Carrot Juice

  • organicmama 16 years ago
    Fresh carrot juice made with Organic Carrots!
    This is a must.
  • trackwidow 16 years ago said:
    Bring me some, I'm thirsty.
  • thepiggs 16 years ago said:
    I used to get a bottle of fresh juice when I went to the health food store.
    They also had beet juice, which also had carrot juice in it and was good, but had to be an acquired taste.
    Both are healty and good for you!

  • trackwidow 16 years ago said:
    I would love both. I am a big veggie eater. Never had straight carrot juice though, I bet it's yummy.
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    Carrot juice is not really wonderful, but as far as fighting the big C, it is very important. You have to have a good juicer too. It should be made fresh each day.
  • linebb956 16 years ago said:
    I have a jucier.. but only use it in the winter here... Produce is to expensive and not top quality in summer months.
    I use carrots, cucumbers, oranges, pineapple, apples sometimes beet ... have to add lots of fruit to get kids to drink it... started out to late with them..
    I have some recipes somewhere that I got off net... will look for them tomorrow...
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    Line, can't wait to see your recipes....
  • linebb956 16 years ago said:
    Me either... if I could get them to post!
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    Line couldn't get these to post, so she sent them to me...

    After having the flu or a bad cold.. or ear infection .. I use this... I think it works.. I make it once a week ...

    Lymphatic lift

    Serving: About 6 ounces1/2 Medium fresh beetroot1 apple1 pear2 small carrots2 sticks celeryThis juicer recipe was contributed by Penny - a Happy Juicer reader who has used this recipe to successfully treat her Lymphoedema. Lymph is a clear fluid found in the tissues that normally flows back into the blood circulation system through the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes help to filter and remove waste matter and bacteria from our tissues and so contribute to the successful functioning of the immune system.

    Lympoedema is a condition caused by the damage or incorrect functioning of the vessels in the lymphatic system and results in blockages and fluid build up in the affected tissues. This can result in swelling of the affected tissues (oedema means swelling).

    Penny could not walk due to one of her feet being distorted by the amount of fluid build up in her foot and leg. Since researching the nutritional properties of fruits and vegetables and juicing, and then devising this juice recipe that she drinks every day Penny is now able to wear shoes and walk again. Many thanks to Penny for sharing her recipe with us.

    Penny stresses the importance of using raw fresh beetroot as the pickled or cooked forms does not have
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    City water is a no no.
    Chlorine is not good to put in or on your body.
    Here is one site you can check out some info on it, there are many others.
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    I don't want to get any lips for these. I just report what I know about...
    Artificial Sweetners and Ibuprofen are both no no's.
  • dixiejet 16 years ago said:
    The BEST you can get is a Champion. It's awesome. I had one with my hubby and it'll juice NAILS...that is,should you ever wanna JUICE nails...... ;o) *smile*
    You can get one for a VERY reasonable price on eBay .
  • dixiejet 16 years ago said:
    one apple mixed in with the carrot juice makes it really delish....
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    I also put in some fresh pineapple in the carrot juice to change it up a little.
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    Fresh juice is one of the most nutritious and easily-digestable way to get your daily intake of vegetables and fruits. Even if your diet is already rich in fruits and vegetables, digesting a meal can take hours. When you juice, those vitamins and nutrients can be in your blood and delivered to your vital organs and cells in a matter of minutes.
    Drink your juice right away. After juicing the nutrients begin to lose their power.
    Be sure to "chew" your juice—swirl it around in your mouth to activate the digestive enzymes in your saliva. Enjoy!
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    Cranberry juice is a powerful healing tonic, filled with quinine which changes to hippuric acid in the liver. Hippuric acid is able to assist in the removal of purines, uric acid, urea and toxic build-up in the prostate gland, testicles, kidneys and bladder. An excellent preventative juice for North American men who are battling the increased risk of prostate cancer. It is a wonderful defense against yeast infections for women. Cut apples into wedges, seeds and all.
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    Immunity Booster Drink

    3 carrots
    1 celery stalk
    1 apple cored but not peeled
    1/2 beet leave green on
    1 T. wheatgrass
    1 T. parsley optional, makes flavor different

    Put these things thru your juicer and drink right away.
  • organicmama 16 years ago said:
    Energizng Drink

    3 oranges, peeled
    2 pear, pears should be firm, seeded but not peeled
    1 small sweet potato or yam, cleaned

    Put all through juicer and serve right away.

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