Terrific Tuesday!

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's a most lovely morning here in the Ottawa Valley. I am hoping it to be a terrific Tuesday but first I have to get through my stint on the treadmill and then do a second coat of paint on the trim in Benjamin's room....and then...I can move on to the Terrific part. :)
    Am totally going to BBQ something for dinner tonight. Just still deciding what I have a hankering for.
    How's Briauna this morning Michelle? I forgot to pass on birthday wishes to Michael yesterday. Hope he had a good celebration. The shrimp that you made looked delicious. Also LOL @ the mortgage being overpaid. That's always a nice thing eh? :)
    Michelle B...did you get a gas delivery yet?
    Hope you're feeling better this morning Tina.
    What'd you get from the Soup Lady yesterday Joce?
    Marie, what jobs do you and Rick have lined up for today? Have you done a lawn mowing at your parents lately? How are they doing and how is Rick's Dad?
    I hope you're feeling better this morning too Laurie after being poked and prodded yesterday.
    I know the Costco's in the States sell alcohol Karen, and you're saying the Sam's do as well. Unfortunately here in Canada they don't. (Actually not totally true...you can in Quebec) And you can't buy wine or anything in a Grocery store either. Supposedly they are about to change that and I'll be doing a little happy dance when they do. So much more convenient!
    Need to get out into the garden some time soon as well and take the dead leaves out of my lily beds as the new buds are poking up. As much as Fall is my very favourite season, Spring's pretty nice too. :)
    Wishing everyone a terrific Tuesday!
    A few pics from NY....things in bloom! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Hi, Janet. Your pictures are so pretty. NYC is certainly a fascinating place.

    Sams is handy when buying in bulk. Plus the gas prices are lower so it helps when we fill up after shopping in Springfield. I would like to check out Cosco some day, it sounds like an interesting place to shop. The liquor aisles in Sams are well supplied, everything from wine to imported vodka (I did not buy the $47.00 bottle even tho it was so pretty!) Their is also the International House of Wines in Springfield, which discounts all sorts of alcohol -- smile!

    We are debating being able to travel somewhere in May before it is too hot and before the schools are let out -- too crowded during peak seasons to really enjoy. Wayne's buddy and/or our house sitting daughter/GS can keep an eye on the horses. But we have not decided for sure when or even if. It may have to wait until fall. Had hoped to go to the Harry Potter park in Florida but that is not looking too possible at the moment.

    Tina, I saw the Amazon "emergency" back packs you mentioned - we get a large charge out of it because the furthest I could walk with a loaded emergency pack is probably to the front gate....LOLOLOL!

    Best go. We have errands to do and both dentist and chiropractor appointments. Maybe even go by WalMart and pick up the red coffee maker.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Rain, rain and rain in our forecast. Molly is at my feet, definite trip hazard.

    Love the spring blooms in NYC. Beautiful photos. Enjoy your day, Janet. Yes, it will be nice when the grocery will sell wine and such.

    Karen, I would't get far with the Emergency pack. We have always hunkered down and braced for the hurricanes and I have yet to inventory the food storage. I do hope you get to travel a bit before the heat and busy season.

    One more cup of coffee and time to wash the dog stuff.

    Dinner will be cereal.
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Running errands today, Tina. No idea what dinner will be. It is sunny and bright - no rain until at least Monday, we need some as it has been dry this spring.
    Have a good day - back later.
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Thanks Karen. NY was a really fun place to visit and had oodles of photo ops. :) That'd be fun if you and Wayne went for a little vacay next month. I love jaunts. Even if they're only for a day or two. It's always fun to see new places. Good luck on the appointments.
    Thanks Tina. A rainy day is perfect for snuggling up and reading a good book.
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Gorgeous pics of the flowers, Janet! Things are just starting to poke up here. Gee in a normal Spring here my tulips and irises are almost gone! I hope it isn't one of those years that all the lilacs and bushes like them have been hurt by all the frost:( I got a sweet and sour soup yesterday, along with a beef barely one which was in her freezer. Also tomato beef and macaroni soup which will be for my lunch today and probably tomorrow as well. I can get four lunches out of her larger containers of soup from her freezer. Which is great for me. She also has some in her cooler as well if I am lucky. She usually makes three soups a day and whatever is left over if any, go into her coolers. She said she did really well on Saturday when the Maple Festival was on. She was beyond busy! When our town has it's 200th anniversary in 2016,she will really hit the Jackpot! I am really pleased she has done so well within a year. Not all businesses do these days. She does have excellent homemade food. I remember our 125th anniversary people lined up in large lines even to get near restaurants every day all summer. LOL I think there was almost a parade a day! So this one will probably be bigger and better. I wish I knew I would be well enough by then. I would invest in an small concession stand for that summer selling cold drinks and whatnot, you really can't lose. Everyone is always sold out! I am sure your Mom will love her Mothers Day gifts.

    Karen, I hope you do get to go on vacation. Good luck with your appointments today.

    Michelle, Wishing Michael a Happy Belated Birthday. Something tells me you also have a birthday or anniversary soon too? I hope Bri is feeling much better today.

    Laurie, I really hope you don't have Fibromyalgia! Tina and I both have it and it is a miserable disease! An Epsom Salt bath is great it draws away toxins in your body as well as helping to relax muscles. I don't take baths often but when I do it always has Epsom Salts in it.

    MichelleB, I think you mentioned you would be at the other end of the Island for a few days this week? If so, I hope you are enjoying it and learning new things as you go.

    Tina, Good luck with cleaning all the dog stuff. LOL yet another reason why we don't have animals. One less chore for us to do!

    I should do some dusting and the hardwood floors need a good once over. LOL However, at the moment I don't feel very motivated. Hopefully this nice sunny day will perk me up? Dinner will be Wiener Schnitzel My Way with creamed chive potatoes and green beans also with a side of applesauce for me.

    Wishing everyone a lovely day!
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Oh boy, Have I ever had a crazy couple days so far! I have to Lol at my morning.....It started late last night, Pete had gone to bed early, just after 10pm. I let Colter, my son, stay up much later with me because we were watching the Voice. We let the dogs out about 10:45 and finished the show. I sent Colter up to brush his teeth while I called the dogs in. It's pitch dark out there, and I kept calling but no dogs. I walk outside with my flash light and the back gate is wide open! My son came down and we walked around the back alley ways calling, no dogs. Colter woke up Pete and he left in his truck to look for them as we thought they crossed the tracks to the pond or farmers fields. Colter and I split up and continued around the neighborhood, finally by midnight Colter found them a few blocks away, thankfully they didn't cross over the highway! So, we went to bed late......
    Woke up groggy and a few minutes late, I got the kids to school just in the knick of time. For some reason when I dropped Sophia off, the last on my trip home, I turned the engine off in the car. I like to get out and make sure she crosses the road ok, but I normally do not turn the engine off. When I got back to the car it would not start. I do not have a cell phone and the dogs are not wearing their collars. As we were leaving the house, I glanced at their leashes and collars hanging up thinking I should grab them, but running late we just left. So now I am stuck in a car with two dogs and no leashes. Dogs who like to run away! My car did this once before, and after 45 minutes it would start. What happens is the battery and relay system do not connect, and the car seems to lose power, so the windows do not roll down, doors won't lock etc...so I didn't want to leave the dogs in the car because it would take close to 40 minutes before I could get home and back and it's warm and sunny. I kept trying to turn over the ignition, nothing. I had no clock to tell me the time, so after awhile I realized the car is not going to fix itself, lacking coffee my brain was foggy! Got to the school and phoned Pete. By the time he got there I had been stuck for two hours! Thankfully Pete had a spare battery and I finally got home, just made a fresh pot of coffee now, ahhhhh.
    Lesson learned, never leave the house without the dogs collars and leashes, or leave the dogs at home! And always check the back gate before leaving the dogs outside!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    I HATE painting.
    All three soups you got yesterday I would dive at Joce! :) You sound like the Dos Equis Man when you said "I don't often take baths, but when I do.....". LOL. :) Have you seen those pins? Your dinner plans sound amazing.
    I HATE painting.
    Ugh on the dogs getting out Shona. That's a nasty time to have to go search for them but at least they were safe. And ugh on the car battery troubles. Shaking head. Poor you. That's a crazy couple of days for sure.
    Jim and I are almost finished painting the trim. My Mom called and then a guy came over to give us an estimate on two new front doors and next thing you know it's after 12 and we haven't even started on our 'morning' job!
    Got in the bedroom and realized we hadn't done the trim around the door yesterday. And what that means is that we're going to have to go back in there tomorrow and do a second coat on it. ARGH. CAPS LOCK!!!!!
    I HATE painting.
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Yesterday we saw the Specialist. He showed us and explained the MRI. Colter has two main things. One, he was born with his top two vertebrae fused together. It's way up in his brain, behind the nose in the middle. He said sometimes they can operate, but that being such a hard place it's most likely not going to happen. He's been fine so far, so it's not life threatening. It might be whats caused a lot of speech and learning disabilities his whole life.
    The second thing which is a little more important, is his lower lumber region, along his spine is really thick tumors. He called them fatty tissue. It's really thick, and large. Which has caused his spine to curve heavily, and has caused a tethered cord. This tethered cord is responsible for his foot and leg problems. In some people, if left untreated and cause bowel and bladder problems. So after 10 plus years, this is what's causing his foot, balance, poor muscular problems, and most likely learning abilities too. Even with the fusion of his upper vertebrae, this condition causes neurological problems as well! It's called Filium Terminale Lipoma with tethered cord syndrome.
    He's sending us to a Pediatric Neuro-surgeon. They most likely will want to remove the fatty tumors.
    With the doctor, was the same orthotic guy who did Colters last year. We are now getting a more specialized orthotic to help align his foot so he doesn't have anymore hip and knee pain. And hopefully help with his balance as he already fell down twice and broke his arm both times, the last being in February. He said there is no need for Physio as it's not a joint or muscle problem, and sometimes the stretching and laying down on his back can make the fatty tissue grow more. But at least we can get his foot more comfortable. They used this fancy machine that measures pressure points and balance not the kind they have in the Orthopedics' office , but the doctor has it at the re-habilitation hospital. Anyways, he was so nice and funny, he said Colter is getting a robot foot, Lol, made him feel better! :)

    Ahhh, after my crazy morning I do not know what to have for supper. We're suppose to get Summer time heat this afternoon, so maybe we'll grill up some burgers.

    Anyone have a good potato salad recipe to share? I have some russet potatoes.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    I hear you on the painting thing Janet! I use to love fixing up our houses, now the thought of painting makes me angry!!! UGH to Painting for sure!! Sorry you have to do a second coat! oy vey!
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi all! Go you at getting all the “not fun” stuff done early so you can play later Janet :P Briauna is doing much better, thanks for asking! Yes Sam's does sell a great selection of beer, wine, and hard ciders...for a pretty good price too. It's a pretty tough decision to decide between if Spring or Fall is my favorite lol! Beautiful pictures! Ugh on having to paint again tomorrow :(

    That's a good idea to take a vacation before school lets out Karen, let us know if you decide on something!

    All of the soups you got sound yummy, especially the sweet and sour soup! Omg your memory! Yes tomorrow is mine and Michael's 8th anniversary. We plan on having my Mom keep the kids Saturday and going out, but softball could change all that if they have a tournament :( I still have never made wiener schnitzel! That needs to go on my list!j

    Oh goodness Shona, what a story! You deserve that coffee, enjoy it :) Sounds like you have some great doctors for Colter!

    All of this Sam's talk made me make a list and go to Sam's this morning lol. Ended up getting way more stuff than I thought I needed. I had 3 things on my list and left with 15! Don't you hate when that happens? Haha! Have a sink full of dishes and a dishwasher to unload and a pile of laundry to do, it never ends :( Leftovers for dinner tonight then a game. Have a great day!
  • mbelisle 9 years ago said:
    Good morning! ( almost 7 here, probably noon or later back home)
    Wow on your day Shona - I would have been a mess if the dogs were out because I always panic when they are loose, even for a few minutes, because my dogs never seem to have any street sense at all. Good that you got them back safely.
    Janet, I totally hear you on the painting. We had always done our own and then getting the house ready to sell had someone come in for a much needed paint and repair process and now I hate painting even more because I can't get near to what Darren was able to do and he does it so fast. Hope you get it finished soon.
    I finally got a cylinder of gas. When I get home, I will be able to cook.
    I leave for Nadi later this morning and I will finallly be able to find out what the flowers are in my avatar. I was at the same Novotel in Nadi when I took the picture when I arrived April 8. It will be interesting to go there because it is in the "tourist" area rather than the capital city where I am now. I am also hoping to check out the Fijian cooking lessons that one of the resorts offer if they have anything over the weekend.
    I hope your rain isn't too bad Tina.
    Gotta get ready for work - have a great rest of the day everyone,
    Michelle B
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Sending good thoughts and positivity your way Shona. Benjamin had a lot of health issues growing up so I have some idea of what you are all going through and I know how stressful it can also be. The fact that you have a good specialist looking over Colter is the very best thing. Am I right then in deducing that if the fatty tumours get taken out then Colter will feel a lot better, have less pain and less problems with balance, muscular, etc.? And once they take them out. Is that it or will it re-occur? You have always come off as very matter of fact and unflustered so I can tell you're a strong lady. Again, sending my very best. I don't have my simple potato salad posted (potatoes,boiled eggs, mayo, mustard and chopped onion) but I also really like Marie's.
    Maries Potato Salad
    Enjoy the game tonight Michelle. LOL @ the Sam's list growing once you're there. Glad to hear Bri is feeling better. Happy Anniversary to you and Michael tomorrow if I forget tomorrow. :) I'm so bad.
    Yay on a gas delivery Michelle B! Excellente! Have a wonderful trip to Nadi. Do tell us all about the cooking class if you do get to go.
    Because I was so grumpy after painting, Jim took me out for lunch. We just went to a little spot we used to go when Benjamin was young. I had a Cheeseburger platter and Jim had a Hot Beef sandwich platter. We are stuffed to the gills.
  • laurieg 9 years ago said:
    Hey all
    I did take the Epsom salt bath last night but I think I overdid it. Now that we had the hot water fixed it was very hot and I stayed in maybe a little too long. When I got out I was so dizzy and my heart was pounding. I had to lie down and then I just didn't have the energy to get back up. So I was in bed by 7:30
    Frank had a fatty tumor removed from his hip. He also has one on his liver. It had to be biopsied and that in itself was painful. Thankfully it wasn't cancer because it's in a spot that cannot be operated on so it wasn't a good prognosis if it was.
    Good luck to Colton hope he gets some relief.
    Tonight's dinner is buffalo chicken meatballs, roasted cauliflower and brown rice.
    I have the running club tonight. Hope I don't embarrass myself
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Do be careful Laurie. You don't want to pass out or anything! Hope you got a good rest. Go you with the running club. There's no way you'll embarrass yourself. You're out there trying and that's all we can ever do. Go Laurie, go Laurie! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 9 years ago said:
    Careful on the running Laurie!
    HI, Joce. Yummy sounding soups!
    Love the flowers pix, Michelle B. Glad you are able to cook again.
    Janet? Grumpy? Painting? YEP! I can identify with that.
    Shona, lessons learned are such a pain! I remember a stupid commercial for some car insurance company years ago -- where the wife, in her housecoat and slippers, let her hubby off at the train, then as he rode out of sight, the car died and she sat in the rain with this shocked look on her face. Don't recall what it was for but sure remember the scenario.
    Michelle, I always walk out of Sams with more than I went in for. They had pork loin 1.68 lb. and pork butt roast 1.48 lb., plus ground beef 3.69 lb. I bought a nice pork loin and gave up when I saw the strawberries and bought a 2 lb. box. Yum.
    Must go. If I don't clean the litter boxes my cat will picket the house.

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