymore fireworks and the police did come out and patrol the neighborhood for awhile. Problem is, can't tell who is doing it, just the area they are coming from. But I do know they have to be the illegal ones here for Florida as they are the big BOOMS! Was just irritating! Plus, of course, if Chloe is upset, then I'm upset!

    Hope all enjoy the rest of the day!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Epson Ecotank....well at least they got the `tank` part right eh? Rolling eyes. I totally know how you feel Linda. Been there done that. Except Jim and I are firmly against any type of extra warranty offers. When did it occur that as consumers we now have to pay in order to insure that the product we buy doesn`t break down? It`s a total rip off. I think you made a wise choice buying a new printer for a hundred bucks. What also irks me is the waste of the electronics and plastic that go in to these things. With them only lasting a couple of years think of all that crap in the garbage dumps. Shall quit talking about this because as you can clearly tell, it`s a hot spot for me. :) NEXT TOPIC!!!! :)

    Uh oh Fritz. One small brush is one thing, two ballpoint pens quite another. Hope your Fire Dept. meeting goes well Karen.

    Hi Kimmer! I`m feeling pretty much the same. Wish it would either grab me and take me out or take off. LOL. Jim has built me a fire so I shall cuddle up for the rest of the afternoon. Yum on spaghetti.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Jim finished the work on the interlock fairly early so we decided to run errands before lunch not after. Went to Costco. Jim`s Uncle has invited us to his 80th Birthday Party in Mississauga this weekend. They have just downsized so don`t want any more `stuff` so in lieu of presents they are asking people to bring grocery items to donate to the local food bank (where Jim`s Aunt volunteers). Isn`t that a nice idea! So I grabbed six cans of salmon, a huge plastic wrapped bag full of two types of pasta in smaller bags, and six cans of Baked beans. Got Duck for a meal this week...3 breasts for only $13.99! What a great price! Also found a new blanket to replace the one that was on the guest bed. Again, a great price. Got another 50 lb. bag of sunflower seeds for the birds and then a 50 lb. bag of peanuts in the shell at the Hardware store, so the birds and squirrels will be happy. Grabbed a few items from Sobey`s....a box of cupcake mix, a tub of icing, a box of Angel Food cake mix two jars of spaghetti sauce and a big jar of peanut butter, also to go in Jim`s Uncle`s Food Bank bag.

    Called my Mom this afternoon and she sounds good.

    Have dinner all prepped. Am pretty excited to try the German potato salad recipe.
  • laurieg 5 years ago said:
    Ugh. I’m soo stressed out. Not as stressed out as my new tenants but I can’t fix it! We just purchased 20 units in Ohio at work and it’s been one thing after another, delay delay. Finally the sale went through on a Friday but we hired a management company out there to take care of everything. He told me unit owners need to turn on utilities. Call water dept. have to practically give them a first born child to get utilities switched. Call electric company twice. They won’t do it over the phone. They have no form. They told me to fax over a request that I make up and tonight all the buildings electric got shut off. Can’t get a live person only automated and they say call back during business hours and hang up on me. So like 10 people have no electricity. One building is vacant and the other pays their own.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Yep, that would stress me out too Laurie. Wouldn`t even know how to fix things either. Good luck! Ugh. Perhaps a little break in the rent for the first month would smooth things over for those who lost their electricity tonight.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    It does seem crazy that there isn`t an Emergency # for the Electric company.
  • laurieg 5 years ago said:
    Just got off the phone with our new property manager on a three way call with electric company He somehow got a live person who basically told me it was shut off because old owners did not pay bill. Which they swear they were up to date at the sale. Then a three way call with the old manager who is the one getting the calls of no electricity. It’s bad but not as bad as I thought. It is the common areas and the electricity that feeds the hot water. So they have lights and no hot water. Some may or may not have heat because I. Not sure how the boilers are fed if that makes sense but have t gotten any no heat calls. And finally spoke to Nick and got him to authorize hotels if any of the tenants don’t have heat. He told me to have a drink since not much more I can do. I think I may!
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Wow Laurie! Don't know what the laws are where you are but I am a former Community Manager and my daughter is s Property Manager here in Florida. This kind of nonsense that your are having to deal with is illegal here in Florida. My daughter has had to go to bat with the local electric company numerous times and always won! Sounds like the management company has failed to the highest degree!!!

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