
How to make it

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    " It was excellent "
    lura ate it and said...
    mmm...mmm...I love this. I have been looking for a macaroon recipe. Thanks so much. It's good that you are not near. I would taste testing all the time and be fat as a little squealer! lol...
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  • crystalwaters 16 years ago
    Aaack! Good point, Winkaway! I'll edit the directions immediately ... thanx for bringing to my attention!
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  • winkaway 16 years ago

    After reading your directions, I'm confused.
    When is the three cups of coconut added?

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  • shecooks4u 16 years ago
    Simple but very good! I can think of a million variations...maybe dried pineapples chopped up?
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  • hooch 16 years ago
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    " It was excellent "
    angelgal ate it and said...
    This would be like eating a Mounds candy bar!! YUM!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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