Red Moon Lunar Tuesday

  • notyourmomma 10 years ago
    Okay it is prime time viewing for the Red Moon. So far, we can't see much at 2:09 EST.

    Home from a long day at work and who the heck scheduled my doctor appointment this morning at 9:00 AM! What was I thinking?
    I'm coming home to take a nap. Working on the shopping list and goods to be cooked.
    Kim chi, of course. Some kind of bulgar wheat salad. Maybe a couscous with dried cranberry and feta. Sick of hot soups, maybe time to roll out a gazpacho or a cucumber soup, chilled would be a good sipper at work.
    Love the travelogue Janet. So many new things to try. Love the adventure and enjoy the journey! A hookah! We have a few hookah lounges downtown, I don't think I could drag Fred into one. Love the noodle egg dish.
    Oh, Michelle, poor you with the sunburn. My sisters tanned naturally. Me burnt to a beet crisp shade. They would even put iodine in their baby oil to roast in the sun. Aloe is great. I would also dab on apple cider vinegar to ease the sting. I'd smell real funny, but it helped. Your poor garden. I'd eat a cucumber every day if i could. I sprinkle with dill and a bit of lava salt and it is crunchy enough to cure the potato chip blues.
    Aw, Shona poor Sophia....She has had a bad run of it. Hope recovery is swift. Yikes on the car wreck. I killed my Dodge Dart, ran the engine out. It was way too expensive to repair. Saw an old one the other day at an auto shop and the wave of nostalgia was palpable. Good sleuthing on that tomato slicer thingy that Points was wondering about. I'd be curious if it could slice our mutant tomatoes.
    Marie, you have me laughing with the boingy Kale. I'm still trying kale on occasion. Still a collard green girl myself. More vinegar, more red pepper flakes the better. Outbacks Chicken is one of Liv's favorite dishes ever. I don't find it too sweet. I read that Rick slept well during his apnea test....YEAH!!! I knew he would appreciate the oxygen assist. It makes all the difference truly.
    Joce, so happy your hutch arrived. Good luck with the re-arranging and dusting. I have tried multiple times to pair down our tchotchkes to find them multiplying behind my back. I'm seeing my rheumatologist in the morning. Going to adjust the meds again. Upping my thyroid to see if we can combat the exhaustion. My hair is falling out at an alarming rate.
    Joey, you are a dear to pop in, when you are so busy. I know how hard it is to maintain a blog. I'm a hit or miss blogger. Kind of a hit or miss chef these days too.
    Laurie, I missed the pedicure duo. Fred had one the other day. He was so ticklish, he nearly kicked the technician in the head. I had to pay her hazard pay. Yeah on the school acceptance!!

    Liv is teaching a few tots tomorrow am at the ice rink. She is so excited. Then they are going to Chumlee's for wings. Well, dears. It is 3:00 am and the moon isn't red yet. I'm giving up and hitting the sheets for a few hours. I'm the pied piper of puppies...soon as I move my feet, they follow me to my room. Too bad they don't come with timers to wake me when I need it. LOL
    Lola can snore like a truck driver, silly little wiggle butt.
  • Good4U 10 years ago said:
    Tina, I laughed out loud when you said Lola can snore like a truck driver:) Funny how the littlest one can make the loudest sounds! Liv will have a a great time teaching the tots today. I bet it would be the most adorable thing to see them all out on the ice trying to pirouette away:) I hope everything goes well with your appointment at rheumatologist today. I wonder if some of your meds have something to do with you losing so much hair like that? We probably won't see any moon let alone a red moon here as it has been raining steadily and now they are calling for more snow again tomorrow! What is up with that? I hope you did get a good night's sleep and that you are all raring to go today:)

    Janet, I can't wait to hear where Ben is or has by this time taken you today! Did you get through to your Mom? She would be more than tickled to actually know she was speaking to you from so far away! I bet in her wildest dreams she would never ever thought she would be doing that:) I am sure you had fun today with Ben touring you around:)

    Michelle, LOL I know you chuckled when you heard about Janet's FIL staying in Corpus Christie, but an amazing amount of people do that just to get away from our brutal cold and snowy winters. My SIL and BIL are on their way home from Amarillo Texas and my other SIL and BIL are on their way home from Florida soon as well. Some places in Florida, Texas and Arizona a almost totally inhabited by Canadians and people from the Northern States all winter. LOL Then it turns around the other way in the Summer. Many come here from the South for the Summers to get away from their deadly heat. Where I live is a Summer Tourist mecca and we start seeing an influx of people coming from the States to their other Summer homes here usually in May and they will stay until late September or October. This area is full of fresh water lakes where fishing and boating is very popular with many from the States. Boats can come right into the middle of our town via a canal.
    This is a sort of slide show someone made up on Trip Advisor and the last pics are of the locks and also the last one shows the water and canals right in the middle of our town.
    Wow that is very nice that Michael is off for the Easter weekend for the first time in six years! Yes you should do something special to make it a very memorable holiday for him:)

    Shona, I hope Sophie is feeling much better today.

    Marie, I am a bit confused now. Does that mean Rick needs to be on oxygen now at night or not?

    Things went a little awry yesterday. Den called and said for me to keep an eye on our sump pump b/c it seemed to be acting up and there was a big muddy water hole at the edge of our lawn right next to the curb on the street. He said he had called the Town office and they were going to send someone out the check it. I kept watching the sump pump which does not normally run that often but it did seem sort of strange. I called our plumber and he came and fixed something and at the same time the guys where their from the Town digging a great big hole at the edge of our lawn. Well it turns out my neighbour is having the same problem and it has something to do with the storm sewer and both our sump pump drainage lines possibly a leak from the frost. They dug things up temperamentally to clear the clog but they will be digging up our hole front lawn! Gee it has taken me almost ten years to get grass growing on our front lawn and now I am going to have to start all over again or most likely having to sod the whole thing again! Grr! We aren't doing much this Easter weekend as my son, his wife and kids are going to her mothers for Easter dinner. They will stop by and visit on Sunday for a few appetizers in the afternoon. I have a bunch of Laura Secord Easter eggs for them. Tonight we are having spareribs with veggie rice and broccoli. I am going to see what I can get done without being disturbed in the dining room today.
    Hoping everyone has a wonderful day!
  • chuckieb 10 years ago said:
    Morning Tina! (10:36 p.m. here but I can't see the Moon either....too many city lights and tall buildings I expect) I've been getting some verra nice Kimchi here on a regular basis. Good stuff. I had to google tachotkes. LOLOL. That's a very cool word and one I'd never heard of before. :) Hope Liv has a wonderful time teaching. I have enough of a hard time with Jim snoring on occasion I'd be in for it if I had snoring dogs to contend with as well. :) Good luck at your Dr.'s appointment.
    Hi Joce! Yes, I did get through to my Mom. She was pleased. Oh no on the storm sewer. That's bad. Don't fret about a new lawn though. I'm sure the City will pay for it. Kanata had big flooding just a few years ago and yards got torn up in the process and the City covered all the expense. Good thing you guys noticed it when you did as there could have been way more damage. Yummers on your spareribs. Do you BBQ them, Sweet and sour, Honey garlic?
    Shona your Easter dinner plans sound lovely. Carrot cake is a great idea. LOL. Good thinking.
    I kind of agree with you Michelle about it being amusing that people actually leave their homes for a full season to avoid it. Personally I'm not into that but Jim has mentioned it a few times. :( I like your Easter tradition. Very cute. That's most excellent that Michael will be off as well.
    We had another lovely day. Benjamin is a great tour guide. He brought us to the Maokong Gondola which is about a 30 min. ride up into the mountains outside Taipei. The area used to be the largest tea producing spot in Taiwan and there are still a ton of tea houses and restaurants up there that the tourists flock to. It was perfect weather and we had a lovely lunch and tea. Also visited the Chinan Temple while we were up there. Very beautiful. Went to Benjamin's favourite bar for drinks and dinner. First 'North American' food I've had since arriving with the exception of that chicken sandwich the other day. I had a very yummy Chicken Quesadilla with homemade fries and Jim had chili. Benj a spanish omelette.
    Eyelids starting to droop. This is the first day Jim and I didn't take a nap. Guess we're finally winning over the time change. Wishing everyone a super great day.
  • Good4U 10 years ago said:
    Janet, So nice to see you and it sounds like you are getting used to the time change and it sounds like you had another terrific day:) Did you go on that Gondola? I just googled it and wow that is really cool! Sending sweet pleasant dreams to you:) I am making honey garlic spare ribs and it is raining too hard to BBQ who knows by tonight it could be an ice rink out there!
  • NPMarie 10 years ago said:
    Tina, I was outside a little after 11:00 pm looking for the eclipse..didn't see anything so I went to bed! Yes, We're waiting for Rick's c-pap machine, they are supposed to send it in a week or so..he was so impressed..he hasn't slept that good in a very long time! LOL on being the Pied Piper of Puppies..too cute:)

    Joce, Rick will be using the cpap without supplemental oxygen..that is usually for older people and/or people who suffer from COPD and/or emphysema. I'm thinking the DR mentioned the addition of oxygen because Rick's sleep apena was pretty bad..when he did the in home sleep procedure he stopped breathing 93 times in 1 hour..needless to say, that scared the crap out of both of us.
    Oh no on the storm sewer! I hope it all goes'll have a new lawn before you know it....

    Janet! Glad to hear you 2 are getting used to the time change:) Sounds like your having a lovely time there..Taipei sounds absolutely beautiful:)

    Spaghetti & meatballs for dinner..with garlic bread of course:)
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    Good morning!
    Apple cider is a new one Tina! Yes that could get pretty smelly :) Cool on Live teaching the little one's! That's something fun Briauna may like is ice skating lessons. I need to check that out for this summer!
    Joce, going away for certain Season's must be mainly for the retired? I couldn't imagine people just up and leaving their job for months at a time. Sorry to hear about your lawn getting dug up! I couldn't imagine!
    Janet, sounds like you had a lovely day! It was probable nice to find some food your used too...I bet Jim was happy :)
    Tonight, if the weather cooperates will be burgers on the grill! Will probably throw some bell pepper and onion rings on there too.
    Wishing everyone a great day :)
  • Cosmicmother 10 years ago said:
    Good morning!
    We waited for the moon to turn red too, and no luck here either! Maybe tonight.
    Liv will have fun with the tots! I remember having a hard time getting the little ones to listen, they were all over the place! So I got them to play Simon Says and they followed everything I did, lol ;) I hope you can get a nap in before work! Lol on the dogs following you, mine follow me to the bathroom or the laundry room for goodness sake! silly dogs! ;)
    Hi Joce, oh no, your yard! I guess it could be worse, an old neighbour of ours had just paved his gravel driveway, then he had a major sewer back up and they had to dig up half of freshly paved driveway! That must have been pricey to re-do! The city usually goes around and seeds the grass they dig up, at least here they do. Hopefully the leak will be fixed :) My FIL was a Snowbird! He wintered in Arizona and spent his summers in Port Alberni BC ( Vancouver Island). The Comox Valley has one of the highest US polling stations for out of country residents! A lot of Ex-pats too as the they learn the winters are not harsh on the island. ;) The Okanogan Valley is very popular too, in central BC. Retiree mecca! Pete and I were just talking about that, we probably won't be able to return to the Island until we retire. No work, unless you own a retirement village or something! lol, ooh there's an idea! lol ;)
    Wow Janet, sounds like Ben is the best tour guide! Sounds beautiful there. It must be nice to get a break and have some "regular food" I'm sure Jim appreciated that!
    Gosh Marie, that would be scary, not breathing that many times in an hour! Thankfully he'll get the c-pap machine soon!
    Tonight we are having Beef Stew leftovers. Sophia slept through the night, her fever has gone down thankfully. So hopefully that's a sign the meds are working. The weather has warmed up nicely and I only see a couple patches of snow left in the yard. Looks like a big spring yard clean-up is in order this weekend.
    Have a great day everybody!
  • NPMarie 10 years ago said:
    Shona, so glad Sophia's fever has gone down..I'm sure it does mean the meds are doing their job.
    I sure need to start with my Spring cleaning, I want to go thru the garage and get rid of stuff I've had packed up for years. It won't be easy though..I have a lot of stuff that I love, old books (for when we finally get our big old Victorian house on 100 acres, I want a library full of my beautiful, old books) ..things which were given to me from my Grandmother, Aunt & Mom, empty boxes (every time Rick buys a leaf blower or what have you, he keeps the box) etc. Not to mention the 20 or so old fishing poles & tackle Rick's Dad gave him..some pots & pans...oy vey..we are a family of pack rats!

    Michelle, how's your garden doing? Is the weather cooperating? It's supposed to be 84F Easter..I am thinging of roasting a turkey with all the trimmings..but do I REALLY want to heat up my kitchen??? LOL
  • mommyluvs2cook 10 years ago said:
    Hi glad to hear everyone got some sleep last night! Bet your happy about the weather... :)
    Lol Marie, Michael does the same thing with keeping the boxes for EVERYTHING!!!! I think he intends to keep them for a week or 2 to make sure whatever it was works properly...but the boxes usually end up hanging around for months!
    No the weather is not cooperating at all! It's too cold and I think the only things that are going to make it are the tomato plants (thanks goodness) and the pepper plants. Even my mint is dead...which is hard to kill!
    For Easter I have decided I do NOT want to roast anything, but I do have some really pretty ribeye steaks in the freezer with Easter's name written all over them :)
  • NPMarie 10 years ago said:
    Michelle, for months huh, I wish, try years on keeping empty boxes..! Too bad on the weather, hopefully you'll start getting warmer weather for your garden to grow properly:-) We still haven't planted Dad planted one tomato in a container..he used to grow everything..a huge's breaks my heart he's not able to do that anymore, he gets so tired these days. I try to help, but I can't afford the gas to go down on a daily basis;(
    We always have a time deciding what to make on holidays..since we don't eat the same thing when it comes to protein..a lot of give and take in that department I tell ya..I would be happy with just veggies & salads..but he thinks we need
  • notyourmomma 10 years ago said:
    Marie, Rick has to anxious for the cpap. I can't live without mine. I had oxygen in the beginning but this insurance company won't pay for it and I'm getting enough pressure to keep my oxygen levels high enough with just the cpap. He must be my long lost brother....they said I actually stopped breathing about 90 times an hour too, in addition to kicking my legs from restless leg syndrome about 65 times an hour. Stock up on distilled water so he has moisture overnight. It can be drying. It is no wonder I never slept well. I hear you on the hubby need for a meat in the meal. Fred is just the same, it's not supper unless he leans back and groans from eating too much. I'm working Easter and since most of the credit unions are closed on Good Friday, we will have another busy day then as well.

    Michelle, we must be having your weather from a few days ago. Freaky windy...37 mph gusts. Threat of rain. I put the top down on my ride to the was fun. I'm threatening to put up a few containers for some veggies. Your mint died? I can't grow just dries up and withers.

    Did anyone see those bacon wrapped Vidalia onions on the grill? Smoked Bacon Wrapped French Vidalia Onion
    I want to try them with a grilled hamburger. And grilled zucchini as a side.

    Joce, oh no! on your yard. What a shame. Better fixed now than later, however. LOL on the retired snowbirds....We are the mecca for snowbirds. We depend on our winter visitors, our economy is run on tourist dollars.

    Woohoo on getting used to the time difference, Janet. You have been a trooper. I'm glad you have such a wonderful tour guide <grin>. Yum on the kim chi, I'd be so happy with a big bowl right now.

    Shona, good to hear your baby girl is on the mend. Yep, Simon Says would be a good game to play on ice. Haven't heard from Liv yet. And my dogs follow me into the bathroom...Molly will try to get in the shower with me if there is a thunderstorm outside. She doesn't care about getting wet as long as she can cling to my leg. Lola is always underfoot. She hits a closed door like a battering ram. To say she has become acclimated to our house is an understatement.

    Oh, heavens on the boxes in the garage.....I still can't fathom how our garage fills up when Fred isn't working? There is an chaise glider out there that I don't know how he brought it home. 50 shades of peeling paint. I know he won't ever strip it and repaint. Oh well.

    I'm starving and haven't shopped. Fred has ants in his pants again. He is trying to get me to go out. I don't want too. Although I could take a trip to the pet store for a pretty pink sparkle collars for my three girls. Charlie needs a new muzzle. There was a huge dog fight last week while they waiting at the vets for shots for the two girls (not our dogs). I can't risk him biting anyone on his visit this week. He is getting so grey but his old face doesn't match his fierceness around an aggressive dog. He is good with mellow dogs, but let someone challenge him and all heck can break out and it has in the past. He is too strong to handle without a muzzle in certain areas. Don't forget this is the beast that dragged my old fat ass across the concrete after a squirrel. He nearly wrenched my shoulder out of the socket.

    Bless Freddie, he made me a grilled cheese with a yogurt. He must have heard my tummy growl.

    I do know there will be some deviled eggs somewhere on our table over the weekend. Momma always made ham, which is too much for two. I want fresh and green(dare I say Kale??) baked beans, my favorite Greek potato salad (OHHHHH, the vinegar and green onion!!!) Maybe, just a ham steak for the two of us. I know Liv is working too, but her BF has his parents in for Spring Break and I know they will be making a huge Polish meal of kielbasa, pierogies, cheese kugel, green beans, onions and peppers.

    Fred used to dress up as the Easter Bunny in our old neighborhood when all the kids were young. He never ever fooled Tyler, Tyler always knew who was behind the costume, whether it was his bus driver Jack as Santa Claus or neighbor Debbie as Mutant Ninja Turtle carrying in a pizza cake. He couldn't see well, he couldn't talk, but he never cried in fear. He would laugh at the voice behind the costume and win them over with his smile. We had a great neighborhood with at least a half dozen kids same ages. We had a block party Easter (six houses) one year and we hid over 180 eggs over four yards. We had a huge bunny pinata filled with candy. There was a ton of food, I smoked a leg of lamb. Debbie brought a Honey Baked ham, we had trays of scalloped potatoes, Vidalia onion bake, grilled veggie skewers, Greek Salad with lots of feta, corn on the cob, and ambrosia, (a batch without coconut) too. We made egg braid bread and sliced it in half and filled with chicken salad. There were croissants from the bakery. We made Paula Deen's strawberry pretzel salad. Frozen grapes with sour cream/brown sugar. Cupcakes, cakes, chilled pies, homemade ice cream sandwiches. I think that was the year that Debbie blew up her oven with a Kahlua cake with too much Kahlua in the recipe. We had a great time with the cute fireman who came to our rescue. I saw that cake levitate in the oven, literally it lifted 3 inches off the rack.
  • Good4U 10 years ago said:
    You know Tina Fred is just one bighearted kind kid! I bet he enjoyed every minute of being the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus or whomever he was trying to impersonate:) I can honestly say I could never imagine Den doing anything like that. You have such cool ideas! I have never heard of anyone ever having an Easter Block Party for the kids how marvelous! I bet every kid remembers all those things you did with very fond memories. I must remember your bunny pinata idea very cool indeed. LOL I have never heard of anyone blowing up a Kahlua cake before either:) LOL You can laugh at it now but I bet Debbie didn't at the time! I saw Twill's Smoked Bacon Wrapped French Vidalia Onion and thought of you instantly as you are the "Smoker Queen". I was going to bookmark it until I realized it was to be done in a smoker, but wait. I could maybe try that with smoker wood chips in my BBQ I think Lori and Janet have done that? I don't really know how a cpap works but I am sure glad they invented those things to help people with sleeping disorders. Maybe when you are out after you go to the Pet Store maybe Fred can entice you to go somewhere for a quick dinner and then possibly you can come home and relax a bit this evening? You deserve a break from your normal routine:) Let us know how Liv's first skating lesson with the wee ones goes.
    LOL all you guys talking about boxes and things in the garage. I have some I haven't opened or looked at in many many years! One day LOL probably not me someone will eventually have to tackle them:)

    It is cold and miserable here and it has snowed all day! Some of it is even staying on the ground! It is supposed to go down to -12C to night! A good thing Easter is later this year I just can imagine Easter and wadding through snow anymore!
  • NPMarie 10 years ago said:
    Tina, Rick MUST be your long lost brother! Thanks for the distilled water advice..they told him to use "good" water, and of course he didn't ask what thet meant by good water..he did google what type of water to did mention distilled or distilled H2O it is! He CAN'T wait to get his cpap either LOL
    Sounds like he's also Fred's long lost brother..having to have meat at every meal and all!!!
    Such a precious story..Fred as the Easter Bunny..and Tyler not being fooled:-)
  • chuckieb 10 years ago said:
    Yes Joce, we did go up and back down on the Gondola. It was nice. Exactly like a ski gondola. :) Yum on your honey garlic spare-ribs. I could use some right now even. :) And yes, you can easily smoke things in your BBQ. OH no on the cold and snow.
    Rick stopped breathing 93 times in the span of one hour! Holy Smokes! No wonder the poor guy wasn't sleeping properly. That's crazy. Yummers on spaghetti and meatballs too Marie. I woke up very hungry for some reason so you guys are making it even worse with all this talk about awesome food! :) Could you do your Easter turkey on the BBQ?
    And awwwww BURGERS! You're killing me Michelle! :) And ooooooo on rib eye steaks for Easter dinner. That'd be awesome.
    Hurray on Sophia sleeping through the night and her fever going down Shona. That's most excellent news. Benjamin's ear infection is flaring up again (he never went back for his follow up appointment) so he has an appointment to see a Dr. Thurs.
    Okay now I'm definitely going to need to go get food after hearing both yours and Scottie's Easter dinner plans Tina! LOL @ Fred dressing up as the Easter bunny and what great Easter parties you had! Wow!
    Night all. We're just about to head for breakfast.
  • notyourmomma 10 years ago said:
    Fred did pop out of a big stove box, dressed only in an adult diaper with a huge pacifier around his neck and a baby bonnet. It was the highlight of the baby shower for Debbie. She did wet her pants when my hairy husband popped out of the box. She thought she was getting a new stroller. LOL

    We did eat out. Tapas menu at the Black Palm, allegedly a hang out of Al Capone and other prohibition black market adventurers. Off Park Street in the Jungle Prada area....brick lined streets, adjacent to Admiral Farragut. Then we went and had after dinner drinks at Rococco and a follow up coffee at the Vinoy Resort, in the Marchand Grill and Bar.
    Can I say tired? I'm in my hometown in my same time zone, and a simple dinner out kills me. We ate steak skewers, arrapas, tostones, beet salad, a bunch of little plates that meld into one....except the tomato soup can sized molten lava cake. It was huge!!! I had a Grand Marnier creme brulee that was sublime Can I just say a cucumber muddled vodka with lime and basil is a good drink?

    So tired, i could just collapse, alcohol aside, I'm whipped. How did I ever do what I used to do? Who was that stranger?

    Yes, distilled water is the way to go.....and I rinse my hoses with some mouth wash once a week, don't forget to change the filter off the cpap. I do not wash my nasal canula in hot water, because it can get out of shape and not fit my nostrils....which would result in whistling and that can disrupt sleep. Rinse, rinse and repeat. Once Rick has his cpap his blood pressure will get better and he will FEEL better.

    Again, I"m going to crash.......I'm tired.

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