Wednesday's Watermelon Toast

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's a chilly one in Ottawa today. 5C/41F with a high forecast for this afternoon of 15C/59F. Jim turned the pellet stove on for me this morning to take the chill off.
    I subscribe to numerous Taiwanese newsfeeds on Facebook and came across an article this morning about this guy in Taiwan that is making watermelon bread to encourage kids to heat in the hot, summer months. The bread is dyed using tea powder, strawberry, bamboo charcoal and food colouring to create the greens, reds and yellows of the watermelon.
    The ‘watermelons’ are then baked in the oven and sold as loaves, or toasted by the slice.
    The Bakery makes around 100 loaves a day, which works out at about 1,500 slices of watermelon toast a day. But, it still can’t keep up with demand.
    If I came across this bread, I'd have to buy a loaf....just because. If anyone is feeling extra creative today here's a recipe:

    More yard work on the agenda today. Have some more trimming of branches to do on some shrubs and some weeding in the flower garden as well. Not sure what to make for dinner this evening but I did come across an appetizer of Joce's the other day that I wouldn't mind trying tonight.

    Wonton Rounds Topped With Mushrooms

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Good morning, Janet!

    I'm not so sure about making watermelon bread, but it is certainly cool looking!

    It is rainy and cool today. The rains are mostly South and North of us, so we will probably be in the middle, iffy zone. Temperatures should be in the 60's. I will transport the kitties for their first round of shots this morning. Such fun. They yowl when crated! It is one hour to the vet's office.

    Time to gather cats together and scoot. See you all later.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi! What a neat idea on the “watermelon” bread Janet! I would have to say no “seeds” though :P That is so crazy, I almost made Wonton Rounds Topped With Mushrooms yesterday but realized I was out of limes!!

    Good luck with kitty shots Karen!

    About to leave to go to Bri's field day today. She is doing 100 yd cone hurdles, 3 legged race, soccer kick, and cat/mouse race. Should be there most of the day so hoping for no rain! Not sure whats for dinner, probably left overs since I have a tone of red beans and rice left. Btw, found the beans AFTER I had already went to the store and bought more...UGH! Have a great day eveyrone!!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Good luck with the Kittens visit to the Vet. We used to have two cats and one of them, Meepy, used to just yowl the entire time he was in the car. It was just pitiful.
    Morning Michelle! LOL that we are thinking about the same appy! GMTA! :) I used to hate Field Day (I think we just called it Sports Day back then) when I was a kid but I was never athletically inclined. Yay on finding the beans. That's always the way! :)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:

    Gonna try that for dinner this evening and break in the Sumac. :)
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Hello, Wow, that is some funky looking bread Janet! Never seen anything like it, must take some skill to do that.
    Good luck with the kittens Karen!
    Go Bri go!
    I finally had a bit of sleep last night after two nights with 2-3 hours only. Jersey seems a little better, she was able to walk a couple feet and the pain is a little more manageable after picking up some better pain killers. The most stressful part is dealing with the dogs owner. We didn't phone animal services, my husband said if we do that than she'll probably not pay us. Now her stories keep changing, she can only pay us every second Friday in increments. Then her texts are long blabbers about how she should only pay half, it was a mutual fight, we are on a private farmers road, use at your own risk...blah blah blah. Her dog was off leash, ours wasn't and her dog charged ahead towards where Jersey was sitting, the lady ran up screaming after her dog. Anyways, I want to phone animal control but all we have is a cell number. And if they phone her than for sure she won't pay our bill, then we'd have to take her to small claims court or sue her?? We'd have to know her full name, etc... Ugh, my husband was hoping to just have her pay and keep quiet, but I don't trust she'll pay plus her dog shouldn't be allowed out anymore, dilemma, dilemma........I'm too stressed to think clearly.
    We haven't been able to eat, Monday night the kids had hot dogs, yesterday Pete brought home some salads and a rotisserie chicken for the kids. My son woke up yesterday with a fever and chills, very sore throat. So I have the injured dog and two sick kids at home. Knock on wood I don't catch it! I really should cook up those chicken thighs in the fridge, thinking a simple Asian glazed chicken and some rice will do. I'll look up some recipes.....
    Have fabulous day everyone! :)
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago said:
    Big Inhale through the nose, exhale, ahhhhhhhh. I phoned animal control, they have a lot to look into. 1) they need to know if that road is part of our town, or if it's in the other county 2) they will look through our town records for dog licenses with that name and description 3) they will try to contact her through her vet (that she told us she went to) if the privacy laws allow it. I gave them her cell number but they won't use that to contact her because I told the officer she (the dog's owner) was going to give us money on Friday. The officer said that's good to stay in contact with her and to try and get as much information on her as we can before they use her cell phone. And to try and get as much money out of her before then too as we don't have her full name and address to sue her civilly. So, hopefully all goes well! I feel a lot better now that I called, my conscious would have eaten me alive. I can't let her dog do this again to someone!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Hi Shona! I'm very relieved to hear that Jersey is a little better and I'm sure she'll continue on the road to recovery. I can't even imagine the stress of dealing with the other dog owner re:bills, small claims court, etc. Sorry to hear both kids are sick as well. Take good care and just take things slow. I read a pin on Pinterest the other day that said "If you're in Hell....keep going". I think that's a good message. Keep going 'til you get out.
    In from mowing the back lawn. Yes, I probably shouldn't have done it, but I think I'm fine. It's like a dust bowl back there though and at one point I thought I was going to cough up a lung which in turn hurt the roof of my mouth. I came in and had a drink of water and felt better. Just finished up.
    Talked to my Mom this morning and she has decided NOT to sell her house. She called the Real Estate agent yesterday. My first reaction is one of relief. It's always comforting knowing my parents house is still there you know what I mean? And I can hear the happiness in her voice with her decision and that makes me happy too. She and my Aunt were heading to the Garden Centre to buy flowers this morning. :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    The kitties have a clean bill of health. That is the GOOD news. The OH-NO! News is that Trouble fought like the dickens and the vet said good luck on trying to ever give her pills. We have another A.C.! She WAS wormed, however, in spite of her flailing paws and yowling nonstop. Mauser was a gentle, kind soul!

    Shona, this lady is certainly trying get away with harboring a viscous dog / not keeping it under control. Regardless of where you were, she has the responsibility to control her pooch. I guess, being a stubborn resident of the "Show Me State" -- I would report her ASAP, money or no money! And suddenly find it necessary to carry a cane or walking stick when walking Jersey. Try to get some rest, meanwhile.

    Janet, it is so funny how differently cats react in a car. Some of our's followed Meepy's example! Others slept through the whole ride.

    Michelle, I have to agree I also hated field day and would rather have written an essay or done extra homework than participate. I wasn't into sports either.

    We have had improvement in senior-junior cat relationships. Mel even lay on my lap while Mauser slept there. He could not tolerate Trouble tapping his tail, though, and left the scene. Last night A.C. Climbed up on Wayne's lap snd ignored the two dozing invaders already napping there. Baby steps. They are not left alone with the new arrivals, however.

    Guys are late for lunch. I best go see what they are doing!
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Janet I pinned the crap out of all the sumac recipes you've been pinning lol! I have only used my sumac on eggs so it's time I venture out :) That chicken recipe looks amazing, let us know how it turns out! Glad your mom decided not to move!

    Happy you got more sleep last night Shona, but bummer on what your going through with this lady! What a PIA! Hope it get's dealt with and you get them money from her, I do not agree with her on only paying half...what a bi*ch!

    We just got done with the first half of field day...we have an hour and a half lunch break then we go back for cat and mouse, whatever that is. It rained on us a little, but luckily went away..I did not want to move to the gym with that many people, it would not have been fun. Got Subway on our way home :)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    SP Shona. Good that you called Animal Services. They are there to help whatever happens. What a horrible thing to have happen.
    Glad the kittens made out well at the Vet Karen and that Mel and A.C. are coming to terms with the new arrivals as well.
    LOL Michelle @ "pinned the crap out of all the sumac recipes". LOLOL. You made me laugh. I'm crossing my fingers the chicken recipe is good but I'm leery. Enjoy your lunch and the rest of the afternoon.
    Jim's grumpy. Must go make him some lunch. Sometimes that helps. :)
  • laurieg 8 years ago said:
    Hey all
    Jamaica tomorrow. Tonight we have to go to a wake for our friends grandmother. She lived til 102 and 1/2. And her sister passed away I think last year at 105.
    Everyone is on their own for dinner.
    We didn't have field day when I was a kid but my kids always hated it too. I don't know why They are athletic and it was mostly games.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    SP Jannet and Shona.
    Sorry for your loss, Laurie. Wow at living to 102!

    All is quiet here. Guys are working on the carriage house. Mel and two little cats are asleep on my lap, I have to hold Trouble's paws or she bats my iPad! They must be tired from the shots.

    Our yard needs mowing, but it has been drizzling all day and Hopefully will dry before too long so we can mow.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    If we don't see you before you head off tomorrow Laurie HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME AND HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND FRANK! :) Is your Mom coming to stay with the girls? Good genes in your friend's family to live to be such ripe old ages!
    Just prepped Joce's appetizers. Making the little wonton crisps was a hoot! :) Almost time for a Hot Tub, cocktail and appy. "Let the Good times Roll". :)
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    I had a huge post re: sumac and egg salad yesterday and pffffft! vanished. Dare I try again.

    Sumac is a smokey lemony taste to me. I like it in scrambled eggs, fish fillets with browned butter is sublime. On chicken breasts rubbed under the skin, on top of deviled eggs.

    re: egg salad, Fred was mayo only with salt and pepper egg salad boring. I added capers, minced onion (nearly onion juice) chopped celery to my sand on rye bread.. Spicy dill pickle on the side.

    Shona, my idiot yard man would come to cut the grass. He did not notify me so I could secure the dogs prior to his opening the gate and instead of bringing in his equipment, he would leave the gate open. Needless to say Charlie and Molly charged for the open gate, he threatened them with a rake and they took off riled up like bats from hell. They went a block or two and ganged up on a little white ball of fluff. They were playing with her like they do with Lola. They pulled her collar off and she got nipped in the shoulder. Her owner chased them off with a broom. We found out immediately where she took Precious. I sent a note with a bouquet of flowers saying, of course we would be responsible. The pup didn't spend the night at vet, needed no stitches.. Her vet bill was 208.00 and we bought a new collar since her pink one got ruined. Mr. Precious sent a letter indicating he notified animal control and they sent me a letter asking for the vaccination dates on my dog and explain the circumstances. I sent the dogs tag numbers and explained that the yard man has been a threatening menace to my dogs forever and very careless. We fired the yard guy. Mr and Mrs Precious were satisfied we paid vet cost immediately and the flowers pacified her extreme stress and duress at the skirmish.

    My two dogs fighting with each other over a pizza crust in Fred's lap was far more bloody and injurious to the dog and to me.

    Watching hockey, biting my nails. What is a hat trick? I don't trust Olivia's explanations anymore.

    White bbq sauce did not please the kid. She pulled out the A-1 to douse her grilled chicken. I'll be skinning the rest and pulling the thigh meat for wraps. She douses them with crystal hot sauce, chopped lettuce, chopped cukes and blue cheese crumbles; Roll and go.

    Bon Voyage, Laurie. LOL @ Spanx.

    Hooray on the detente in kitty wars. Yikes on a new AC temprement. Happy they are in good health.

    I will try to get pictures tomorrow of the new living room. I sat in there today and kept the shoving and voicing my dogs sternly off the furniture. This will take some doing to retrain them from the couch.

    Hockey tied. Wish I had a glass of sangria.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Bolts win in OT!!! 6-5. I can hobble to bed now.

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