Tick Tock Thursday

  • LindaLMT 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Woke up too early this morning. Up around 5:00 a.m. but stayed in bad and was able to fall back asleep until the phone rang at 8:00 and it was some non-sense good-for-nothing call. Shortly after it rang again but this time it was the guy who is going to stretch the carpet and he wants to come this morning instead of this afternoon which is fine with me.
    Have had a "neck-ache" for the past few days and I know it's because my joints are inflamed from too much sugar/carbs so need to clean up the diet and eat right. Why does it take so long to feel good and then only a few days to throw it all off? Shouldn't it be the other way around (LOL!).
    Haven't had time to think of anything else for the day but do know I need to go out and get 3 Thank You cards and gift certificates. Since DH's last day is tomorrow I wanted to especially thank 3 of the people where he is at. Everyone else was great but 3 people were significant. I can't buy cards and gift certificates for the entire staff so ...
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    We are expecting a cold front to come thru sometime after the weekend and I'm looking forward to it. Temps will probably be in the low 80's but no humidity and cooler nights perhaps in the low 70's.

    Glad you got your internet back Janet. That's just awful about your girlfriend's dog. Is she going to ask the neighbor whose dog bit hers to pay up?

    Speaking of mice battles there was an article that came out in the on-line news that says Fort Myers ranks 5th in the country for roof rats!! Yikes. I've never seen one and hope that they never become a problem.

    Your take-out last night Marie sounded great!
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Very nice of you to buy thank you cards and gift cards for the people who were helpful and nice to your DH, Linda. It will be great to have some cooler weather there. Considering you have had such a warm humid spell. Maybe you will be able to open the windows and air the house out. We did that yesterday and it was wonderful.

    How terrible about your GF's dog, Janet! I think I would expect the next door neighbours to pay the vet bill for sure. You sound like you will be having a very busy day.

    We ended out eating at a new little bakery in Smith's Falls called "C'est Tout" which means "That's All" in English. I had the best turkey sandwich I have ever had in my life. The turkey was moist and it had the nicest sliced brie cheese on it with mayo on a bun which was pressed in a panni press. It was so big I couldn't eat it all! Den had a huge egg salad sandwich which was on her homemade bread and he declared it excellent as well. We brought home a bunch of goodies she had made which were in her showcase along with the other half of my sandwich. We will definitely go there again. We stopped at a dollar store and picked up a bunch of things we needed. They have a nicer dollar store there than here. Then we picked up our pork chops maybe 20 lbs of them. When we got home Den wrapped all the pork chops up separately and put them away in the freezer so we are all set for a while. I need to go out and cut many things back in the garden and bag them all up so they can be picked up with the leaves and things later on this month. We will probably have chicken something for dinner but that is not laid in stone at the moment.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Will try chat for a bit but my girlfriend is supposed to show up in 15 min. for lunch so we'll see how far I get. :)

    Making Dahlia's
    Sliders White Castle Style
    for dinner tonight. We have a Sens Hockey Game to watch so I figured it was good game food. :)

    Was out of the house by 8:30, had brekkie at McD's, did a shop at Sobey's, then Costco then on to my friend's for a cup of tea and just got back home. It was supposed to be quite warm this afternoon but I think the weatherman got it wrong again. LOL.

    Ugh at a 5 a.m. wake up time Linda. I finally got a fairly uninterrupted sleep last night and it was lovely. Left the window open and heard the Barred Owl. SO nice! What quote did you end up getting for stretching the carpet Linda? My girlfriend's Vet suggested she both call by-law and present the Vet bill to her neighbour but if I were betting, I'm gonna guess she won't. She is not one to make waves. We'll see.

    Yum on that turkey sandwich and the new bakery in Smiths Falls Joce. Sounds wonderful. I love things made in the panini press. Should really pull mine out again and use it. Nice on your pork chop haul.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    My cousin's daughter from Winnipeg will be in Ottawa this weekend for a University Physics Conference. Jim and I are going to pick her up at her Hotel downtown tomorrow afternoon, bring her for a tour around Ottawa then drive her back to our house for dinner and a Hot Tub. She'll stay over and then we'll drive her back in Sat. morning. We had her and her entire family over for dinner at my Mom's in Rainy River this past summer and I'd made
    Chicken Parmigiano
    and it turned out that Chicken Parm is her all time fave meal. I gave her three meals to choose from for tomorrow night including the Chicken Parm, and she said "Yep" she couldn't turn it down so I hope to have time to make that up this afternoon and then all I'll have to do is pop it in the oven when we get home tomorrow night and boil pasta. I picked up a nice fresh baguette today too.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi Linda and Joce.

    That was so nice of you to thank some staff who had gone out of their way to be of help. I am sure they will appreciate it.

    The turkey sandwich sounds yummy, Joce. I enjoy small tea houses and bakeries. There is a tea house in Rogersville that I would like to try on a chilly fall day when hey have their soup specials. I like stopping in the Dollar Tree in St. Robert....although the soap I like is available at Dollar General for the same price. Ha ha.

    Cleared lots out of the RV....clothes back in the closet, etc. we left some items in he refrig. plus nonperishables that freezing won't hurt. Planning another trip before winter.

    The bedroom is so cluttered I decided to work on it this morning and am still occupied. The good news is I saw the top of my dresser again. Next step is attack the closet.....a Herculean task.

    Wayne is going to brush hog the hay field, all except the area by the fence, which he can't do with the new one and the smaller brush cutter we had for over 20 years finally broke. He talked to a sales guy about used ones but they didn't have any. The Howse model we had was too small for my tractor, and the company has since sold out. They had reliable, strong cutters but the new owners use cheap junk, the newer Hose cutters supposedly don't last as long as the older ones and the gear box costs $595 or thereabouts to replace. Guess that is what you get for made-in-China machinery.

    Three cats have been outside al morning so they are meowing to come inside. They need to go out soon so they will get tired by evening and not try to dash outside at night.

    That is all the news in the country. Other than seeing a wild (?) hog on Rt.. 63 last night, excitement has been lacking. LOL!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    SP Janet!

    Chicken Parmesan would be wonderful. Have a good time with your company!

    Wayne is back so I best see what the problem is with the brush cutting. See you later.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon everyone! Ugh on the neck ache Linda, hopefully getting back on a good diet can help it. So nice of you to get cards for some of the staff members! I know they will appreciate it :) Nice on the cooler temps. Coming your way!!

    Sounds like you and Den made a great find with the new bakery! I just love little places like that :) That’s a ton of pork chops! It’s nice to be stocked up though, I do the same and buy some meat in bulk then break it down into portion sizes and freeze. Good luck in the garden today.

    You’ve already gotten a lot done today Janet. I had to read back to find out about your GF’s dog, poor pooch!!! I really hope they get the neighbor to pay for the vet bill, ouch :( Enjoy your lunch with your friend!

    Things today are definitely not made as good as back in the day Karen, and they cost more too, it’s not fair. Lol at there not being much excitement :P

    Got my grocery shopping done then came home and spent 2 ½ hours outside washing and detailing the truck. I usually wait for when Michael is off work, just because it takes so long, but he is on nights right now, then we a tournament all weekend, then he starts on days Monday. It wasn’t too bad though, it’s a beautiful cool day outside so I didn’t sweat my butt off :) I have some leftover chicken that I’ll probably turn into quesadillas for an early dinner tonight then we have softball all evening. Have a great day everyone!!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Sounds like you are being very productive Karen. Good luck with the bedroom cleanse. Cool on the wild hog sighting.

    Wow on a 2 1/2 hour truck washing. That's gotta be like the cleanest truck ever Michelle! :) Yum on Quesadillas for dinner. I'd love that. Have fun at softball tonight.

    My girlfriend just left. She enjoyed her lunch and I had enough leftovers to send her home some sandwiches for her lunch tomorrow too. :) I served gingerbread cookies with Bailey's Irish Cream Pumpkin Spice for dessert and she LOVED the Bailey's. Unfortunately it was a limited edition and it's all sold out for the year so she can't go get herself some.

    She brought me a lovely bouquet of flowers as she always does and......she presented her neighbour with the Vet bill and the neighbour paid it!!!! I was very proud of her. She has to bring Roxie in again this afternoon to change the dressing but she's on pain killers so isn't hurting.

    Gonna go get that Chicken Parm made.

    Tina's birthday today. Sure do miss her on here.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi Michelle.

    Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you.

    Chicken anything is fine with me.

    We will have spaghetti tonight unless something else comes to mind. I have peppers to use up so they will go into the sauce. We also have some rutabagas to use. At least I think they are rhutabagas! Acorn squash, pie pumpkins, and rutabagas!what a combination!

    Se you later.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I can't wait to air out the house Joce or even to sit outside on lanai comfortably. AWESOME on finding a new place to eat. I too love homey, good simple food that's made from scratch, kinda places. How can you not. Happy you enjoyed it.

    You've had a busy day Janet but accomplishing lots. That's great too your friend spoke up and even better the neighbor didn't balk and is paying the bill. It's nice to see people doing the responsible and right thing to do.
    Sometimes I hear owls here at night and I love listening to them. Not sure what kind I'm listening too but I did see a Great Horned and am wondering it that's the Whoo whooo who.
    Paid the carpet guy $125 to stretch the carpet and while he was here he noticed the carpet in DH's office was starting to buckle around the door way so he did that too just because and didn't ask for anything more. I had him check the other rooms and they are good. I gave him an extra $20 just for being nice and again doing the right thing. The front room needed stretching in 2 places.
    That's nice you are having your cousin's daughter over and making her favorite dinner too!

    Sounds like you are busy too Karen and making progress. It always seems though that things are never done (LOL!). I no sooner finish and I start all over again. Hope you are able to find a new/or used smaller brush cutter. Nothing is made the way it was years ago.

    Good for you getting the truck washed Michelle. I'm sure it was a work out doing it. And too getting your grocery shopping done. Quesadillas sound yummy!

    Going to make a pot of Sloppy Joes for me for dinner tonight. I can portion and freeze what's left.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Nice on all the garden produce Karen!

    If you type in "Great Horned Owl vocalizations" Linda you'll be able to play a short bit of the type of hooting they make. I'm very pleased you found someone to do the carpets at a reasonable rate and again how refreshing to hear he went above and beyond. That's great. Oh yum on Sloppy Joes!

    Am just finishing up the Chicken Parm sauce. Gonna go prep the Sliders and then I think it's time for a well deserved hot tub.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Missed you again Janet. Glad you lunch visitor enjoyed herself.

    The great horned owls are the only ones I dislike, Linda. They swoop down and snatch small dogs and cats, even in people's yards!

    Timer is going so best check the spaghetti. Have a good day.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good evening all. Just a quick hello here. Busy day here. Hubs bought me a new lap top and I'm trying to figure it all out and get it set up. My old one is still ok and works just fine, but I needed a newer, more updated one for work. Will give my old one to daughter and grandson as they don't have a computer. Well, she has one of those little notebooks that is quite old and Kaiden needs something better for school now. Mine will be just fine for them for awhile. He's excited and asked me to not delete any of my games on it so he can play them. Cute!

    Cheeseburgers on the grill tonight with some store bought Amish potato salad and baked beans. Easy!

    Enjoy the evening all.

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