How To Make Citrus Bitters
From noir 16 years agoIngredients
- Zest of two sour orange (naranga agria) shopping list
- 4 Tablespoons 151-proof rum, or high-proof spirit of choice shopping list
How to make it
- Macerate zest and spices in liquor for a week, covered in the refrigerator. Strain into small jar.
- Add a two tablespoons pure water to dilute.
- Keep in fridge.
- Use in cocktails, recipes, etc.
People Who Like This Dish 5
- jenniferbyrdez Kenner, LA
- elgab89 Toronto, CA
- smooch America
- shuga United States
- pink USA
- greekgirrrl Long Island, NY
- noir Boston, MA
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The Rating
Reviewed by 6 people-
151 proof rom! Yeay! I am making this!
elgab89 in Toronto loved it
Love this. Where do I get sour oranges? The one's that grow here are sweeter than any orange I ever tasted from Fla.
jenniferbyrdez in kenner loved it
I haftahavit! *wink*
pink in USA loved it
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