Hungarian Linzerteig Cookies 150 years old
From hopscotch 14 years agoIngredients
- 10 cups of flour shopping list
- 2 1/4 lbs. of soft butter (not melted) shopping list
- 2 lemon rinds zest grated shopping list
- 16 egg yolks only shopping list
- 3 cups sugar shopping list
- Recipe can be doubled for big batches: shopping list
- 20 cups flour shopping list
- 4 1/2 lb. butter shopping list
- 5 lemon rinds zest grated shopping list
- 30 egg yolks shopping list
- 6 cups sugar shopping list
How to make it
- Mix all ingredients in a big bowl, I use my pastry cutter (as though I were making pie crust).
- If your Cuisinart can handle a large amount use it.
- Mix until ingredients are blended and mixture can be molded in your hand.
- Divide mass into 3 large thick disks of dough, wrap each in saran wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours to 2 days.
- When ready to bake cookies, dust counter surface with flour and place one of the dough disks on flour and roll out with floured rolling pin to 1/4 to 1/3 inch thick.
- Cut with cookie cutters, brush top with beaten egg white wash (Egg White Wash is the white of an egg beaten with 1/2 teaspoon of water till mixed).
- Use a pastry brush or an European goose brush (made for this use) and sprinkle well with ground walnuts mixed with sugar.
- Place on a greased cookie sheet.
- Cookies can also be decorated with green or red sugar, multi sprinkles, etc. Just use the egg white wash to make them stick. Do not use whole nuts, they will burn.
- You can also roll out dough to fit in a greased baking pan, spread thick rasberry jam or apricot Lekvar over the cookie dough, and cut thin serrated strips of more dough to make a lattice design on top of the jam.
- Brush with egg white to give nice gloss.
- When the cookie dough is baked, the sheet of latticed Linzerteig is cut into 2 inch x 2 inch squares.
- Bake in a moderate oven. About 325 degrees. The time depends on how thick the dough is rolled out and what kind of pan you are using. Try 10 min. Do not let them burn, light tan is okay.
- These cookies can be stored in a cool place or freezer.
People Who Like This Dish 7
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- mjcmcook Beach City, CA
- jlv1023 Ansonia, Connecticut
- clbacon Birmingham, AL
- jeffsgirl Medford, OR
- hopscotch CA
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