Wednesday's Walleye

  • chuckieb 9 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! I expected to wake up to clouds and rain but at the moment it is a picture perfect morning out there! :)
    I slept pretty darn great and feel way more like a regular person today! Hallelujah!
    The Book Club Author Visit was a tad dry yesterday afternoon. He was a nice guy but since I'd read his book, his talk didn't have any new information in it. I did grin at a few of the 'terms' he used. "Self regulatory failure", "Task Aversiveness" and "Short term mood repair" just made me giggle. I'll never remember the terms but thought it'd be hilarious to use them the next time I don't feel like cleaning the bathrooms .....I'll just say I'm demonstrating task aversiveness and am instead going to indulge in an ice cream treat which will not only demonstrate self regulatory failure but also provide short term mood repair. LOLOLOL. Anyway....
    NEVER TENDERIZE YOUR MEAT USING KIWI IN THE MARINADE. (IMHO). It totally changes the structure. It's really weird. It makes the meat have a spongy type texture. I'm pleased I tried the recipe
    but I won't make it again. Jim's first comment was "It's too messy". And it was tricky to eat. Picture sliced beef strips, dripping kimchi wrapped up in a lettuce leaf. Maybe we're just not good wrappers? Anyway....I won't bother with that one again. (I put a picture of it in my avatar)
    Not sure what I'm going to make for dinner today. I do have yet another new recipe for "Kung Pao Chicken" that I'm contemplating but I also have some fresh baby potatoes and some beets that are crying out to be used.
    Tina I gave you a comparator of beef prices at the end of the thread yesterday just in case you miss it.
    Ugh Laurie on witnessing the motorcycle accident. That's very scary and totally not pleasant. Hope the guy was okay, even though he was acting like a dork. I actually had a close call on Sunday when Jim and I were out on our bike ride. Scared the pants off me. I was riding in front with Jim behind me so if I turned my head to look for traffic all I could see was Jim. One car passed us and I'd moved off the pavement onto the shoulder of the road but I was worried I was going to hit some loose gravel and fall so I swerved slightly back on to the pavement once the car passed only to have a truck fly by me within two feet. Jim shouted but of course by that time it had all happened. A couple extra feet over and I might have been toast. I know I have to be more careful. :(
    Wishing everyone a really nice Wednesday.
    Pic below is actually my cousin this past week with a Walleye that he caught. Pretty nice looking fish! :) Walleye is probably the favourite fish where my Mom lives in Rainy River. The town holds an annual Walleye Dinner down at the Government Dock and there is a Walleye Fishing Tournament that weekend as well.
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    Good morning everyone!!!
    Wow, we've had a crazy week! We accepted an offer on our house last Friday, all the conditions come off this Friday and we'll be officially sold. The kicker?: We have to be out of our house Aug. 1st!!! We are frantically searching homes that have a quick possession date! We are looking at one this morning that already has a lot of interest, they are receiving an offer this afternoon so my realtor said lets see it in the morning rather then later! We have one other house in mind but the yard is so small we don't want to commit to it yet. Then we have two more houses to see later today and that's about it for choices around here! Yikes! Pete is scared we could be homeless, and with two dogs it's almost impossible to rent anything, so hopefully one of these houses works for us. fingers crossed!
    That is one good looking walleye your cousin caught Janet! Close call on the bike, yikes! Our city here put in some bike lane paths on the side of some roads, but people still drive in them. I've often thought about getting a rear-view mirror on my handle bars for safety, might be a good idea for you too :) That kiwi beef does look good in your avatar, but I can see how hard that would be to eat! It might make a good salad instead, lol, ;) Spongy meat doesn't sound good, did you marinate it too long perhaps?
    I have no idea what's for dinner, I can't remember what I've cooked these past few weeks, but it hasn't been much! I need to do a serious shopping trip so we have some healthy food for the next 3 weeks of living here.
    I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll keep you posted on our house search, take care!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hey Shona! So nice to see you....and Congratulations on the house offer being accepted. I'll cross my fingers for you that the conditions come off without a hitch. Ugh on the Aug. 1st timeline though. That's a tad stressful! Again, fingers crossed for you that the ideal house pops up. Jim also mentioned getting rear view mirrors for my handle bars. I think that's a good idea. I don't think I marinated the beef too long. I've marinated beef just as long before but not had it go spongy. But I've never marinated beef in a marinade that contained kiwi so that's why I was blaming the kiwi. :) How are the kids doing?
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Okay....decided on
    Chicken Lickin Good Pork Chops
    for tonight's dinner. New potatoes on the side. Something else????
  • Good4U 9 years ago said:
    Janet, It is one good sized fish your cousin caught! Walleye (pickerel) is also my favourite fish. YUM! YUM! YUM! Thanks for the update on Laura and Brian:) Wishing them a very happy belated anniversary! I was wondering how Dad is and it is sad to hear he is deteriorating:( I will keep in mind not to marinate kiwi with anything. Even though I am not a big fan of kiwi. A rear view mirror for your bike would be an excellent idea! As a driver, I am always nervous when I see people biking on the road. I have had them fall off and swerve right in front of my car and it always shakes me up terribly!

    Shona, Very good news to hear you have a good solid offer on your house:) Wishing you the very very best of luck finding the perfect house for you SO FAST:) Yikes! Try not to let the short closing time, put too much pressure on you! Maybe you could put everything in a good storage place and stay in a Motel or something like that just in case you can't find the perfect place, so swiftly? SENDING MIRACLE DREAM HOUSE HUNTING TO YOU!

    Karen, I hope Wayne' leg is going to be O.K.? Hairline fractures can be much worse than a break sometimes! I hope your back is feeling much better today as well:)

    Marie, I hope you and Rick have an easier day today!

    Tina, Tina, The last time I picked up 10 lbs of lean ground beef from our butcher, it was way over $50.00, but we find b/c we are a tourist town the prices go way up in the summer and come down in the fall again. That being said they are predicting the price of meat to go up even more! I think the box of beef you are considering buying is a good deal. I hope you did get a good sound sleep last night:)

    Michelle, It sounds like you are having a fabulous time! The Magi Quest game sounds awesome!

    I want dinner to be a little lighter than usual, as I can't have anything after midnight. Maybe I will have quiche or omelet or something? Den can have whatever his heart desires like maybe KD and hotdogs? YUK! ? I need to get the clothes I am supposed to wear ready. In the instructions they gave me, they say to wear a loose buttoned shirt with loose sleeves and I don't really have anything like that! I decided to wear a sleeveless summer dress with buttons down the front and a bolero, which I can take off if they need me too? I hope that will do? LOL I have to wash and iron it as it has been in my closet for eons! It is covered with one of those plastic garment bags, but still. I want to make sure it is all fresh and clean. LOL Den is one of those people who go to appointments way way too early and it drives me crazy! My appointment is for 10:30 AM tomorrow in a special Clinic with plenty of parking and easy access. It takes over hour to get there and he wants to leave before 8:00 AM! LOL I am not leaving here until just before 9:00 AM! LOL That is my story and I am sticking to it:) He is bringing his Kindle to keep him occupied and if he wants to go anywhere they can call him on his cell phone when I am ready. I am getting nervous already!

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Hey Joce! Don't fret over tomorrow's procedure. You'll be right as rain. Kind of amusing how detailed they are over what kind of shirt you should wear. I'm like Den in that I always want to make sure I have plenty of time to get to my appointments. It causes me more stress if it's too close. 8 is a little early to leave though. Even for me. :) Bringing the Kindle will be a very good idea.
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Hello ODD friends! Human pin cushion here....Had to give blood for rheumatology and it took three tries to get five vials of blood.

    Shona!!! Good Lord, girlfriend. I'd be in a total state of panic. Sending you all the good vibes possible that a house is tailor-made for you and will fit your needs. I hear your fear about renting with animals. Good luck!

    Janet, spongy meat is a terrible descriptive. Ewwww. I could see where it would be messy to eat too. I'd have to think it was the work of the kiwi that caused that reaction. Definitely get yourself rearview mirrors for your bike. A close call like that is scary. Thank you for the comparative prices on the meat. Kung Pao sounds delicious.
    Now, I love the fish but I don't think I've ever eaten the fish itself. We tend to buy the local caught fish. But the name walleye sounds familiar.
    I love the terms you picked up from the author. Fred suffers from terminal "task adversiveness" !!!!

    Laurie, how frightening to see that accident. I know everyone tells us to watch for motorcyclists on the road, but sometimes those bikers have to be responsible drivers. Speeding and weaving is never a good idea. Glad there was rapid response for emergency call. I'm so glad you are going to give Joy a thundershirt. Since we have daily storms in FL, I just put on her shirt in the morning and she is good til bed time.

    Dinner is an "I don't know yet". Pot roast was devoured and there are no leftovers, you would think that I never feed Fred!

    Sending good wishes for a wonderful Wednesday to everyone! And get well wishes for those that are 'ailing.'
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Ugh on being a pin cushion Tina. Sounds like your Pot Roast was a big Home Run! :) Did you ever get through to HR?
  • notyourmomma 9 years ago said:
    Left three messages with HR. I've not had a paycheck since 6/23 and my checking account is getting thin. I don't what the delay in the short term disability check (?) is. The pot roast was small. I don't think it was over one lb. for the two of us, and it got smaller after cooking. Thank goodness for the large number of carrots.

    Joce, bless your heart....take a few deep breaths and think calm thoughts. Easier said than done, right? If it will comfort you, Fred and I have to be at the surgery center at 6:00 a.m. We are exactly 13 minutes away door to door. I plan on just getting up early enough to shower, brush teeth, dress and go. Getting some good reads together for my big satchel and an energy bar to carry with me. They have coffee in the waiting room. Now, I applaud your choice of lighter meal this evening. Anything to keep you from getting queasy. Thank you too for the confirmation on the beef prices. It would be nice to have a full freezer at a good price.

    Karen, sending healing thoughts to your hubby. Sorry about your beloved kitty, :( too, it is never easy to have your pet fail, each day is a little bit sadder than the previous one.
    Michelle, that game sounds like fun but it would be the death of me. You ARE the better woman. How was your dinner?

    I'm still on the fence about dinner. Janet, nice decision on the chicken. I know that is a favorite dinner of yours. I'm ready for a nap. (last night was another sleepness night unfortunately)
  • chuckieb 9 years ago said:
    Oh dear on HR not calling you back and the delay in the disability checks Tina. If you don't pop on before you head out tomorrow "Good luck to Fred". Keep us tuned.
    And Joce....same goes for you...."Good luck tomorrow. Try get a decent sleep tonight. Don't fret". Let us know how it all went when you can. Take care.
    My girlfriend that owns the Flower Shop dropped in this afternoon. She was doing a flower delivery out my way so decided to surprise me. Very fun!
    Porkchops are smelling yummy in the crockpot. It's been a pretty laid back day on my end.
  • mommyluvs2cook 9 years ago said:
    Hi everyone! Bri and I just got done getting Mommy and Daughter Pedicures here at the hotel. It was so cute, we got to choose our "foot water?" so Bri's feet smelled like chocolate and mine smelled like strawberries. We got matching pink toes with purple sparkles :)
    Janet so glad you got better sleep last night, I know how that can ruin a day. Too bad the kiwi marinade didn't work out well, but at least you know now, and so do we! Those pork chops look good, a popular one here!
    Shona so good to see you! Great you got your house sold! Hope you fell in love with one of those houses you looked at today! Good luck :)
    Good luck with your surgery tomorrow Joce! Lol at Den wanting to leave 2 1/2 hours early! I think your idea at 9 sounds perfect :)
    Hi Tina, Ouch at all the needle pricks today. I remember when I was trying to get pregnant, and wasn't, I undertook tons of testing and blood taking to figure out what was wrong with me. Went through it for about 2 years. It sucks!! Yes the stair climbing is really getting to me now. We are still doing it between swimming, about 3 times already today about 45 minutes each time. We are almost done, on the LAST quest that we will do after dinner! I feel worse for Michael who carries Caiden up and down the stairs because he's either a pooped little guy, or he's holding up people behind us. Dinner last night was delicious, loved my mushroom pasta!! Michael got the mac n cheese andoulli sausage in it, it was yummy!! Tonight we are going back to the same restaurant, so I may go for what Janet mentioned she would get, the lobster bisque!! Have a lovely evening everyone!!
  • NPMarie 9 years ago said:
    Hi all:)

    Just popping in to say good luck Joce on your eye surgery tomorrow..we'll be thinking of you my dear..

    Tina, I remember Fred is having a procedure (?) ..I forgot when,,sorry:( Good luck to him as well sweetie:)

    I hope everyone else is's been a busy day and I'm kindof pooped:) I'll talk to all of you tomorrow...
  • Cosmicmother 9 years ago said:
    We bought a house!!!!
    Well, an accepted offer anyways! I'm surprised she agreed to the 3 week closing. We were in a bidding war with 6 other people and we won! I never thought we'd get it, but we did! Lol,( I hope buyers remorse doesn't kick in, at least we didn't pay more than asking price.) It's a cute 1947 cottage style 3 storey with a gorgeous English style garden, totally private just like we wanted. The house needs a little love but it has all the mechanical upgrades, just needs some paint and updating inside :)
    Thanks for all the well wishes everyone!
    I'll catch up with ya'll tomorrow!
    Good night, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams to you, Here's a wish that all your sweet dreams come true!

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