Love cream cheese

  • wynnebaer 15 years ago
    Whether it's on a bagel, in a cheesecake, used for making a dip, or used to make creamed spinach, cream cheese is so versatile in it's uses.....Please share your recipes that include cream cheese
  • justjakesmom 15 years ago said:
    Well you knew I would bite on this! I think half of my dishes have cream cheese in 'em! Great idea for a group, Wynne.
  • mrtnzangel8 15 years ago said:
    It's about time someone made this group! ;-P

    Cream cheese....mmmmmmmm.........

    I love cream cheese...really, really, really love cream cheese.
  • mrtnzangel8 15 years ago said:
    Did I mention I love cream cheese?
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    Welcome.....Happy to see you all here.....I too love cream cheese....:)
  • peetabear 15 years ago said:
    mascarpone... too oh yeah... this will be a great group..
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    Whoopie!! Cream cheese,love it.......
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    Welcome Pat and Peeta....:)
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    HaHa! Just was thinking about a bagel with cream cheese and olives and how good that would taste about now.......yum. Perfect creamy vehicle to add flavor to toasty bread. And the cheese cakes.....and lemon cream cheese tarts......roasted vidalia onion dips....stuffed in shells with sausage.....Oh. my....the recipes are endless.
  • sparow64 15 years ago said: took the words right outta my mouth!
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    Isn't that a meatloaf song?....TeeHee
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    Hmmm, meatloaf stuffed with cream cheese ? Don't laugh, iIt could happen!! in a kitchen near you soon. Whaddya think about chipotle cream cheese filled meat loaf topped with cilantro cumin cream sauce? I dunno, sound good to you?
  • justjakesmom 15 years ago said:
    Actually, that DOES sound good, NYM! Why don't you whip that up soon? Personally cream cheese stuffed anything has to be good!
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    Oh yeah, Baby.....Only you TIna...:)
  • lovebreezy 15 years ago said:
    I've been meaning to check out the cheese groups and intended to include neufencreamcapone in my search -- thanks for making this part easy.

    So now I have wonderful & creamy Velveeta and NeufenCreamCapone covered. Maybe I'll stop now and not worry about any of those (snooty) other so-called real cheeses. (-:
  • notyourmomma 15 years ago said:
    I was just going to say do ya'll like the neufechatel? I find it "tart" in taste or did I just have a bar that was a bit past it's prime? I like creamy and not so tangy in my cream cheese.....the creamcapone part is my favorite. Now, I'll have to experiment on that meatloaf stuffing. A very sneaky part of me was thinking olive cream cheese would be neat, but Fred would hate that as much as he dislikes spicy. I might have to come up with a "milder" version for his palate.
  • justjakesmom 15 years ago said:
    I don't mind the neufchatel, but they are not all created equal. The Philly light (which IS neufchatel) is good, but Albertson's brand not so much. You get what you pay for, I guess.
    It's a shame Fred doesn't like spicy - boy, I would be in a world of hurt if Brad didn't - everything I cook seems to be spicy - LOL
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    I love it all.....

    NYM....My mom used to eat cream cheese and olive sandwiches and loved them.....Never did grow on me though, not a big olive fan
  • justjakesmom 15 years ago said:
    When I was a kid, I would eat cream cheese and grape jelly sandwiches - I had totally forgotten that! Mmmm they were good!
  • sparow64 15 years ago said:
    Cream cheese and olive sandwiches have been a fave of mine my whole life. On white bread, with mayo. My Mom used to eat them when she was a young woman first working at Woolworth's in dowtown Knoxville, right out of high school. One of the lunch countesr downtown served cream cheese and olive sandwiches on rasin toast! OMG...never wanted to try the rasin toast with the olive, I LOVE cream cheese and olive sandwiches. Still a treat. Someone would see me eating one when I was expecting either of the kids, and think I was having a weird craving...LOL

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