Sunday Snoozing

  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago
    Good morning. I guess all are asleep so early on a Sunday morning.

I just crawled out of bed and am in the sun room waiting for the coffee pot to provide me with a much needed dose of caffeine. The cinnamon rolls we are having for breakfast are in the oven, it is pitch dark outside, and I have no desire to stir...move...breathe...anything but go back to sleep. That is not an option. We leave for church soon, and I really have to wear something other than my pjs and house coat.

    The party was nice. Two families host it each year. They alternate where to hold it. One of the guys came down with severe stomach flu so they had to change which one to host it last minute. The other couple did a wonderful job at such short notice. I could no more have done that than fly to the moon, it would have taken FOREVER to clean my house and prepare the dishes. It takes a lot of work to have everything ready and all of that food prepared in time, etc. There were about 25 people attending.

    Wayne suggested we have a sun room warming party in the Spring. I believe it would take forever to get ready - we still don’t have the LR painted and the rest of the house is in construction mode. I smell the rolls and he is getting hot coffee so I will see you all later.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Good Morning, Karen. I hope your coffee sweeps away the sleepy. Oh my goodness on the last minute hosting swap. I'd be with you on the "never in a million Sundays" be able to pull off a last minute host.

    Chilly in FL today. Olivia did not go to ugly Christmas sweater party. She came home, we pinned and primped. She fell asleep. I let her sleep. She does not know when to say 'no'.

    Pizza was fine.
    Pulled pork tonight. Greens and white beans. Have a great day.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Good Morning Karen! Jim and I did sleep in this morning and it felt great! Just having my first cup of coffee now. YUM on cinnamon rolls for breakfast! Lucky! When Benjamin was young I used to make him those once a year on the last day of school for breakfast. Just the Pilsbury roll kind. :) Glad you had a nice time at the Party. Ugh on the poor guy with the stomach flu. Did the couple that did end up hosting it have to cook allllll the food for 25 people or was it a potluck? Re: the Howdy Doody Show conversation yesterday. I never watched that or Captain Kangaroo for that matter. To tell you the truth I don't even know if it was broadcast where I lived at the time in British Columbia. We only had like two channels I think. My childhood shows were "The Friendly Giant" and "Uncle Bob". Both Canadian productions.
    Jim and I had a lovely time at our friend's last night. She made my
    Bacon, Mushroom Toast Rolls
    as an appy and then the main was a 5 lb. Prime Rib done to perfection (I took the rarest piece NOM!), yorkshire pudding, red wine gravy and stuffed portobello mushrooms with zucchini and goat cheese. (I ate half of one of those) :) Being a florist her dining room and table were dressed to the 9's for Christmas. It was very pretty. Dessert served a bit later was some sort of parfait with two darker chocolate fudgy layers and a caramel layer in between. She was expecting it to be light but it was actually very, very rich. Solved all chocolate cravings :)
    I told her about the price you saw on that 4 lb. Prime Rib for $70 in Texas Michelle and she says she bought her 5 lb. one on sale at Farm Boy for $31. Guess you'll have to make a trip here to visit with me and stock up your freezer? :) LOL!
    It was a nice drive there and back as well as a lot of people have their houses all decorated with lights.
    No plans for today. Laid back. Relaxing. Not even sure what I'm going to make for dinner.
    Lucky you seeing the family of deer Marie. That'd be so pretty.
    Yum on Chinese Food Laurie. I saw your post on the coywolves on FB. Very cool. We have similar beasts here. They're gorgeous really. Did you ever find out what that camera was in the woods near your place? And that is simply a wonderful story about the Market Basket owner giving out such generous bonuses to his staff this Christmas, along with a note from him no less. We need more people in the world like Artie T. :)
    Joce's Pecan Puffs turned out perfectly and I brought a tin over to my girlfriend's place last night and it was well received.
    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    SP Tina. I'm glad Liv got some sleep. Hopefully she won't be mad when she wakes up and she's missed the party. :) How are things these days with her and Scottie and have you heard from Linda lately? Pulled Pork sounds nummy.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    She was not mad when she woke up. She had to be at work at 6:30 this morning. She had the nerve to complain that she worked a 48 hour week this week. Ummm, your momma was working 56 hours a week before she got sick. "Momma, you are old." Gee, thanks, kick a gal when she is down. Olivia and Scottie are like an old married couple without the marriage certifficate. They fight, argue and make up. They go out because it is convenient. It is easier than dating someone new, but not a romantic starry eyed love anymore. Lynda's last email worried me greatly. She told her oncologist, "if the cancer comes back, I'm not going to fight it again. This has been too hard." I know she is lonely and the first Christmas without Bruce is awful. She has horrible neuropathy in her feet and has lost all her toe nails. She has the same numbness I have when standing and then the shooting stabbing pain that never goes away.

    So happy that you had a lovely dinner, Janet. I'm sure the floral arrangements were gorgeous. How nice that she made your appy's. That is a great price on a rib roast. I'm glad the cookies were well received. The dessert sounds very good. Glad you had a nice drive to look at the lights as well. I couldn't pry Fred from his comfy robe and slippers to go see the boat parade. I would suggest that you and Jim cuddle in with a fire and a good book.

    Thank goodness dinner is coming straight from the freezer.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Lol Tina. She doesn't know how to say no. I wonder where she inherited that trait? As my mother would say "apples have apples".
    The whole market basket thing is so unheard of. The employees striking for the CEO and winning it is said they will be studying it in business school for years and here is talk of a movie.
    Just did some stocking stuffer shopping at target.
    We are going on the hunt for this warehouse slash store that sells either knockoff Uggs and northface jackets or discontinued ones at deep discount when Rachel gets out of work at 2pm
    Not sure what's for dinner. Maybe tacos
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Sorry to hear Lynda is having a rough time Tina. Obviously one never knows how'd they'd react in certain circumstances until they're put into them but I can't say I blame her for what she said to her Dr. if the cancer came back. And indeed, this first Christmas without Bruce will be hard.
    ROFL Laurie re: Tina, Liv and apples. :) I was thinking the same thing. :) Giggle. That Market Basket saga would make for a good movie actually. Have a fun shop with Rachel.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Morning!! My kids would be over your house in a second for one of those cinnamon rolls Karen...haha! That was nice that someone took over the party last minute..I'd had been pulling out my hair if I was them. Sounds like they handled it nicely.

    That's good that Olivia got some probably much needed sleep instead of going out Tina. I have never been to an ugly sweater party. That is too bad about how down Linda is. She has been through so much, hope she doesn't just give up. Enjoy your easy dinner :)

    Hi Janet! How nice your friend made your recipe for an appy! That's a fantastic price for a prime rib. I really need to shop around and see if I can find a better deal...I am craving prime rib now! Have a nice relaxing day :)

    I would watch the Market Basket movie Laurie! I still need to buy some stocking stuffers. Those are the hardest for me to find each year for some reason. I don't want it to be expensive stuff but I don't want it to be just little nick knacks that will just get lost right away. Have fun bargain shopping today!

    Yesterday was fun with my Sister. The new FM was not as fantastic as I thought it was going to be. Not even half the vendors on that list were there. The good thing though is that the one's that were there were really good. The Indian food one was there, and OMG was everything good! They let us sample some spinach cheese samosas which we got to dip in this yoghurt sauce and a jalapeno chutney that was homemade and delicious! I bought all of it. Also got to taste some tikka masala that was also yummy, but I had already spent enough money there lol. There was 2 produce booths with just a few things. I bought some really pretty multi colored cherry tomatoes. Also picked up a dozen of fresh eggs, all different colors, love them! The honey booth was there as well, but I had just bought a huge jar of honey 2 days ago, so I passed on that. We stopped and ate some BBQ on the way home. Dinner was good with my parents. They got me a spiralizer and a Paleo cookbook for my birthday. Can't wait to use the spiralizer! Texan's play today at noon, so that's about all the plans we have lol! Gonna make some wings for lunch, and not quite sure what dinner is. Have a bunch of zucchini, so I may stuff them? Hope everyone is having a great day :)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Glad to hear you had a good time with your sister yesterday Michelle! That's too bad that not all the vendors wre there. Those samosas sound awesome. Especially the Jalopeno Chutney part. :) I adore Tikka Masala. What is a spriralizer exactly? I think I have a little tiny spiral tool around here somewhere but don't know that I ever really tried it out properly. It was just made for making spiral rings out of a cucumber etc. Am looking forward to hearing what you do with yours. Go Texans!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Jim's watching Football now too and we have a fire going. Green Bay and Buffalo . I'm just making a platter of munchies for lunch. Jim's not all that hungry today so I could just try use up the last of the chicken leftovers in a bun to dip in Chalet sauce.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Here is my spiralizer:
    It will spiralize zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes, cucumbers and even apples, to replace pasta! Not sure I'm going to be doing apples though lol, although maybe if using in dessert form. I have a little hand one I use right now where I have to twist the zucchini. It's very labor intensive and it doesn't stand up to doing anything but a zucchini. I always have a sore fore arm the next day after using it lol :) Chicken sandwich with chalet sauce sounds yummy!!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Well isn't that the funnest thing ever Michelle! :) Someone (and maybe even you) may have mentioned this once before on ODD but I've never actually seen such a thing. Very cool! Indeed, the little spiral too I have sounds exactly like the one you have that gives you a sore arm the next day. :)
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi all:)

    We've been watching football most of the day..the Packers
    We were up at 5 for some reason or another..Rick did go back to bed after he made us breakfast for about an hour...he gets me up then goes back to bed:)

    The tamale dinner was delicious, they also made pinto beans with smoked turkey and rice..we had a nice time..kindof spooky walking back home, it's really dark up here, there aren't any street lights and the flashlight I took was not the best..a small flashlight, I should have grabbed the big Mac light...

    Dinner will be Janet's Chicken Parmigiano
    Rick (and I) absolutely LOVE that dish!

    Back to the games..the Niner's are playing next..

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hey Marie! Your dinner last night sounded very fun. LOL @ Rick getting you up, making breakfast then heading back to bed. I could never do that. I'd never fall back asleep again. :) LOL also at the spooky walk home. :) How's that neighbour's dog been behaving lately by the way? Enjoy your Chicken Parm. :) Jim's watching the San Francisco/Denver game until 6:30 when I insisted we watch a Christmas movie. :)
    Kimmer.....saw the pic of you and Michael on FB. He looks a lot different now than when I first joined GR. He was handsome always but looks a lot more mature now. :) Sleep sweet GF and hope all is well on your end.
    Joce get well and come back soon. Lori, you come back too. :)
    Michelle are things there?
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    It is 8 o’clock and Wayne is watching The Mentalist. I am going to settle down with a book and try to avoid it. Not one of my favorite shows.

    No, the hosts of the party did not have to do all the cooking. The other hostess brought her goodies over earlier. I usually bring a bottle of wine, even though the two families who host it always insist we are to just bring ourselves.

    It is probably good that Olivia got some rest, Tina. Especially when she is working the next morning. Oh, to be young again!

    Hopefully Lynda will not have to face recurring cancer. The chemo can be bad, and I sympathize with her feelings.

    Michelle, I would freak at the honey. LOVE raw honey and use it lots.

    We are supposed to have thunderstorms hit after midnight tonight. The wind is picking up so I supposed the storms will follow eventually. Snow is a definite maybe (LOL) in the forecast later this week. Depending on the temperatures, I guess. We had hoped to go to Silver Dollar City but I don’t know if we will, it depends on weather. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are all hinting about the possibility. We shall see what we shall see.

    Hi to everyone!

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