
How to make it

  • Mix together flour, butter, salt and sugar.
  • Add enough red wine to make a stiff but workable dough.
  • Form dough into a ball.
  • Set aside for 1 hour.
  • Roll dough to a 1/8" thickness.
  • Cut into 5" squares.
  • Lay cannoli tube across the corners of the squares.
  • Fold other corners around the form.
  • Press dough to seal around form.
  • Fry in 375 degree deep fat, one at a time.
  • Remove from fat when golden.
  • Cool.
  • Remove shells from forms VERY CAREFULLY.
  • Cool shells completely prior to filling.
  • Cream the ricotta and rum until smooth.
  • Add sugar and chocolate (if using).
  • Blend together well.
  • Fill cannoli shells with filling using a pastry bag.
  • Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar
  • **Shells are best left UNfilled until immediately before serving.

Reviews & Comments 17

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  • lacrenshaw 15 years ago
    Very tasty, tom! Enjoy ~ ~ ~
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    " It was excellent "
    tomkitten ate it and said...
    My all-time favorite desert! Thanks for a great post!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    lori4flavor just told me that the addition of the wine to the cannoli shells is what makes the "bubbles" in the crusts. It's amazing how smart you can get on this site!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    She shoots! She SCORES! I'm batting a pretty good percentage with you, lori and I'm lovin' it. I never knew what that wine did and thanks for passing that tidbit along. I love the stuff you can learn on this site. Thanks for your 5 and enjoy!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    These will definitely be as good as, or better than the NY cannoli, Lori! It probably would have been OK to have fallen in love with the cannoli AND your friend.. Please be careful when you make these. I've been burned by the tubes so many times! Everyone needs an "authentic" recipe now and then. Thanks for your kind comments, Lori.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    lori4flavor ate it and said...
    Cannoli, is my absolute favorite dessert! I prefer the cake over the stuffed shells, but I would never pass one up! I have made a similar filling, with the addition of citron. Oh, and recently I learned that the red wine is what makes the bubbles in the shells. Outstanding authentic recipe! ^5
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    lasaf ate it and said...
    Wow. For some reason you can't get cannoli in Minnesota. Good, bad, or ugly. A friend brought some home from New York and I fell in love. (With the cannoli). Now I am going to have to make them myself. Thanks for an authentic recipe.-Lori
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    God is STILL blessing Aunt Josie for making these, krum! They truly are the "real-est" deal that a San Felice/Frederici could come up with, I'm sure. The shells are a bear to make but worth the effort. My sister tried using crepes and rolling them at one point, but they truly weren't the same at all. If worse come to worst I'd just use the bought shells from a good Italian market-type store. Enjoy them if you try 'em, krum. They are delightful!
    Today is GO EAGLES and STEELERS day!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • krumkake 16 years ago
    Wow, glad I stumbled upon this one, la...and God bless your Aunt Josie for this recipe! That looks like the real deal to me - absolutely love cannoli...gotta try this one (though I don't have the shell holder - I like Juels idea though!!)...thanks, la - this one is priceless ~
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    As authentic as a Frederici/SanFelice could ever make them! I have never made the shells without sustaining a burn, but they are worth the effort and "danger". I am one of the few people in the known universe who doesn't care for citron. I use it, but do not eat it. Actually, pie, I do prefer these with the grated chocolate and was perhaps a tad lazy when I typed this up to submit. I always feel that the chocolate chips are "disturbing" in the finished product. Thanks for the compliment on the photo; however, the credit goes to Google images. Thanks for the 5, pieplate.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    pieplate ate it and said...
    The shells do look like bastards--they must be authentic! This looks excellent. I've tasted the filling with a little minced citron in it--have you had it that way?--and with the chocolate grated so that it blends more with the filling. Looks excellent, though. Marvelous photos, too.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    The shells are the hardest part, lissa. Be careful. I burned myself really badly on those tubes/forms. Of course, there's always the store-bought shells that they have around here but that would never really be good enough for Aunt Josie's filling! Thanks for the 5.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    lissaloo2 ate it and said...
    yum these look and sound so good, I can't wait to try them!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    Only an Italian would think of adding wine to a sweet dough! Thanks for the 5, Julia.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    juels ate it and said...
    Wow, these sound luscious! Definitely saving this recipe to try out! Wine sounds like an interesting addition to the dough.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lacrenshaw 16 years ago
    Would you settle for an east coast dinner time serice instead, tink. Thanks for the five and if you try them, let me know what you think.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    minitindel ate it and said...
    now this sounds very good right now why dont you run in your kitchen and whip us up a batch for lunch yummmmmm


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