Tired Out Thursday

  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago
    Good morning.

    We are both achy from yesterday. I would never make a good butcher - the cuts would be unrecognizable - ha! Plan on doing the rest today and then Wayne wants to go hunting, probably hang close to the house since neither of us are too perky. The deer should be moving after all the rain.

    J Hwy is still closed, as is the East Gate road to post. We are happy to stay home. Springtime in November!

    Blondie and Geezer tangled - well, Geezer initiated it and Blondie just backed up on the window sill until Geezer bounded over him in a retreat. I have never seen anything like it. He backs up, Geezer plants both feet on his back and springs over him to the rail (maybe 4 feet away). Some coons are aggressive, some aren't so much, but my trust level for Blondie is still not real high.

    Our neighbor hit a 10 point buck just past our driveway / road on J. It looks like the one that has been visiting our pasture just past the legal shooting time each night.
  • NPMarie 8 years ago said:
    Good morning Karen:) That is a huge job processing the deer..it will be well worth it with a freezer full of meat:)

    Just leaving to go to Chico, taking Dad to a doctor's appt, then going with him to Costco to get them all stocked up on stuff...

    Just saw the weather report, they are calling for snow down to 2000' on Thanksgiving Eve..oy vey...we're at 2500'

    I'll try to check back in..I hope everyone is well and happy:)

    Dinner? Maybe turkey meatloaf, potatoes, carrots and salad:)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Take it easy today Karen. Good luck with the rest of the processing. When you're making the ground venison do you just grind the meat as is or add some extra fat to make it look like you want? I know deer is quite lean. Indeed, one always has to be wary of wild animals. It's their nature to be wild after all. :) Wow on your neighbour hitting the buck. A) How's his vehicle and B) Can he use the deer meat?
    Have a safe trip to Chico Marie and I hope your Dad's appointment goes well. How's your Mom doing? I get the feeling you are not pleased about the forecast for snow. Is it because of driving conditions?
    Hurray on me actually sleeping in 'til 8:30 this morning and we went to bed at a decent time last night. But....I had a hair cut appointment at 9:30 so jumped in the shower, swigged a quick cup of coffee and had some toast before heading out.
    My closest Costco is the one in Kanata Bren. I've driven by the one on Merivale but have never actually been in it. They have them in Taiwan too. If Jim and I had been there any longer we were going to go check it out. :) Poor you on the bruise from the blood work. Indeed, it'd be good to go elsewhere next time if you can. LOL @ your hubby doing away with the Shepherd's Pie leftovers. :)
    I stopped in to a cute little gift store on the way home from the hair dresser's and got quite a few more presents for Christmas so I'm doing quite well. Grabbed some wine for tonight's hockey game as well. :)
    Took some cabbagerolls and perogies out of the freezer for dinner this evening. Jim will be pleased.
    I have a funeral to attend tomorrow morning (a friend of mine's Mother) and then I'm hosting a 50th birthday lunch for another friend of mine. I'm making
    Chicken Parmigiano
    up this afternoon to have ready to pop in the oven tomorrow after the funeral.
    May address some Christmas cards today as I need to send them out before I head to Rainy River. I usually send out about 40 but have decided this year to only send to those who aren't on the computer, (Older Aunts generally) and then I'll just send a Christmas greeting on the computer to everyone else. It saddens me somewhat as I've always loved the tradition of Christmas cards and remember my Mom stringing them up on a wall as part of the decorations when I was a kid. But it's a tradition that is dying. Does anyone send out e-cards for Christmas and if so, is it possible to add a 'letter'?
    Wishing everyone a great day.
  • Good4U 8 years ago said:
    Good luck with finishing up with the rest of the deer, Karen. I was going to ask the same question as Janet. Do you add any more fat to the ground venison? It is very lean.
    I have had venison but only the steaks and roasts and both were very lean.

    I hope you and your Dad have fun at Costco, Marie.

    Janet, I send e-cards and yes you can add a bit of a letter to them. I am not sure how many words they limit them to though? Yes the Christmas cards I receive and send has dwindled over the years. Probably b/c of the cost of postage and other things. Sorry to her about your friend's Mother:( However it is nice of you to host a 50th Birthday Lunch. Cabbage rolls and perogies for dinner sounds perfect for a Fall Day!

    I am not sure what I am making for dinner? I am trying to think of something different that Den would like. I will let you know later after I think about it more.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Hey Joce! I'll check out e-cards perhaps this afternoon. Is there a certain site you like that you could recommend to me? Good luck with dinner plans.
    Called my Mom and gave her the heads up to the ad in the paper next week. :) She's still on the page where she doesn't think many people will come. LOL. I'm sure she's going to get a good turn out. She's requested me to make her up a batch of Sangria while we're there. :) We're going to take her and my Aunt Irene out for dinner the night of Mom's birthday as well, once all the Tea festivities are over. I think she's going to have a really fun time. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi! That's neat that you are processing your own deer Karen, I bet that saves you quite a bit of money!

    That's nice of you to help your Dad out Marie :) Yikes on the weather forecast!

    Good job at sleeping later Janet! Sounds like you have a busy day tomorrow, good luck! The amount of mailed Christmas cards are definitely a lot less than it used to be. I used to get about 20 cards and the past couple years have probably averaged 8?

    Hi Joce :)

    My Mom, Brother and I went up to Caiden's school for their Thanksgiving feast. They also did a little choir performance, it was cute :) After we ate the teacher told all the parents they could take their kids home if we wanted, secretly I know she was thinking, please take them home lol!! I called up to Bri's school to tell them to let her know that Caiden wouldn't be getting on the bus so she doesn't start freaking out. I could see them getting up to Caiden's school and her holding up the buses because he didn't get on the bus :) Pulled out ground beef and I'm thinking about making these Cheesy Stuffed Chipotle Burgers With Salsa Mayo along with some fries. Hope everyone is enjoying their day :)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    So cute on the Thanksgiving feast and choir performance Michelle! Was the jerky a hit? Bri was probably jealous to hear that Caiden got out of school early! I know I would have been! :) Those Chipotle burgers sound wonderful. I hadn't bookmarked them before but I did now. LOL @ Keni and her huge portions. I'm pleased to see that FA managed to cut the recipe down to a manageable size so that means I'll be able to as well. :)
    My chicken parm is almost done. It's raining and dark outside. Pretty dreary. I did get 14 Christmas cards addressed but think I'm too sleepy to write letters yet.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Marie, Joce, and Janet - The deer is in the freezer. 55 pounds of ground, steaks, roasts, tenderloins. I don't add any other meat to it. Since it was so big it would probably not be real tender, so we stayed mostly with the ground meat -- roasts will be done in the crock pot! Your Mom's tea sounds wonderful. I'm sure she will have a good time.

    Cool on the Thanksgiving feast and "concert" at Caiden's class, Michelle. Yes, if we bought venison it would probably be expensive. Buffalo is over $6.00 a pound, last time I looked. Venison is hard to find so I am happy when he either get or are given one.

    Chronic wasting disease has not hit this part of MO yet, and I have not seen any deer that are showing the symptoms, but we always cook it long and well done anyway, just to be sure. To me it is healthier than the factory farmed, feed lot beef. Am looking to find a grass raised steer or even a half of one.

    Wayne is setting up the Gazebo, which overlooks the hay field, so he can hunt the elusive deer. They have been showing up close to this time. (Makes you wonder if they actually have an alarm clock - ha ha.) My back is not cooperating at all. I am sitting in the sun room taking a needed break. Maybe I will join him later - the ulterior motive is to avoid cleaning up the rest of the dishes.

    Judging from her FB status, our neighbor had the deer ready to field dress and process that same day. IT was a good sized buck, like I said probably the one that went thru the pasture just past legal shooting time.

    I better go see how my other half is doing. No deer have appeared so maybe they are sending out "drones" to spy on the hunters. Bwahahaha. See you all later.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Scratch that, no chipotle's...grrrrr...
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    That's great you got the deer all finished Karen. That was a big job! Hope your back feels better soon. Good the deer that got hit didn't go to waste.
    Oh dear on the one ingredient short Michelle. :(
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    Hello all!
    I've been lurking. Busy busy. New job is going well. Little drama yesterday as now I am in charge of someone who used to be in charge and she isn't making the transition so well lol
    Tonight's dinner was strachia orange ginger chicken stir fry over rice. From Tastefully simple recipe using their glaze.
    Got my hair cut and roots done today. She added a few more highlights in. Only took 2 and a half hours lol. It came out good so it was worth it.

    Rachel tapped the car in front of her with my car stopping at a red light. She was on her way to pick up Becca from work and she just didn't stop in time. The guy got out of the car and there was no damage to either car but she was rattled and crying. Doesn't want me to tell Frank. I said I would rather your first accident be this than one that causes the insurance company to be involved.

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