Spring Ahead Sunday!

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! I'm pleased to set the clocks ahead as it's getting quite bright in the mornings, but our company is supposed to be arriving around 2 p.m. so I'm anxious to get the house cleaned and prep dinner. Jim's still in bed but I may just have to move into action in the next 15 minutes. :)

    for dinner this evening with a plate of roast beets drizzled in balsamic and some cooked carrots as sides.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • laurieg 6 years ago said:
    Good morning!
    Rachel is home for spring break. She is leaving for California in the morning for a little spring break trip with her boyfriend. Frank isn’t happy lol I said she is almost 20 would you rather she lie to us? He said yea but I know he would me more pissed if he thought we kept it from him.
    Becca is going away with her friends family for Easter. Since we are all together we are celebrating Easter going out to dinner.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Enjoy your company, Janet. I am sure they will like the wonderful dinner you will cook for them.

    It is hard to see your kids grow up, Laurie. Lol Frank will get over it. I hope she enjoys her time in California.

    We are having pork chops for dinner and at the moment we are doing laundry.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Yikes, I forgot about the time change last night. It was in the back of my brain and then gone. You are loosing an hour of getting ready for your company time Janet. Love your dinner menu for tonight. And yes! Who on earth decided to make the time change on a Saturday night. LOL!

    Your bathroom design sounds nice Karen. I too like white in a bathroom and the barnwood floors sound like a nice compliment to tie it all together.

    Enjoy your Easter outing today Laurie.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    It was so damp and dreary yesterday I turned the oven on the dry and warm things up and made a New England Spider Cake. It is so good and I'm having a slice with my morning cold brew. The recipe called for some vanilla and cinnamon and I forgot both! But it really doesn't need it and I don't think the original calls for either but they would be a nice addition.
    Looks like the Icky weather is still hanging around and is suppose to bring bad weather in tomorrow but I need to get out of the house today so to the gym we will go.
    We haven't had fish in some time and I have two Mahi filets in the freezer so will thaw them and grill. You would think living in Florida there would be some great fish all the time but lately the stores haven't had much of anything I'm interested in. I won't buy farm raised. Will have to check out Costco soon and see what they have.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning!! I am happy to lose an hour as well Janet. It has been light out by 6:30am here and that is just too early for me lol. Plus I like it being light out later. Your menu this evening sounds delicious!

    Hope Rachel has a good time in California Laurie!! Sounds like a fun trip, and like Joce said, Frank will get over it, she's an adult now :)

    Pork chops sound great Joce!

    Kids went to my Mom's house Friday after school and I will pick them up tomorrow. Bri's friend Emma went as well. I think she is getting to that age where she LOVES her Grandparents, but would rather be doing stuff with her friends on the weekends than go to Grandma's :\ So my Mom has been letting her bring a friend or 2 on some of the trips over there.

    Friday night Michael and I went out to dinner then played pool. Yesterday we spent most of the day shopping around and pricing things, like cabinets, flooring, sinks, doors etc. This is my FAVORITE thing we found yesterday:
    Omg it's so cute, I love it!! We met with the builder the other day so we could go over things to get a bid, and was NOT prepared for all the questions he had for us. We are SO far behind, so we are playing catch up with getting round abouts of what we want in our house so he can get us an accurate bid.

    Doing the same today, just going to a few different places and also meeting my Dad for lunch. I don't think we have any meat in the freezer, maybe a package of chicken breast? So dinner is still up in the air lol. Have a great Sunday everyone!!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    How are you feeling today Joce? I hope a little better.

    Sounds like a good weekend for you Michelle, productive. I like the pantry door. Very cute! I can't imagine all that is involved building a house with a private builder and unlimited options. And then making choices ... My head would be spinning.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Sp Linda! I forgot about time change too :-P Realized it this morning when my living room clock was off an hour from my cell phone and computer clock lol. New England Spider Cake sounds yummy, I'll have to Google it since I've never heard of it before. Grilled Mahi sounds delicious for dinner. I won't buy farm raised either. My favorite fish to buy at the docks is salmon, trout and red snapper :)
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Laurie! Nice to see you in here first thing in the morning. Very fun that Rachel is off to California. Where? It is hard (especially with girls) to loosen the apron strings but I totally agree with you in that it is much better that she has an open and honest relationship with you and Frank and can talk about this with you.Where's Becca going at Easter? Enjoy your dinner out. So nice you have everyone home under one roof.

    Good luck with the laundry Joce. Yum on porkchops.

    Hi Linda! I know you've mentioned the New England Spider cake before but I'd forgotten what it was exactly so googled it again. Sounds yummy, especially beside a cold brew. :) Yum on grilled Mahi for dinner. I'd love that. I've had my concerns about Farm raised fish as well and at one time it was really frowned upon but just recently I looked at Ocean-Wise for safe seafood recommendations and they are actually touting a number of farm raised fish (much to my surprise)

    Am about half way done getting ready. Jim's going to sweep the floors then I'll damp mop and then I just have to prep dinner.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Spider cake is the best thing I've ever eaten Michelle. Janet had mentioned it got its name from the type of pan used. I find it best at room temp. after it cools.
    I cut the sugar back to 1/2 cup and find it perfect. No need for the maple syrup either, it's sweet enough.
    We like Salmon too ... Artic Char (if you can find it) and Grouper are our 3 favorites. DH likes Chilean Sea Bass but I'm not a fan.

    I just wish they wouldn't add coloring to farm raised Salmon Janet. There is just no need for it. I appreciate the link and will read it. I think with all the pollution in the ocean and radiation on the west side from Fukushima you just can't win for loosing.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    They must be "clearing/cleaning" the water lines down here because the water stinks even with the whole house filtration system. It has an odor coming out of the lines and sitting in the drains. Not fun!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    SP Michelle! That's a really great idea for your Mom to let Bri bring a friend along when she visits. When the girls were leaving here on Friday, the older one (who is 13) said to me "When I get my license, I'm going to drive to your house with my sister like every second weekend, so that even if my parents are busy, we'll still be able to come and see you whenever we want". Very heart warming and sweet, but I know that once she gets to be of driving age, visiting Jim and I will be no where near the top of her list of things she will want to do. :) The pantry door is super cute! Nice that you and Michael can get some plans established for the new house. So much fun! Enjoy lunch out with your Dad.

    I think you are absolutely right about the ocean pollution etc. Linda. Shaking head. :(

    We're all done the house work with the exception of washing the front foyer tiles. We did well. Gonna jump in the shower and then do the foyer and then do a bit of prep for dinner.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Sounds like you are all ready for your next round of company Janet. Nice on Rachel going to California! It is hard to let go but I'm sure Frank will live thru it, lol. Fun, fun on all the house stuff Michelle. They do like a chlorine bomb of sorts up here Linda, I think twice a year. Water smells horrible for a few days. I hate it. Beautiful day we have here but colder temps coming this week. Chloe will not be happy! Maybe I should get her a sweater, lol.

    Daughter's little party for her bday went well last night but man, I don't think I stopped all day. Hit the ground running first thing yesterday morning. But food was good and all had a good time. Just wears me out, lol. Next big get together will be Easter so will start planning that. That's a biggie here as we always do an Easter egg hunt. Everybody participates usually. That's so sweet about the girl's visiting you on their own. You never know! I had a sweet moment last night myself as my daughter's beau's daughter called me Grammie for the first time.. I loved it! Last month in her birthday card I signed it Grammie Kim. Guess she liked that.

    Getting ready to head to the store..........again. Went yesterday but didn't have time to do my week's worth of groceries and didn't have my meal plans done. Would rather not go but have to.

    Making tater tot casserole for dinner tonight. Still have a lot of salad stuff left over so will have that too.

    Hope all enjoy their Sunday.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Eeewww on smelly water Linda. That's not nice. :(

    Nice to hear your Daughter's birthday party was a success Kimmer. I love decorating and cooking for Easter. Very sweet on your Daughter's beau's daughter calling your Grammie for the first time. That kind of stuff melts your heart for sure! :) Yummy on Tater tot casserole.

    I'm almost done. Rouladen and carrots are prepped. If I'm lucky I can put two whole chickens into buckets of brine for tomorrow night's dinner. Talk about cutting things close. Phew.
  • laurieg 6 years ago said:
    Rachel is going to San Diego. They rented an air bob right on the beach. Boyfriends mom just texted. Me saying she is picking her up at 5am for airport and wanted to check in with me since they are traveling together. They have only been dating about a year but he is from home (Wilmington) so she has known him for years.
    Becca is going on her friend Grace’s family vacation to Kisseme Florida. We feel ok with her going since Grace has severe food allergies as well and we know her parents are super diligent. Becca isn’t the best about telling servers that she has a nut allergy.
    Dinner was good. We all got filet. I got baked potato and asparagus as well. It was pricy since it is a steak house but not as pricy as some since he sides are included not ala carte.
    Becca got asked to prom today so she has a date and a dress yay. She is very private about everything. Unlike Rachel who tells you things you might not want to know lol

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