Mortadella Monday

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everybody and welcome to Halloween week! :) I LOVE Halloween. Sure miss the days when Benjamin was young and we used to decorate Oct. 1st and keep it going all month long. We have no exceptional plans but I still would like to do something fun. Maybe watch a Halloween type movie (nothing to scary as I hide my head) and make something festive for the occasion. I should pull out some of my old Halloween cookbooks and magazines for some inspiration.
    Dinner this evening is Pat's
    Oven Fried Panko Chicken
    with Beet Carpaccio on the side but I have to sub pecans for pistachios.
    Supposedly our 'handyman' is coming out today to give a quote on a few odd jobs we need done. We'll see if it transpires.
    Lovely blue sky this morning and it's not supposed to rain! HURRAY! But the cold is descending....5C/33F at the moment.
    Got down on the treadmill again and Jim joined me on the recumbent bike so it was nice to have company. :)
    Karen, I love that automatic feeder. My turkeys would LOVE that and depending on how much it holds, it could feed them while I was away too! I'm sure they're too pricey for me to actually entertain the thought but it certainly is fun.
    Tina, your mushroom skulls are fabulous! Love them!
    Wishing everyone a fabulous day!

    Halloween giggle : "Why couldn't Dracula's wife get to sleep?"
    "Because he kept COFFIN". :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Good morning Janet.
    The feeders run from $99 on sale to about $129 - WalMart carries them as do most sporting / hunting / farming / discount type places. After deer season they drop in price, which is when we usually buy everything! They put out quite a bit of corn at one time. There are other models that hang from tree limbs instead of on the ground.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Good Morning! I love Halloween too, Janet! I think it's a lot to do with it being so hassle free compared to other holidays, but of course the spookiness and dressing up part is a lot of fun too :) I think it is by far one of my kiddos favorite times of the year. It's especially awesome this year since it's on a FRIDAY!! No going to bed early, yay! You dinner sounds yummy. Brrrr down at your place! We are already in the 70's at 9AM. Haha, love the giggle :) :)

    Hi Karen :) An automatic Turkey feeder sounds too neat!

    Did my workout extra early this morning. Now I'm on my second cup of coffee watching cartoons. Michael is about to get out in the garden and make rows and I'm going to do the fun part and go shopping for all the plants! My plan is to get broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and a ton of different lettuces. We have never had luck with brussel sprouts so those are out. I'd like to find some kale and swiss chard if possible. Michael said he would take Bri to dance tonight so I can have dinner ready for them when they get back. I am going to grill up Marinated And Grilled Orange Chicken along with asparagus and a big salad. I'm going to be taking advantage of my grill as much as possible with daylight savings time coming to an end. BOOO. :) Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    What did you think of the parmesan rind in the soup Janet? It wasn't too powerful was it?
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle. I walked to the barn and tossed a few too-ripe apples to the horses. They were happy. Today must be chicken day - I have no idea what to fix for supper but there must be some chicken hiding somewhere in the freezer! Can't break the cycle! LOL.

    Your garden sounds great. Except for cauliflower which we don't care for. I love brussel sprouts but he doesn't like them. Every so often I do make cabbage rolls and he growls but eats ONE - the rest would go to waste if I didn't eat them. I have to pare down the recipe to make fewer.

    It is in the 70s here and breezy and sunny. Tomorrow will be 20 degrees cooler. Rain is due tonight with maybe some thunderstorms. Arthritis is acting up so I know the forecast should be accurate. LOL.

    Probably will take Mary to the vet tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday, it depends on how pessimistic I feel about the outcome. She is 16 and not doing so well.

    Enjoy your Halloween outing. We haven't had trick or treat here ever - too far down the road so they all go to town. I don't mind the little ones - some are so cute - but we always had two stashes of goodies. One bucket for the little kids and one for the teenagers who are way past the age for trick-or-treat. Our daughter sets up their van in the driveway with the side door open, lit up, and passes out the candy from it.

    Electricity just blinked. Another squirrel probably landed on the transformer or this wind is doing its thing. It came back on right away - probably the former. Must go figure out lunch. Have a nice day.

    No internet - lucky I saved this.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    That's a better price than I'd expected Karen. It's quite the contraption. Hope your arthritis calms down soon. Sorry Mary's not doing too well. Hope your power doesn't give you grief today.
    I envy you getting to go shopping for plants today Michelle. Wish I could tag along! :) Sounds like you're preparing a most lovely meal for dinner. And oh yes....I LOVED the parmesan rind in the soup. It was great and no, it didn't overpower anything. I'd never ever done that before or thought to do it so thank you for the inspiration. I still have 2-3 chunks left which I've put in the freezer.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    There are others out there, Janet, which might be less expensive and still work for you. Cabela's, Bass Pro, etc. have web sites that you could probably order from. Even

    I must try using parmesan cheese rind in soups - never crossed my mind to try that for flavoring. That's why I like this group - always learning something new!

    OK I think the power is back on again for good. Maybe. So will empty the drier and concoct a tuna casserole or chicken casserole for lunch. Wayne and his buddy are working in the tool shed so they will be hungry. Will do a refrigerator-search and try to come up with something different to add.

    Commissary / Sam's Club trip is scheduled for next week - maybe - so I can stock up. Cupboards need refilling!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Tinaaaaaaa.......(Is today the day Lynda is visiting?)
    Where is everybody?
    Have the Beet Salad almost prepped and just about to prep the chicken. The handy man never showed up. So annoying! :(
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Yes, today is my Lynda visit. She just left. We have been chatting and noshing. The cake was well received. We had pizza from West Shore. Scotty was here with us. I can't wait to get her private assessment. We needed to find her a fine art auctioneer. She has some pencil art tha could be valuable, the artist is in the Smithsonian.

    I am not hungry. chat later. I need a nap.

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