
How to make it

  • Put all the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix them together well. Now add the Milk and mix to a fairly soft dough.
  • Put the mixture into a greased 2 pint (1.2 litre) pudding basin and cover with kitchen foil, making a pleat across the centre to allow the pudding to rise. Tie the foil firmly in place with string, forming a handle across the top so that you can lift the pudding easily.
  • Bring a large pan of water to the boil and place an inverted saucer in the bottom. Lower in the pudding basin and let it boil, covered, for 2 hours, filling the pan with more boling water as the level falls.
  • Remove from the pan by the string handle, unwrap, turn out on to a heated dish and serve with custard sauce.
  • Serves 4.
  • Based on the Spotted Dick Recipe in:
  • British Cooking
  • by Caroline Conran (Treasure Press 1978).

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  • dond 15 years ago
    I have a theory about the origin of the word "Dick" -- like so many words in English, and particularly in Early English, the word may have come from a German, or even a Dutch, word. In German (and I think in Dutch as well), "dick" simply means "thick" or "fat." For example, in Germany, Laurel and Hardy are known as "Dick und Doof," which translates to "Fat and Stupid." So Spotted Dick, might simply mean Spotted Fat (which makes a bit of sense, insofar as the major ingredient in Spotted Dick is suet, a form of animal fat). Just a notion -- I can't prove it.
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  • sunflower48386 15 years ago
    lol. to funny
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  • notyourmomma 16 years ago
    Merlin! Wikipedia said the name come out as a combination of slang for the raisin as "spotted" and pure laziness instead of saying pudding, the -(ding) part became dick. Suet can be found in the refrigerated section next to bacon products at some of our southern grocers.
    Now, all you need to serve is "bubble and squeak" and "toad in a hole" with some stout or ale and you should be in a proper Brit mood. Toodles, Notcho
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  • merlin 16 years ago
    I'm not a pudding guy. And I'm not sure how when obtains suet. But I've gotta find, or fabricate, a good excuse to serve Spotted Dick. I wonder if it was named after an English lord who had a diseased......well, never mind.
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