Sweet Potato Fries Friday!

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! IT IS POURING RAIN AGAIN! Goodness! Jim's brother and SIL arrived last night. Bruce had been hoping he and Jim could go golfing but that's not going to happen. I bet the golf courses are flooded!!!!!

    Had a lovely dinner out at "222 Lyon St. Tapas Bar". Just ordered a bunch of different things and shared. I don't think Bruce and Laura cared for it as much as we did but what can you do? Laura is allergic to seafood (and A LOT of other things, eg. most raw vegetables), so she had a harder time trying to find things to eat on the menu.

    Laura has a business meeting until noon today and then she and Bruce are going to do a walk around downtown. Luckily they did bring umbrellas. I sent them recommendations on where they could stop for lunch and then they'll head out here this afternoon.

    Dinner this evening will be Lori's BBQ ribs
    Bryan And Loris Pulled Pork Bbq Or Ribs
    Grilled mushrooms, peppers and onions, and then when I was at Costco last week with Jim's cousin's wife she pointed out these sweet potato fries that they always buy and said they were really yummy so I bought a bag. I need to make up some sort of aioli to dip them in. I didn't bother making dessert.

    I googled St. Augustine this morning Kimmer. It looks lovely and some of the buildings I saw have marvellous architecture.

    Jim and I are going to go for our workout in just a bit and then after breakfast we have to make a run into town to pick up some wine and such for our visitors.

    Wishing everyone a lovely day.
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Morning! Love the thread title Janet :) Sounds like you had a great night out, even though your family didn't seem to care for the restaurant :\ Yum on your dinner tonight, it all sounds yummy, and I LOVE sweet potato fries!

    Got a ton of errands done yesterday, so today I am just going to do some cleaning and laundry. We have a tournament Saturday and Sunday so we won't be here much to get anything done. I bought some strawberries at Sam's yesterday, so I think I am going to make a cobbler or something with them. Tonight will be chicken something :) Have a great day!!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Good luck with the cleaning and laundry Michelle. Good luck at the tournament. Strawberry cobbler sounds lovely.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Good morning.

    Love the photo. I have seen it on FB and it fits today's weather. A light rain has been falling since early morning. They predict we should get about 2.84 inches they Sunday.

    Too bad your family didn't care as much for the restaurant, Janet. We took Wayne's sister to Korean, Vietnamese, Ozark restaurants and she was super picky so it was hard to accommodate her and she was trying so hard to be polite it was hard to figure out what she thought of different cuisines. Plus she gets so wrapped up in scheduling her meds exactly 30 minutes before a meal it can be somewhat exasperating.

    Our daughter is also allergic to raw veggies and a bunch of other foods. She can't eat lettuce that has even touched a tomato! No raw carrots, either. But cooked are fine. She used to eat at a Subway and they came to know her, the clerk would put on fresh gloves and get lettuce directly from the container instead from the counter.

    We like Olive Garden because of the variety. GS can get his spaghetti and the adults can have whatever. I guess the "cuisine police" have griped that it is not authentic Italian, but we like it anyway. His sister does well there since they have a variety and she loves pasta.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Michelle, strawberry cobbler sounds super yummy. I have some over ripe bananas that have to used so banana bread or coffee cake is in order. Don't know what that trivia has to do with strawberry cobbler, but it is on the agenda. Maybe a pasta salad also for the special pot luck after church....celebrating their 40th anniversary.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    AC and Trouble on the porch, doubt if they will stay long. Fritz was asleep on Wayne's recliner but is now chasing a cricket that sneaked indoors. Mel is inside, hiding so we can't put him outdoors. Mauser is shedding her hair on the couch (which is why it is always covered).

    Got to go. Wayne's buddy is here and Fritz is going crazy. Have a good day.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Laura does seem similar to your daughter Karen with the food allergies. Laura can eat all veggies cooked as well. Banana bread sounds yummy. Today is your Church's anniversary? That's nice. 40 isn't very old.

    Survived my workout. The rest of the day will be a breeze. :)
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Does anyone have a good aioli recipe to share with me? I'd like some sort of smoky Texan aspect to it. I saw Corrinne has one but it calls for chipoltes in adobo sauce and I don't want to go and buy a can. Anyone have something like that that I can create just with spices?
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    Hi Janet, do you have any smoked paprika? You can add that with some garlic and black pepper. Or if you have liquid smoke, add a drop with some kind of hot sauce to give it that chipotle smoky flavor. I'm trying to find a magazine that had two pages of aioli recipes. I thought it was in my recipe binder, but can't find it yet!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    I do have smoked paprika and I love the stuff Shona! :) I also have liquid smoke. LOVE your idea to a T and have all the ingredients!!! Thank you!!!!!
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    Yikes on all the rain! Too bad Laura had a hard time finding something to eat. We have that same problem going out to eat with my SIL too (her allergies are gluten and dairy though). BBQ ribs sound awesome!

    Hi Michelle, yum on the strawberries! Good luck with cleaning and laundry. And doubly good luck with the kids tournaments this weekend! :)

    Hi Karen, I like Olive Garden. Whenever I went to the US I would make a habit of going there! ;) I think we have a few Olive Gardens in Canada now but I haven't been to one in ages. In my home town they have a place called The Old Spaghetti Factory. They have a few chains scattered around the US and only 4 or 5 in Canada, all out West except for Toronto. Anyways, I love them too. You get the best sourdough bread starter with plain butter and garlic butter, your choice of pasta and salad. And my favorite, spumoni ice cream at the end of the meal. Lol, I still feel like a kid when I go there! ;) Have you been there?

    It started out sunny but now it looks like we're getting the scheduled rain coming in. I hope it doesn't bring migraines. I saw these two ducks from my window this morning, walking along the train tracks. Odd. So I went out on the deck and watched them for awhile. I just LOVE ducks. Anyways, the male Mallard waddles along, pokes his head over the tracks, keeps walking, goes down the hill waddles along, goes back up the hill to the tracks...and so on. Meanwhile the female mallard follows directly behind him, up the hill, down the hill, lol....very amusing. They should be on the other side of the tracks in the pond, I guess he's trying to find an easy way across the tracks, lol. They should just fly, silly ducks ;) I hope they don't decide to nest near the tracks! I will go for a walk and look for them later on.
    I'm going to make Penne Pasta With Ham for dinner, along side something green :) I hope to go into town and do some grocery shopping, other than that probably just clean house etc...

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    You're welcome Janet! I'm sure you can come up with an awesome recipe or search for one online with smoked paprika or liquid smoke. I searched my very disorganized recipe binder (which I needed to clean up anyways) and found a garlic-chive mayo and a sriracha aioli. But I think the smoky flavors would go best with the bbq ribs! :)
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Too bad your SIL had such a hard time finding something she could eat at the Tapas Bar, Janet. Lol I could see Den having a hard time eating there b/c he is a plain meat and potatoes kinda guy. I am sure she will enjoy all the things you are making for dinner tonight though.
    Glad you are having a bit of a vacation this weekend, Kimmer.
    Sending all the best of luck to Bri on the tournaments tomorrow and Sunday, Michelle. I would love some fresh strawberries but we won't see them until the middle of June. I have never had a strawberry cobbler. I bet it would be delicious1
    We used to have Olive Garden Restaurants here, Karen. Sadly they took them out of Canada quite a few years ago. Congrats to your church on its 40th anniversary.
    We used to have The Old Spaghetti Factory in Ottawa down in the market area in Ottawa and we used to like it when we were younger. We liked to go there after a day of skiing. Nice memories there. I love duck too! I wonder if they were looking for a place to nest also?
    I must say my hairdresser did a very nice job with my hair. I am delighted with it! After that, I went to a baby shop and picked up Camden two outfits to give her at the baby shower. I bought size 9 months and 14 months and the lady was very helpful and figured out about how big she would be in at certain times. She even wrapped them up nicely so I don't have too:( I am glad I did that instead of giving money as Angie and Chris were adamant about paying for the stroller themselves. I also went to the Perth Pie Company and bought two different meat pies to try for those nights when we don't have a clue what we want for dinner. Den, of course, will have his rib eye steak and fries tonight and at the moment I don't have a clue what I am having.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Come on hop to the top!
  • laurieg 7 years ago said:
    lol Bump! It is raining here as well.
    A few years back it rained so much I had a huge puddle in my front yard and two ducks decided to stop and stay for a day or so. A male and a female. We are right next to conservation land and there is a pond but they decided they liked my front yard. We called them Mr. and Mrs. Quackers. The male would come right up and take a cracker from your hand but the female was afraid.
    Tonight I am having a wine tasting at my house. She sent me a list of foods to pair with the wines we will be tasting. I made crab rangoon, bbq chicken wings, also have some frozen eclairs. I totally forgot small plates. One wine is good paired with Buffalo chicken dip and the place near me has the best, went by there yesterday and they were sold out! so I will swing by on my way home from work and try again. One said it paired with dark chocolate and I was going to do that but my coworker Rob said its better with meat not chocolate and the other suggestion is pulled pork. If they have premade pulled pork (which they sometimes do) when I go back for the dip I will get some otherwise it will probably be dark chocolate squares.
    I also got some cheese and crackers and chips and dip to much on and not to be paired. I have the worst headache, not sure if its the change in weather but I already took two Motrin and that didn't work so I took two tylenol so far it hasn't helped.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    I remember hearing about an "Old Spaghetti Factory" in Toronto years ago Shona. Don't know if it is still there or not. I like ducks too. Good luck with the housecleaning and grocery shopping Shona.

    Joce, over the years I've compiled a list of 'no-no' foods that my SIL can't eat so I always gear my menu around that obviously. She's also HIGHLY sensitive to smells especially perfumes. I had an Easter lily from Easter weekend but I threw it out in the composter this morning as it's pretty fragrant. I didn't know that Ottawa had an "Old Spaghetti Factory" too. That's neat. So nice you're pleased with your hair cut. I just go to First Choice every since my hair dresser went weird and they always cut it way too short no matter what I say. Sigh. I just wait until it grows back. Very fun on the baby gift shopping. :) Fun eh! Yum on the meat pies.

    Fun fun @ the wine tasting Laurie. I'll be there with bells on. :) Your food sounds yummy too. Oh dear @ your headache though. That's a shame. FEEL BETTER ASAP!

    Jim and I ran in and back from town. I'm about to throw the ribs in the oven to precook and I'll also prep the veggies.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi Joce. Hi Shona. Hi Laurie.

    Cute duck stories!

    We found an injured mallard a few yewas ago, he had what looked like talon marks, probably from a hawk or an owl. A friend, who was a nurse, mixed sterile saline and we rinsed his wound every day and gave him a 1 cc penicillin shot for two days. He got better and was released back to the pond. He would peck my hand if I got too close, definitely didn't want to be domesticated -- ha ha! He lived for several years until coyotes finally killed the ducks.

    My brother is allergic or sensitive to perfumes etc. also. I think it is the artificial scents the manufacturers use??? Too bad you couldn't keep the lily....maybe in an area she wouldn't be apt to enter.

    Best find some laundry to start, it is beginning to multiply!

    Can't help on aioli since I don't, or at least haven't made it yet.

    See you later.
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    I've been collecting quotes on wedding stuff. Photo booth, lighting, florists, etsy.com, eBay.com, Amazon. My head is splitting.

    Oh, wine tasting! :-) Fun.
    Janet, your menu is lovely. Shona's idea for aioli sounds good. I think smoked paprika is magical.
    Food allergies make dinners out so difficult for the afflicted.
    Nice that the Subway staff were so accommodating.
    We are thinking of using Olive Garden for rehearsal dinner. It is at a beach bar that allows food to be brought in. 3 pastas, 3 sauces, 3 meats, salad and breadsticks. $11.00 per person.
    Our local Spaghetti Warehouse closed. I loved their garlic steak and spaghetti. More garlic more better.
    When my cabana boy was in hospital and our pool turned green, we had many ducks visit our slimy pool. Shame on us, but fun to watch the ducks.
    Dinner is a pork chop, salad and roasted zucchini. Apple cider vinaigrette is my new favorite.
    Olivia tells me the high in South Bend would be lucky to reach 50 degrees, low 38 degrees tonight. I'm glad she took her boots. They won't be home til late Sunday.
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    The Blueberry Festival is this weekend. I wonder if I could finagle my walker into trunk and then navigate through the bushes. I love blueberries even more than strawberries.
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    Hi Joce, that's great you like your new hair color. Baby Shop's are always so helpful, that's great you're supporting a small shop (well I assume it's a small shop!;) Yum on the meat pies!

    Enjoy your dinner plans and company tonight Janet! :)

    Lol on Mr. and Mrs. Quackers, Laurie! Yum Yum on all the wonderful appy's for your wine tasting tonight. Ugh, I hear ya on the changing weather and headaches! Just keep alternating with Ibuprofen and Tylenol. You can try an allergy or sinus pill too, I find that helps relieve some of the sinus pressure.

    How cool you rescued an injured duck Karen. That's too bad the coyotes got them all though :(

    Did the shopping and having a rest before heading out for a walk. I hope the ducks made it across to the pond. They must be looking for nesting grounds. I wonder if they got kicked out of the pond by the swans and loons etc...they're probably very territorial this time of year. The weather turned nice and sunny after all, yay!

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • Cosmicmother 7 years ago said:
    SP Tina!
    The Olive Garden sounds like a perfect rehearsal dinner. Sounds like a lot of the Spaghetti Factory's are closing, that's too bad :( Now I am craving the garlic steak...yummo! Your dinner sounds fantastic! Perhaps you can find some blueberries already picked?
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    I'd love your rain to make it south. We have fires breaking out everywhere. A couple started from lawn mowers. 29 active fires burning. So dry. Mandatory evacuation in Polk county. Eleven homes burned down two months ago. So sad.

    Shona, I'm going to get my blueberries from Aldi's. I couldn't handle the drive to Plant City on my own. Shoot, shopping on my own will be a triumph.

    I think alternating ibuprofen with acetaminophen with caffeine is my best defense against a bad headache. Or a shot of scotch.

    My pork chops were marinated Cajun style. It smells delicious. I'm cooking both so I can make pork fried brown rice tomorrow with one chop. I have carrots and celery that need resuscitation, plus canned sprouts and frozen peas.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Forget the scotch. A Kahlua and cream will suffice quite well.
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    Hello to all. Busy day here. Tired but feeling accomplished. Will spend tomorrow cleaning, grocery shopping for a few things for the boys and of course the never ending laundry. Want to get us all packed up so we can leave in the wee hours Sunday morning. It's about a 4 hour ride I think and the sooner we get there the sooner we can have some fun! It's funny how much you have to pack even though it's just for one night and a couple days. But we will go to the beach, so need beach wear. Will go tooling around town, so will need casual wear. Will be going out to dinner, so will need nicer dinner wear. Then somewhat nice but comfy clothes for the business end of things and the ride home. Not to mention jammies, medications, tolietries, jewelry, camera etc.... Geez! And I am famous for over packing! Just a habit from the days when I traveled with 4 kids and you never knew what you might need.

    Really need my hair cut as well. Was hoping to get that done this week but time just didn't allow. Sights on next week.

    Tina, where is the ceremony being held. I apologize if you have mentioned where already. I do suffer from CRAFT as everyone else does, lol. No doubt I will know the place though! Is it a beach wedding?

    Going to throw some steaks on the grill tonight with some packet potatoes. Easy clean up!

    Enjoy the evening all! And also, since I haven't done it in awhile, will throw a..........Sleep Sweet..........as always.......... out there!
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    The Sleep Sweet just reminded me. Got a text from Michael the other night. Had to have been almost midnight. The text said "Sleep Sweet Mommie" . Lol, my big military man! Barely heard my phone and with one eye open and one eye still asleep texted a Sleep Sweet back at him! Miss that kid!
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    Aww, sweet Kimmer. The wedding will be at Gulfport Casino. Olivia does not want a toes in the sand wedding. We have a bridesmaid in a wheelchair and she is worried about my gait in sand. So she is walking the aisle on the beautiful grey dance floor. We are getting twinkling gauzy lights draped overhead. Floating some white lanterns. The linens are white with navy flocked table runners. Some tables with navy organza. We have ninety wine bottles we are cutting down in different heights. We are wrapping them with old maps and filling with babies breath. Fred's globe collection will be spread around the room. Hydrangeas in mini suitcases at some tables. The guest book is a replica of the adventure book from movie, UP. Instead of just signing the book we have journal tickets to write a wish for couple and they get tucked into air mail envelopes glued to book pages. We'll have an instamatic camera for candies. Plus Scotty's must have cigar bar and photo booth. And the memorial table with candles and pictures of our missing loved ones.

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