
How to make it

  • This is the only way I could present this but I did want them on one recipe.

Reviews & Comments 6

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    " It was excellent "
    tuilelaith ate it and said...
    These all look great. I have been searching the web for some of these for awhile and here they were right under my nose!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    peetabear ate it and said...
    wonderful and very helpful Nellie said there is a lot of foreign ingredients in our foods that don't have to be if we make our own... thank you and five forks
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    valinkenmore ate it and said...
    Wonderful recipes and so easy. Thanks for the great post! High 5
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    shine ate it and said...
    Oops... forgot to say one of my favorite combinations of some of these ingredients is Mayo, mustard, and pickle relish. Also known as "goop" -- I love it on burgers, and I have this horrible propensity to smother my french fries in it ;-)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    shine ate it and said...
    here's the five: I make my own mayonnaise and ketchup; the rest I cannot attest to -- but your recipes for the Mayo and ketchup are very close to what I use!

    Fun with your kids: use cold pressed grapeseed oil instead of the canola oil; makes a mayonnaise that is a lovely shade of green! My daughter loves it! Also -- a food processor works great for the Mayo.

    Shine on!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    sitbynellie ate it and said...
    These look great! Especially the homemade ketchup. I can't eat the bought stuff because of all the rubbish they put in it. I am definitely going to try this. Thanks a lot!!
    Nellie (Susan)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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