How to make it

  • Heat milk and heavy cream in a large pot on the stove top. (You will be heating this until almost boiling.)
  • While heating the milk mixture, separate the egg yolks from the whites.
  • Put the yolks in one bowl and the whites in another bowl.
  • Beat the sugar into the yolks.
  • When the milk is almost boiling, stir *some* of the milk very slowly into the yolk/sugar mixture. This will heat up (cook) the eggs very slowly without hard cooking them.
  • Go ahead and put this mixture in your hot milk. (Now off of the burner.)
  • Beat the egg whites until very stiff.
  • Put some of the hot milk mixture very slowly into the egg whites and stir. When mixed throroughly, you can go ahead and add this mixture to the hot milk/egg yolk/sugar mixture.
  • Sprinkle some nutmeg on top.

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